The Great 2015 Return

Hello everyone.

I’d like to personally thank everyone that has not given up on my page even though I have been M.I.A. for the past (almost) month.

I’ve finished my challenge (I’ll post about it later), and didn’t win. But by the end of the challenge, my motivation was not to win, but simply to defeat my bad relationship with food, to build strength, to learn to love who I am, and to feel good both physically and mentally. I can proudly say I succeeded in those things. So was the challenge really a waste? Absolutely not.

I then finished the school year, was depressed that I wouldn’t be with my students for 2 weeks (yeah, I know… I’m the teacher that calls my students my kids), went to New Brunswick for 2 weeks to visit my family, had an awesome time while I was there, and came back to a computer that needed to be fixed.

It was a teacher’s nightmare. The older Mac versions no longer would support our grading system, meaning I had no access to my grades, no access to report card comments (due at the end of this month), no access to what assignments my students are missing or anything. Everything was unaccessible. AHHH!

Thankfully, we have some highly educated tech teachers at our school that took my computer, wiped it clean, installed the updates, and gave it back. The problem with that was that it took 4 days. My cord was also falling apart (older computer) and so he took that to repair it as well. That took almost a week to get back.

Even now, that I have my computer back, it has twice shown me signs (in two days) that my whole hardware may be crashing. Not a good sign. However, I have everything backed up, and the principal has been warned that I may need a new one. It definitely would be nice to have a new computer, but inconvenient at report card time. Pray for me!

So long story short, I’ve been without a computer for a very long time. But I’m back! So here’s to more posts in a new year.

Talk again soon!

Week 10 Day 5

This morning, I absolutely did not want to get out of bed. I don’t know what’s going on. Maybe it’s the dread I have for parent-teacher interviews this evening. No matter what, I always get nervous. But either way, they must be done!

The work day was short, and even further shortened by the fact we had our Student Association speeches and elections today. It went very well, and I believe the students selected very good representatives for our school.

After the students left, instead of going out to lunch with my colleagues, I stayed at the school to prepare. Preparing for parent-teacher interviews is not easy. You have to re-read your comments, review the student’s work, select examples of student work to show, etc. I also like to have pen and paper ready to go in order to write down notes of what we talk about and suggestions that were made.

When it finally came time for parent-teacher interviews to start, I felt better but as always, like I couldn’t be prepared enough. Either way, the 13 interviews I had scheduled all in a row began. I was surprised how well the parents accepted some hard information, and how willing they were to work as a team on their students. As any teacher reading this will know, it’s a very relieving feeling to know that you can work as a team with parents and that you can support each other for the betterment of the students; something I appreciate so much!

It was a long evening, and I didn’t end up leaving the school until after 8:00 pm. I also hadn’t eaten much as I didn’t have any breaks since 2:00 pm when the meetings started. When I came home and ate, the carbs hit my system and I started fighting to stay awake. I didn’t want to take naps anymore as they always seem to make me feel worse instead of better. But when I’m sitting and trying to talk to my husband, yet my eyes keep shutting on me, I know I might even fall asleep on the 2 minute drive to the gym, and who knows if I might fall asleep at the gym? It hasn’t happened before, but it may.

So, we took a nap. But when the alarm went off, my husband looked at me and said he was too tired to get up. I can’t drive his truck and my car is still not running. So unfortunately, this meant no workout. But on the other hand, I got extra sleep. I will be playing catch-up with my workouts, but I can do that. My husband’s health is equally as important as mine and so I wasn’t going to argue, though I felt like it. I know love is not just said, but must be shown, and I’m not always good at that part. But tonight, my husband slept and I will definitely catch-up in the gym when he’s awake and ready to go!

Week 9 Day 1: Had Some Fun

Today was a pretty awesome day.

First of all we slept in. I love sleep. If someone had only been able to convince me at a young age how much I’d value sleep later on, I think I would have slept more.

Then we got up and went to the Canadian Finals Rodeo: Championship Sunday. This was so much fun! Going through the Expo, watching all the finalists; it was a blast! I’ve loved horses for as long as I can remember, and my husband and I really seem to have picked up the rodeo circuit. We absolutely love it!

After the rodeo, we went to one of our favourite restaurants, Azucar Picante that has traditional Peruvian food. Now here’s a funny story. The ONLY South American country I’ve been to is Peru. I went on a mission trip with my church’s youth group, TYMES, during my grade 12 year. My husband’s uncle married a Peruvian woman and so his cousins are familiar with only Peru as well. Small and strange, but a definite connection here!

As always, the food was great! I was able to get a shredded chicken, rice, potato, and some delicious sauce dish that was amazing. I can finally eat soft food! But I did try something crunchy earlier and winced in pain. So no hard foods yet.

Following the restaurant, we came home and took a nap.

After the nap, we got up and went to the gym. Today’s workout was a three circuit workout of mainly shoulders mixed with some abs. Oh boy. Did I have fun playing with poses and the lighting at the gym. I have not felt like I’ve been losing much fat lately, but seeing how some of my muscles were popping out tonight, that encouraged me a little bit. At least changes are happening!

Now I’m home, working on grading again. Of course, taking an intermission to write this blog. I’m going to work much harder to stay on top of these daily posts. Thank you guys for your support this whole time! Life is a journey with many ups and downs, but it has been and always will be my focus to stay on the happier side! Night everyone!

Week 6 Day 4

I finally got it last night on the treadmill. I finally thought up a few examples that really showed me things that were very difficult to forgive, but I have forgiven. As I reviewed my list, I realized these things hurt me more than they have ever made me angry. I narrowed my list to four things as I only wanted to summarize yesterday’s topic before presenting what I had prepared for today. My list consisted of the following: My father did not attend my high school nor my university graduations, my sister almost died due to the doctor’s mistake of putting latex elastics (of which she’s allergic to) in her mouth following jaw surgery causing her to near death, my friends burned down my family’s camp in a drunken stupor one Halloween night which contained years of memories that will never be replaced since my family was in the middle of renewing the insurance, and finally, the one that is still able to make me cry at any moment, is the fact that my grandfather died when an impatient driver went to pass a semi-truck and ran head into my grandparents’ vehicle coming in the opposite direction. Four extremely difficult situations I had to go through.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that yes, these things cause me sadness, but I don’t hold grudges against the people who were guilty. And here is what I figured out:

1. My life philosophy: Hate what the person did, but don’t hate the person. The truth of the matter is, if sin did not exist, the person would not have done what they did. God did not design us to be this way, but we all sin because of the fall in the Garden of Eden. When Jesus returns, sin will no longer exist. Therefore, just as we reflect on ourselves being sinful, hate the sin but not the person.

2. Allowing someone to suffer what we choose to be consequences for what they’ve done is a method of passing judgement. We are not the ultimate judge. Yes, Earth has judges for major sins that are here so that hopefully less sin will be created, but who are we to gossip about those who have made mistakes against us? We cannot claim to be the judge that God is, and thus should not carry out such punishments.

3. I thought of the story in John 8 where the people brought forth the prostitute expecting Jesus to agree that she should be stoned. However, Jesus responded in a way they didn’t expect, and that was that whoever had not sinned should be the first to cast a stone. Yet, nobody could because everyone had sinned. In this same way, how are we to again, punish others in such a way yet expect forgiveness for when we do something?

4. In a way, Jesus became the person you are upset at. Jesus did not just die for one person’s sins, He died for ALL of humanity’s sins. Think about that. In order to truly die on the cross for us, He had to essentially become all the bad things that we are. He became the bad in all of us. And I thought if I were to see the face of Jesus in the person I’m upset at, would I really be able to stay upset? This is a hard one to think of…

With that being said, I quickly summarized and prayed that those ideas would stick for anyone having difficulties with forgiveness. I then proceeded to continue with my topic for today.

Today’s School Spirit Week day was Tacky Day. Quite frankly, I hate this day. I don’t find “fun” in dressing tacky. But I do it to support my students. So tacky it was. When trying to think of a topic associated with dressing tacky, it quite easily came to me that the topic should be on how life can get messy. And I had a great personal story about this that I was given permission to share, and that was on my step-sister, Natalie.

Natalie was a child with a free spirit that did not easily get along with my dad. Quite understandably, it is hard for a man to come into your life that in a way seems to be taking place of your dad. I can completely relate to that. But she was encouraged by her true father to move out early. She moved out with her boyfriend at the young age of 15. She then proceeded to get involved with drugs which eventually led to many (I believe up to 15) times of being in and out of rehab. Then, the fearful happened. She became pregnant.

During her pregnancy, she seemed to come clean. She moved back in with her mom and my dad, and although there were still some arguments between my dad and her, she seemed to be doing alright. Several months later, twin boys emerged. They were premature, but healthy. I sing my praises to God that those boys were and still are healthy. So many things could have happened. But as they were now born and she fed from a bottle, it was becoming noticeable that she drank.

One Christmas break, my sister and I were at our dad’s, and our step-mom noticed she was getting an alcoholic drink. And so, my step-mom locked up the alcohol in her bedroom. What came next, none of us were prepared for. She went ballistic. She was pounding on the door, screaming that it was unfair, that they should allow her to drink, and finally that she was going to get her babies and they were going to leave. This got so out of hand that it got to the point, the almost unbearable point for my step-mom, that the babies were in danger and the police needed to be called. Keep in mind, my poor dad is running three things at the same time: apologizing and trying to lighten the mood for my sister and I, trying to console and counsel my step-mom, and keeping my step-sister and her babies in the house while keeping unwanted people out.

When the police came, they gave her the option of going upstairs to say good-bye to her babies. She fought and fought them until they eventually and literally dragged her out of the house. If only I could share with you the nightmare. I have never heard someone scream and yell like I heard her scream and yell that night. If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought she was being stabbed to death. The awful things she was yelling at her mother would definitely be carried for a long time. That’s when I really knew what addictions could do.

She was released the next day, and I expected that when she called, she would at least ask how her babies were. But do you want to know the ONLY question she asked? When her mom could come get her and take her to get her Methodone shot. No joke. I was in shock. To care about a drug replacement shot to help with her previous addictions over the care of her own children.

Later, she did move out into her own apartment with her children, but by that Friday, my dad and step-mom had the boys over for a sleep-over that they would never return from. She was not using her finances for the true care of her children but rather to feed her addictions, and so learned that she could live on her own again while visiting her children as they were kept at my dad’s.

As much as I’d like to say that she got the help she needed, I can’t. I can remember a conversation we had late one night where she was telling me that the worst thing for her was realizing that she had no dreams left. She used to want to be an actress, to be all of these big things in her life. But she realized that her addictions have drained all of these hopes, all of these goals and dreams out of her, and she had nothing left. Perhaps this was one of the most painful realizations for her. Because one night, in winter, I received a phone call from my dad. His voice was shaky, and he sounded as if he was ready to cry. As much as Natalie and him fought, she was still a huge part of his life as his step-daughter. And I believe this is what made it so difficult that the police had shown up on their doorstep the night before asking them to come and confirm the identification of the body they had found under a bridge. Upon investigation, they had come to believe that she had jumped off the bridge as there was only one set of footprints in the snow that led to the railing and thus leading to the body below. What a hard thing to accept. After years and years of drug abuse, of alcohol abuse, and of accepting that you have nothing left to live for in life, I can only imagine the pain she must have been in. She knew that rehab wouldn’t help because it hadn’t in the past. She couldn’t seem to escape the relationship abuses from men, the fact that she couldn’t find the help she needed nor the inability to escape the addictions that had control over her. This was nothing short of terrible.

Of course, the following fear came that child services would take the boys away. But my dad and step-mother fought for custody of the boys and thankfully were awarded it. And to this day, they are doing the best they can while parenting as grandparents. They boys are doing so well, I’m happy to report. But one day, and my father has talked to me about this, he knows the boys will ask where their mother is, and why they don’t have one like all of the other kids. And he fears that conversation. He fears revisiting and telling them that their father has never wanted anything to do with them and that their mother was so involved with such horrible things that she couldn’t take care of them and eventually couldn’t even take care of herself. What a hard conversation to have with children. I can’t even imagine.

I asked the other teachers and staff to think about the children we have difficulties with, to think of the things we don’t know about in their home lives, the burdens they carry to school each day. Because sometimes, it only takes one family member to make life messy for everyone else. And when especially dealing with children, those background messes need to be considered.

I had to rush through this worship a little as you can probably imagine as it got a little long. But I left people crying and with deep thoughts. Because the truth is, sometimes life sucks. Life can be unfair. The devil is at work so much in our lives, trying to tear us away from our Father who loves us, and unfortunately he uses things like drugs and alcohol that have a way of hooking us and can be very difficult to get away from. Things like drugs and alcohol have a way of consuming people and making the gift of life that God has given us seem pointless. And unfortunately, I see the devil in much of Natalie’s life, laughing and smiling at her misery. And yet in the same scene, I see tears running down Jesus’ face as He watches the destruction of His daughter, the one He loves more than anything. It’s a sad scene, not an easy one to grasp and still not the easiest one to talk about. But as my father said, it’s important to use these stories to help prevent others from making the same mistakes and if this story will help someone, then it is worth talking about.

I didn’t workout today as it was a rest day, but I do hope that you reflect on this, especially if you or someone you know is suffering with addictions. Addictions are something so incredibly unfortunate and cause so much pain to everyone. Take intervention now. Pray that the God of healing, the God that has already defeated all evil in this world will help you overcome. Because there is no power greater than God’s.

Week 2 Day 7

I woke up today feeling so much better. I slept in, and didn’t even bother starting to eat until noon. I could still feel the negative effects of eating so much sugar last night, just not quite as uncomfortably full.

I had my meals way more in check today and felt so much better. I made it back to the gym and finished my workout from the day before with much better energy and also completed 25 minutes of cardio on the stationary bike.

My husband and I decided to have a date night. We decided to go to a movie. As usual, we got a #1 combo that comes with a pop choice (we got diet coke), popcorn (no butter), and two candy choices: peanut butter M&Ms for my husband, and a fat free candy that I could have some of.

Now I know diet coke is not the greatest choice. I am against aspartame. But when I know I’m in a situation where I’m bound to slip, it’s better to make a safer choice than not. I also know popcorn, even with no butter, is not a very friendly food (when it comes from the theatre). But I already knew ahead of time I could only have a little, so it is much easier to stay within range without that yummy butter. I also already know that candy, especially after yesterday’s episode, was a terrible idea. But I also knew that again, I could smell my husband eating it, and it was better to plan ahead with something I could have some of without killing my diet. And yes, above all it would have been best to not buy anything, but I refuse to force my husband into doing what I’m doing if he doesn’t want to. So did I really make the worst decisions? In my mind, no. And it’s ok if you do not agree. I may come to a point where I can watch him eat other things and not feel tempted to eat the same things, but that day was not today and so I did what I could.

I did learn something from this whole experience, and that was that watching tv with too much food on your plate is a horrible decision. Do you know how easy it would have been to mindlessly keep eating that popcorn? My husband nudged me a little to remind me of my limit. I do so appreciate he supports me. But it really did hit me how easy it would have been to be tranced by the movie and not even notice how much I was eating.

HUGE fitness tip: Portion your food and don’t eat while watching tv!

Le-Vel Thrive Review

I had heard tonnes of stories and reflections of the Thrive products. There has been many a story of the energy it gave people and the happiness it helped them attain. As with anything, if it’s healthy and it actually works, I may support it. So I asked about it and was given a sample to try.

The sample was for 4 days. There were capsules that are full of vitamins that you take every morning. You are supposed to take these when you wake up and on an empty stomach.

20-40 minutes later, there is a shake mix that is also full of vitamins and actually tastes really good.


There is also a DFT patch that you put on your body, anywhere that is lower fat. You wear this for 24 hours.


So here is my review after doing this for 4 days:

The vitamins were easy to take, and the shake was very tasty! The patch is simple and easy to wear, but left a lot of the sticky stuff on me when I took it off. I had to scrub quite hard to get it off.

Friday was my last day of the sample. Saturday, I felt fine. Yesterday, I felt awful by the end of the day, and today I’ve had a headache almost all day.

Now, to be fair, I don’t know if it’s related to the Le-Vel products, or how busy and stressed I’ve been lately, or what. But I can say that I think the products did help a little to maintain some energy and motivation during those stressful days last week. And if I could just get the powder, I may do that. It honestly tastes so good for being so packed of vitamins!

I suggest to ask about it if you’re interested and see if you can take the 4 day sampler. See if it had the same effects as I had or if it could maybe do better. See for yourself!

3-Day Refresh: 3rd Day Finale

The 3-Day Refresh is finally done! Hallelujah! I cannot wait to have “real food” again. But I still feel amazing! My body is functioning properly and I feel it! 

So have you been thinking about doing this 3-Day Refresh? I absolutely think you should try it! You’ll never regret taking Shakeology for sure!! 

Here are some tips:

#1: Mentally prepare. If you have foods that are going to tempt you in your house, either get someone to hide it, or get it out of your house. Prepare those veggies and fruits and get situated. Get your mind game on! Tell yourself you’re going to do this because it’s the results that will matter more than the tastes you’ll crave.

#2: Get support. Have an accountability partner, someone you can talk to for the moments you struggle. It’s often better to have support for moments of weakness than battling alone.

#3: Slow down! You don’t have as much food to consume. Enjoy every bite, and every sip. Take the time to appreciate the healthy foods you are putting into your body and allow your body to enjoy it.

#5: Listen to your body, not your tastebuds. See how amazing you’ll feel when your body has only healthy products to consume and digest. You’ll feel awesome!

#6: Stay busy! The more down time you have, the more you’ll think about food. Get moving, get active, and distract yourself. It’ll be so much easier!

#7: Complete the Refresh on days that you don’t have plans that involve eating. Clear those 3 days on your calendar to give it your all.

So there you have it! Did I lose much weight? No. But I’m also used to a much higher calorie diet in order to maintain the muscle I have while training. So sometimes my body preserves when it notices I’ve done a major drop. But there is no denying how awesome I feel! My health has no doubt been boosted and my body is so thankful.

So go ahead! Find a Beachbody coach and try it out! Your body will thank you!

Recruiting Some Prayers

Hello everyone.

I hope you all had a great weekend! Did you do anything special for Father’s Day? I took my husband out for breakfast (just somewhere fast), made him drive, giving him the directions as we went along (to keep the destination a surprise), took him to an antique museum that was hosting an antique car show (early 1900s and later), and then later took him out for supper at a Persian restaurant we have never tried before. Overall, we had a fantastic day!

But as my title says, I’m also requesting some heavy prayers. Of course, Father’s Day is a day on the phone for me as I call my two fathers and my two grandfathers. I found out that my one grandfather, on my French side, who has battled cancer but has succeeded in conquering remission, although left significantly weaker, has been sick twice in the last two months. Now for most people, this could be no big deal. But add his already current weak state that was left by the cancer, and the fact that the first time he was sick, it took a month to overcome, this second sickness is nothing but trouble. I guess my grandmother caught it from him, and he got it back from her. Of course, she’s feeling guilty as she watches her husband suffer with no energy, no appetite, etc. Especially after she just lost a brother a year or two ago, and just lost another brother a week ago. I know she fears losing her husband too. And to top it all off, the funeral for her brother is this coming weekend. So not only am I asking you to pray for him to get better, but to be better by this weekend. My grandmother needs his love and support as she deals with the loss of a close brother. So the magnitude of this prayer is strong. Please pray.

The second request I have came with news we received yesterday. My husband’s brother who went through surgery was released from hospital on Friday. He made the journey home, and I’m pretty sure was celebrating that he no longer had to live in a hospital. However, yesterday, he was close to “blacking out” several times, and so his mother took him back to the hospital. The doctors assumed he was just dehydrated and thus hooked him up to a fluid IV and later sent him home. Upon return of home, he fully passed out and hit the floor. Of course this meant a turnaround trip back to the hospital where they are considering much more serious options than simple dehydration. This means more tests. His doctors in the larger city were notified, and last I heard, the debate was whether or not to take him back to the larger hospital. Unfortunately, his hospital life is not over yet. I ask for such sincere prayer for him. I cannot even begin to fathom what he is experiencing, the hopelessness as he looks at his dire position. He needs lifted up into the hands of our Father who is the only one who truly knows what is going on with him. My husband is having a hard time with the situation, especially not being allowed to leave the country. I cannot request prayer enough. This family needs your help. Please pray.

One last item that I learned today and also requires some hefty prayers concerns a colleague of mine in an incredibly unfortunate situation. She is planning on getting married in August, something she highly looks forward too. She was raised by adoptive parents, but of course had sent invitations to her biological parents whom she doesn’t speak to often, but every once in awhile. Her father never returned his confirmation for the wedding, but she had just assumed he had never thought to. Of course, she called him for Father’s Day, but instead of hearing her normal father’s voice, was shocked to hear how hard it was for him to breathe and speak. It was to her dismay that there was a reason that he never returned the reservation, and that was simply because he didn’t know if he’d be alive by then. He had been diagnosed with lung cancer, and one lung has already collapsed. Something so sudden and yet he was so fearful of breaking the news to his children, especially the one who really wants him to be there for her wedding. As you can assume, this news hits hard. There is nothing that can relieve the pain of finding our your dad could be gone in a few months, and possibly just before you wed. There’s a special place for dads at their daughter’s wedding, and they fear this void will be there instead. Please pray for this whole thing. Pray for her father’s life, and pray for her strength and endurance. I know I would be devastated, and I can only imagine she is as well. Pray for not only their relationship, but also his with God. There is nothing more important than being ever closer to God when death is so close at hand.

I thank all of you in advance for lifting these situations up in your prayers. It’s hard to watch the people you love and care so deeply about suffer. The question of why God allows these things to happen is a hard one, but one that will be answered when He returns. But in the meantime, God tells us to lift everything up in petition and prayer, and that if we knock, the door shall be opened unto us. So pray for the wellbeing of both my relatives.

If there is any prayers I can lift up for you or any of your situations, please let me know. Prayer is something that can be so powerful, and there is nothing that is too little for prayer. God cares about you, and I do too. Thanks again.

Sometimes It’s Only Going to Be You

This post comes after a difficult day. I’m not going to go into many details, but I’d just like to reflect upon something that I think many of us struggle with; some of us daily.

The thing is, you can’t please everyone. There is no way possible you can do that. There is always somebody that is going to be upset with the way you do something or the way you think about things. Even when you think you are doing your best, there are people who will pick apart all of the little things that they consider wrong.

To me, the worst part is that sometimes these are the very people you love, the very people that are in your family, even your closest friends. It’s unfortunate that the people closest to us are sometimes the ones that abuse the power they hold of being able to uplift or destroy you. What makes it the absolute worst is when they don’t even see it; when they see nothing wrong with what they are doing. Can you think of someone in your life who is like this? Someone whom you feel you love so completely and yet you can’t understand why they choose to hurt you over and over again? Someone whom you try so hard to please but seem to always fall short of their expectations?

Maybe you have support of great friends and family. If you do, I completely commend you to grasp these resources. Just be sure to filter through your resources and have pre-arranged support that will view from a fair and just perspective because as we all know, every story has two perspectives, whether we see it that way or not.

Some circumstances request minimal resources, sometimes none. Sometimes you have nobody to run to, no support to back you up, and that’s how I’m feeling tonight. If you ever feel this way, please know that you are not alone. When the horrible words, the wrecking ball that tirelessly slams itself into your heart, beating you over and over again waiting for you to crumble, please know that you are not alone. If you need to cry, do it. If you need to walk away, do it. Find the place where you can be totally vulnerable and alone, and pour your heart out. Pour your heart out to the Man who has never left you once, who’s sitting with you in these moments of deepest pain, holding you in His arms, telling you that everything is going to be ok.

You see, sometimes nobody will be there to support you. Sometimes nobody will be there to pick you back up, and that’s when it becomes up to you. And sometimes, it really is only going to be you. You, alone, to make the choice whether you are going to keep fighting or give up. You, alone, to choose whether or not you will rise above the ashes or fall to dust. Even if you don’t have the strength to do it alone, you just have to make that choice. You see, God doesn’t actually promise that He won’t give us more than we can handle. In fact, that verse (1 Corinthians 10:13) actually says,

“No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able…”

The famous verse that people always refer to as “God will not give you more than you can handle” actually only speaks about temptations. If you’re anything like me, your burdens are not simply what you’ve been tempted by but rather situations that seem to have placed themselves upon you; little to no temptation at all. The type of situations that most people would look at you and say, “It’s just a rough time, you’ll get through it”.

Knowing the truth, that God does not actually promise we won’t be burdened with more than what we can handle alone, it’s easy to see that God actually has never intended us to handle these burdens alone. When you sit there, cry, bearing your heart and your problems, it’s what you’re supposed to do. You need to, even have to let God know that you need His help. He wants you to ask Him to help you. He wants you to expose your pain freely to Him and open your heart completely, allowing Him the freedom to enter it and help you. God wants to carry your burdens. When you’re tired, worn out, not sure where to go, God has made you a promise. Isaiah 40:31 has this promise and is a verse I refer to all the time. It says,

“…but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Wow. What a promise. In the moments of our deepest despair, when we have nowhere left to turn, God provides us with that promise. We won’t be left in our darkest hole, we won’t be left with our bleeding hearts. He evens goes further to give us another promise just as powerful as that one. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says,
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Did you know that? God doesn’t want you to carry your burdens. He wants you to realize that sometimes you have too much to handle. Sometimes the pain and suffering you are experiencing actually are too much for you. The people around you that are filling your head with the ridiculousness that you’re not good enough, you’re work isn’t good enough, you’re not working hard enough, you’re not pretty enough, you’re not strong enough, whatever it may be. All of those daily burdens and the pain that goes right along with them really is too much to bear, despite the fact that people in your life will sit there and openly tell you that you’re making a big deal about it and you can handle. God, Himself has said that you can’t always do that. He knows you will grow tired trying to accomplish everything that others want you to do. He knows you will be weary from trying to please everyone. He knows your load will sometimes become too heavy for you, and He, Himself wants to carry that load for you. What an awesome God He is to love us that much!
I’m going to leave you with a quote. A quote that quickly became my background on my computer and I have not changed it yet. I would also like to leave you with a prayer that I found so powerful I have placed it on my wall as a note. These things are always there so whenever I need a reminder that I am not alone and that God will help carry my burdens, it’s there. I encourage you to write it down and keep it available for yourself. You never know when you need the extra encouragement.
Quote – “When you’ve done everything you can do, that’s when God steps in and does what you can’t.”
Prayer – “Dear Righteous Father, I will not forget Your benefits as daily You help bear my burdens. Though I’m facing seemingly endless difficulties, I will not throw in the towel. I will set my eyes upon the hills and look forward with confidence of the future You have prepared for me; through Jesus Christ your Son our LORD. Amen.”



Changing Your Diet Doesn’t Have To Be Hard

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen people fail with diets. In fact the very word “diet” has so many negative associations. I am 100% using the term a lifestyle change because to me, a diet is temporary thus causing temporary results. I want something more permanent, something that will change my life.

Lately, I’ve been giving advice to a cousin of mine. She has paid for every fitness/diet program that has been available in her city. Every single one of them has either left her feeling horrible, or never gave consistent results. It just seemed so hard! And who can blame her?

Most diets require you to switch your entire daily life in an instant. If you’re an avid junk food eater, try having no junk food for a week, or even a couple of days. It’s almost like quitting smoking cold turkey. For most people, it’s hard!

But it doesn’t have to be that way. What I’ve been telling my cousin to do is to switch out things in her diet slowly. So for example, one week she tried switching regular fries for baked sweet potato fries, coconut oil instead of a canola oil, Ezekiel bread instead of regular breads, and other simple switches like this. The other thing she has been doing is trying to try a new food every week. She had never tried things like avocado before. So one week, she bought a couple to try, and found out she loved it! There went all of those fatty condiments out the window.

It’s not hard, and it doesn’t have to taste bad or even bland. One comment my cousin couldn’t believe is that the food tasted so good. And what did I do? I gave her support, I gave her ideas, and I gave her suggestions about wholesome, healthy food.

I will be going after my nutrition and fitness certificates this summer. I love being involved in the fitness world and seeing the positive effects on everyone. My cousin has lost 18 lbs for the month I have been helping her, and that includes no extensive exercise, simply walking and at-home yoga or pilates if she has the chance. The main result has been diet. She’s seen improvements in her own energy, she feels better, so many good things.

If you would like to make changes in your life, and need someone to support you, let me know. I’ve been heavily involved and have tried many different styles of workouts, many different diet plans, and I would love to help you. Most often, all we need is support, and when it comes to making lifestyle changes to be healthy, you definitely have mine!

Just remember, only about 10% of success happens in the gym; 90% is the battle in the kitchen. You can do it!

Extra Tip

If you’ve never tried this before, do it! You’ll be surprised how that candy craving goes away, and how delicious your new “candy” is!
