Multi-Juice Feasting – Healing Journey Day 25

Did you notice I went up 8 lbs two days ago and was already down 6 lbs the day after? What a shift! What an experiment! So essentially, my body was in shock after eating so much food, so much cooked food, so much salty and fatty foods. Then, after more hours than usual, my body proved it’s excellent digestion ability by getting rid of almost all of it within a day. I’m quite impressed to say the least.

While on the topic of my body cleansing itself, my tongue was COATED this morning. Honestly I had just opened my mouth in the way of the mirror and was shocked at how dead my tongue looked. It wasn’t white as before, but more of a dead, almost tan colour. Yuck! It came off with some tongue scraping again, but I tell you, it’s amazing what happens when you eat “junk” and then eat clean so your body gets rid of the bad stuff. Oh boy!

I wasn’t completely looking forward to my juices today, but it really wasn’t that bad once I started drinking some. From breakfast until lunch, I drank about a litre of organic grape juice. From lunch to supper, I drank about a litre of organic pineapple juice with pulp. And from supper until I went to bed, I drank about a third of a litre of organic blueberry juice. Honestly, it was very satisfying. So satisfying, in fact, that I was considering doing another day of juicing. But, alas my stash of leftover juices is getting low so I don’t have enough to do another day. So instead, I begin fruit smoothies tomorrow! I don’t have any other juice feasts scheduled for the rest of this journey, but should I ever feel like I need a “cleanse”, I now know that juicing is the way to go!

So today was an active day. It was a decent day, though not great. My free time at work is quickly getting eaten up with other things so I don’t truly get a break anymore. However, I have had less meetings so far this week after school so that has been nice. However, since I am travelling this weekend, I have much to do to prepare and I have spent the past two nights simply doing errands and trying to catch up on life. There is never a dull moment.

I went to the gym this evening and did 30 minutes of cycling. I raised the intensity some and felt awesome by the end.

And that pretty much sums up my day. After cardio, I sat at home doing work until I went to sleep. I always have work to do; there is never a shortage.

Review of Symptoms:
-Tongue coated in a dead, tan colour.
-Acne is the same.
-Energy is good.
-Digestion continues to be fantastic.

Weight at the end of the day = 176.6 lbs (same as yesterday)

Total Calories = 1252 (97% carbs, 0% fat, 3% protein)

Living With A Car SalesMan

So, as many of you know, my grandfather was a car salesman. You think I would be used to the hours one works. But I don’t think I was quite as prepared as I should have been.

My husband has been a car salesman for almost 2 months now. And I’ve learned a few things along the way.

#1: Your working hours are not your set working hours. If you have a potential customer come 1/2 hour before your shift is over, you can be there up to another 3 hours just to possibly sell them a car. Sometimes, you will be working 13 hour shifts unplanned. Your scheduled hours in no way dictate your actual hours.

#2: There are ways to avoid extra hours, but that may include having a lower income. Car salesman get a commission off of the vehicles they sell. However, if you don’t complete the whole sale, delivery, etc.. by yourself, you have to split your earnings with the other salesman who helps you. Even if that simply means handing over the keys when they officially come to pick it up. The smallest thing can cause half of your money being given to someone else, so yes, you’ll want those extra hours to make sure you receive the whole income.

#3: Your working days are not your set working days. And even so, the days are extensive. Just like you can be working extra hours, you can also be called in extra days. However, even going by the scheduled days, my husband averages 4 days off a month… essentially 1 day a week! That’s not much for time off at all. People in the oilfields get more time off than that.

I don’t regret my husband being a car salesman. He really enjoys it. In fact, today he is starting at Dodge where I knew he should have been all along. He loves Dodge, has only ever owned Dodge trucks and a Jeep (with the exception of the Audi we owned once). I think he’s where he’s meant to be.

But with things you love often comes sacrifice. And unfortunately for us, it’s some time. But hey, that gives me more time to clean, work, and blog… right?

Week 10 Day 5

This morning, I absolutely did not want to get out of bed. I don’t know what’s going on. Maybe it’s the dread I have for parent-teacher interviews this evening. No matter what, I always get nervous. But either way, they must be done!

The work day was short, and even further shortened by the fact we had our Student Association speeches and elections today. It went very well, and I believe the students selected very good representatives for our school.

After the students left, instead of going out to lunch with my colleagues, I stayed at the school to prepare. Preparing for parent-teacher interviews is not easy. You have to re-read your comments, review the student’s work, select examples of student work to show, etc. I also like to have pen and paper ready to go in order to write down notes of what we talk about and suggestions that were made.

When it finally came time for parent-teacher interviews to start, I felt better but as always, like I couldn’t be prepared enough. Either way, the 13 interviews I had scheduled all in a row began. I was surprised how well the parents accepted some hard information, and how willing they were to work as a team on their students. As any teacher reading this will know, it’s a very relieving feeling to know that you can work as a team with parents and that you can support each other for the betterment of the students; something I appreciate so much!

It was a long evening, and I didn’t end up leaving the school until after 8:00 pm. I also hadn’t eaten much as I didn’t have any breaks since 2:00 pm when the meetings started. When I came home and ate, the carbs hit my system and I started fighting to stay awake. I didn’t want to take naps anymore as they always seem to make me feel worse instead of better. But when I’m sitting and trying to talk to my husband, yet my eyes keep shutting on me, I know I might even fall asleep on the 2 minute drive to the gym, and who knows if I might fall asleep at the gym? It hasn’t happened before, but it may.

So, we took a nap. But when the alarm went off, my husband looked at me and said he was too tired to get up. I can’t drive his truck and my car is still not running. So unfortunately, this meant no workout. But on the other hand, I got extra sleep. I will be playing catch-up with my workouts, but I can do that. My husband’s health is equally as important as mine and so I wasn’t going to argue, though I felt like it. I know love is not just said, but must be shown, and I’m not always good at that part. But tonight, my husband slept and I will definitely catch-up in the gym when he’s awake and ready to go!