Summer Days of Fruitrition Day 1/7 – Healing Journey Day 60

I was actually a little excited about today. I absolutely loved my last PD session, and instead of going on my own, I got to be with colleagues for this one. That made it that much better!

The first thing I did was made some breakfast. Since I ate my Day 1 breakfast yesterday, I swapped it for that one banana and spinach smoothie that I did not finish during the Rawsome Healthy guide. So, I used the snack of today and the smoothie together to make a huge breakfast. Because I didn’t blend it the proper way (spinach and water first before adding in the bananas and strawberries), it came out looking like a Christmas smoothie. It was actually quite pretty!


That smoothie definitely filled me up this morning (I had a mug and a half as shown above PLUS my large smoothie cup that I took with me).

Now, I swapped Monday’s lunch with Tuesday’s lunch as it would have been much harder for me to prepare mangoes at a workshop than it would have been to eat figs. I also could not find ripe figs anywhere, so I brought a lot of water to go with dried figs. I did quickly find out that dried figs were not my favourite, though I did manage to eat 12 of them. However, I was still hungry. I didn’t expect to find anything more than a raw veggie tray for me to eat from in the hallway where they served lunch. However, they surprised me by having rice paper rolls! I know the rice paper wasn’t raw, but they were completely vegan and and because rice paper is so thin, it was so minimal compared to the heavily-breaded sandwiches they had for everyone else. I was so delighted! Veganism is making its way in the world! I loaded up!

When I got home, I did something bad and started “snacking.” I have been IN LOVE with arugula, but was eating it on toast, only making one at a time until before I knew it, I had eaten 3. Seriously, food addiction is no joke. I’m figuring out the power it holds even though I may have thought I was invincible. I share these things with you to be honest about the demise there is with food and how the unhealthy things are the things that grab us. So having bread in the house is a bad idea. If I didn’t have it, I wouldn’t eat it.

I finally got around to making my supper which was a soup made from mangoes, tomatoes, and celery. It was ok, though my mangoes are not as ripe as they should have been. I paid almost $2 a mango (not in season) and though they looked decent, they were not truly ripe. I have them sitting in front of a heater to try and help them ripen, but it’s not working a miracle. Either way, the soup was ok but I could not finish it. I ate about half and packaged the rest for tomorrow.

I went to bed stuffed and I could tell right away that was the wrong thing to do. Whenever I go to bed stuffed, I wake up the next morning with an uncomfortable stomach. But, I completed my first day, and that was a success. I just ended up adding “extra” which needs to be whittled out.

I did not go to the gym, but I did 5 ab exercises at home that was also helping to strengthen my lower abs which feed into my hip flexor issue. It did get sore after awhile, but I think it was good. Here goes the start of rehabilitating that “kicking” pain.

Review of Symptoms:
-Tired. Can’t sit for forever without moving.
-Ate A LOT today.
-Hair is not feeling great. Too much cooked food and junk is showing in my hair.
-Feeling bloated after eating everything today.
-Acne still bad.

Weight at the end of the day = 169 lbs (up 0.3 lbs from yesterday)

Total Calories = 2869 (84% carbs, 9% fat, 7% protein… good macros!)

I Was Invited Over… – Healing Journey Day 35

It felt so nice to sleep in today. I was actually surprised how late I slept in, but did not regret it at all. Since I only have one of my dogs living with me at the moment, I’ve been letting him sleep on the bed with me and every morning, I wake up to him laying directly beside me, head on the pillow and everything! He’s such a cuddle bug. I love him.

So, today was pretty much another write-off day. I had been invited over for supper to a colleague’s house and because I’m only eating fruit at the moment, I knew that there wouldn’t be anything there for me to eat in the way of fruit. However, I did find out they were having haystacks which meant there would be veggies.

If you don’t know what haystacks are, they are a build-your-own dish. You start with some type of chips (usually corn chips) then put beans or chilli on top of the chips, usually some type of cheese on top of the beans, then top with all your favourite veggies (cucumber, tomatoes, olives, lettuce, onions, etc…). The final topping is your sauce and depending on who you are, you may put ranch, sour cream, salsa, guacamole, ketchup, etc. There are many, many different combinations you can do and it is all up to your preference.

For breakfast, I got out my new, electric orange juicer that my husband bought for me. I only had three oranges, but it was enough to make me fall in love with this electric machine. No more hand-grinding for me! Along with the orange juice, I mixed in some organic blueberry juice. Oh my goodness! I wish I could tell you how good it was. It was… a dream. I could have drank that all day! Next time, I need more oranges!


Following my little breakfast, I washed up the dishes, folded a load of laundry, got ready and went to the gym. We were having a bit of a snowstorm and I found out later that between the hours of 11:00 and 4:00, there were 157 accidents in the city. I’m thankful to say that though I saw one accident and watched a truck and trailer slide into the curb and bounce off of it, I was safe and was not a part of that statistic. It was a bit of a mess on the roads.

At the gym, I had a really good workout. I did some squats, chest press, hammer curls, pullovers, EZ-Curl bar bench press, and 3 ab exercises. I then finished up with 30 minutes on the elliptical. I came out of that gym sore and tired but feeling accomplished.

After I got home, I decided that I should use up some of the vegetables that are going ripe too fast since I’m already not going to be eating all fruit later. If I’m going to break my plan, then it needs to be within the same day so I’m not breaking my plan every day.

For a late lunch, I washed and chopped up a whole head of butter leaf lettuce. I then sliced up half of an English cucumber to put in it. I cut up two Roma tomatoes and threw them in. I took a whole head of broccoli, chopped it up and put it in. I also had some raw, fermented beets and their greens in my fridge so I put a couple tablespoons of that in. I then mashed a whole avocado, a tablespoon of raw sesame tahini, some lemon juice and a bit of garlic powder in a bowl to use as the dressing. Though the first few bites were good, it quickly got very bland. I then remembered the BeeFree Honee I had downstairs (honey made from apples, no bees required to do the work). I put a splash of that in and it was ok, but still didn’t do the trick. So I did a dangerous thing (out of control) and found some organic, green sriracha that I put in as well as some Earth Island ranch that I had. It did make it a bit better, but honestly, I shouldn’t have put all that in. I simply sat, looking at my salad, and thinking of how much fat was in this salad. This was definitely not at the same macro levels that I normally eat at and it was honestly making me nervous.

I tried my best to eat the whole salad, but I just couldn’t do it. It was more volume than I’m used to, not to mention all the fat that was in it. Before I hit the stage where I eat fruit all day and a supper salad, I need to figure out how to make a good, raw, fruit and veggies only dressing.

After I ate, I had to quickly shower and get ready to go. By this time, it had stopped snowing and the temperature was half a degree above zero celsius meaning that things were a little slushy and not frozen, so driving was relatively safe.

We honestly had an awesome night at my colleague’s. It was a night of relaxation and laughter.

I made myself a small haystack because I was still a little full from the salad. I used only a few of the small, round, Tostito corn chips (I didn’t want that nasty over-salted feeling again), some vegan chilli, some soy cheese that my hostess had bought just for me (if it wasn’t just for me, I would have left this off to be honest), tomatoes, lettuce, corn, an olive, cucumber, pickles, and salsa. I know it sounds like a lot, but when you consider that I’m only putting about a tablespoon of each topping on the half cup of chilli that I ate, it actually wasn’t that much. Needless to say, I was STUFFED.

When we finally came home, I didn’t do much but go to bed. I was really hoping my digestion would kick in, but it didn’t. It takes so much longer to digest cooked foods – particularly processed foods – than it does the fresh fruits and vegetables. I was almost sure, with all the fat I ate today, that I would be up another 8 pounds like that one day I went up 8 pounds from eating cooked foods. However, I was ecstatic to find what I stated below. To find out how much this day set me back, keep scrolling down!

Review of Symptoms:
-Tongue is clear. 🙂
-Acne still bad; almost thinking it’s worse today.
-First day in a long time feeling stuffed.
-Digestion is delayed… a cooked food/processed food result.
-Hair is not so greasy (will try to explain this finally tomorrow).
-Noticed that my thighs have shrunk A LOT! I was getting to the point I hated my legs and didn’t even want my husband to see them. I couldn’t even look in a mirror with shorts on in the summer or I would take them back off. Now? I am LOVING my legs again! Eating naturally has made such a difference!

Weight at the end of the day = 172.2 lbs (only up one pound from yesterday!!!)

Total Calories = 2051 (58% carbs, 36% fat, 6% protein… way too much fat!)

Not Being Afraid to Stand Out

I’m going to be honest again… I messed up. I knowingly ate some dairy last week. And I really have nobody to blame but myself, and that’s why I’m writing this blog post.

You see, it was my first outing with colleagues since going vegan. We were going out for supper because it was going to be a late night at work. I could have modified what I ordered, but I didn’t. And why might you ask? Because I didn’t want to appear as that person who makes 50 different modifications to their food and is a pain to take anywhere. I didn’t want to be that difficult person. And though what I chose had very little dairy, it still had it. However, it did come back to bite me.

While we were eating, the discussion, which never has gone to diets and healthy eating the years we’ve gone out before, suddenly took that turn. One colleague is doing a no sugar thing, another is doing no carbs aside from veggies after 5 (not entirely supportive of either). And yet, here I am, supposedly way more into health and fitness than anyone else, and I’m going back on what I said. I should have stuck up for myself and just ordered with my modifications because here’s the deal: I’m not making a difference for what I believe in if I’m not even living it myself. There, I said it. I was phoney. My back was weak when it came to stand up. And I regret it.

I went through this as a teenager with Christianity. Not that it was even just Christianity, but I worship on the Sabbath – Saturday. Talk about going against most of the world! But I got over it, and I got better. It’s not perfect, but it’s something I can continue to work on. Veganism is going to be the same way. I have to get stronger, and I will get stronger. But no more losing opportunities to stand out and make a difference like I did that day. From now on, whether Christianity or veganism or whatever the cause may be, I’m standing out and standing strong! Who’s with me?

Week 10 Day 5

This morning, I absolutely did not want to get out of bed. I don’t know what’s going on. Maybe it’s the dread I have for parent-teacher interviews this evening. No matter what, I always get nervous. But either way, they must be done!

The work day was short, and even further shortened by the fact we had our Student Association speeches and elections today. It went very well, and I believe the students selected very good representatives for our school.

After the students left, instead of going out to lunch with my colleagues, I stayed at the school to prepare. Preparing for parent-teacher interviews is not easy. You have to re-read your comments, review the student’s work, select examples of student work to show, etc. I also like to have pen and paper ready to go in order to write down notes of what we talk about and suggestions that were made.

When it finally came time for parent-teacher interviews to start, I felt better but as always, like I couldn’t be prepared enough. Either way, the 13 interviews I had scheduled all in a row began. I was surprised how well the parents accepted some hard information, and how willing they were to work as a team on their students. As any teacher reading this will know, it’s a very relieving feeling to know that you can work as a team with parents and that you can support each other for the betterment of the students; something I appreciate so much!

It was a long evening, and I didn’t end up leaving the school until after 8:00 pm. I also hadn’t eaten much as I didn’t have any breaks since 2:00 pm when the meetings started. When I came home and ate, the carbs hit my system and I started fighting to stay awake. I didn’t want to take naps anymore as they always seem to make me feel worse instead of better. But when I’m sitting and trying to talk to my husband, yet my eyes keep shutting on me, I know I might even fall asleep on the 2 minute drive to the gym, and who knows if I might fall asleep at the gym? It hasn’t happened before, but it may.

So, we took a nap. But when the alarm went off, my husband looked at me and said he was too tired to get up. I can’t drive his truck and my car is still not running. So unfortunately, this meant no workout. But on the other hand, I got extra sleep. I will be playing catch-up with my workouts, but I can do that. My husband’s health is equally as important as mine and so I wasn’t going to argue, though I felt like it. I know love is not just said, but must be shown, and I’m not always good at that part. But tonight, my husband slept and I will definitely catch-up in the gym when he’s awake and ready to go!