Classroom Adventures

Every morning, a teacher comes in assuming the classroom is the way he/she left it. That is, with the exception of being cleaner because of the amazing custodians who do their part in keeping the chaos sane. If you haven’t ever thanked your janitors, thank them now! They deal with a lot of work that we often take for granted, and seldom do people remember to thank them. But what happens when you come into your room and it’s not the way you left it? Maybe something is missing or some form of destruction has taken place. Well, this is what happened to me when I came back to my classroom one Thursday morning.

As sometimes happens (less than I would like), I was early to work! I’m normally “on time” but seldom early enough to actually conquer some things before our staff worship begins. But this Thursday, I was early enough to get a few things out of the way.

As per usual, I came in the back door, walked through the Library, and opened the lock to my classroom door. But when I opened my door, I could see – even in the dark – that my carpet went darker as it proceeded to the one corner. It then hit me that I could hear water rushing. I turned on the lights, and 1/3 of my classroom floor was soaked in water (carpeted floor).

My thoughts immediately rushed to thinking that a water pipe had broke. But thankfully – though still unfortunate – the handle to the water fountain had simply been stuck on, leaving the fountain to run and overflow all night long.

Anybody could have made this mistake. Students were in my room practicing for concerts that night, the janitors may have even taken a drink and not noticed the handle had stuck on, there is nobody to really be upset at. In fact, I wasn’t really upset at all. The damage was minimal. Aside from some students’ gym shoes that were soaked, the only thing that really suffered was the carpet itself. Everything else in the area was moveable.

But of course that left us with a bit of a situation. It was still an instructional day, and I had students coming soon.

Administration got on it right away. They had a shop vac to suck up the majority of the water, they had fans and heating lamps going, but to say the room was crowded was an understatement. When you move the furniture from 1/3 of your room to the already filled other 2/3s, there literally was the most minimal of space. Not to mention the smell. Soaked, old carpet. I think it explains itself…

Instead of being upset about the situation, I completely changed my plans, and made it so that we could have class in the Library. The students actually enjoyed the change (for the most part). Our Library has couches, big, comfy chairs, and lots of tables for students to work on. There are large sections of carpet to lay down while you work. It was a shift from the normal, but it was fun.

Of course, there were some parts we had to come into the room for, like lunch. No food is allowed in the Library (for good reason) so I squished all of the desks together and sat the chairs in rows like a theatre. The students then were able to eat their lunches while watching a video for lunch. The only problem was, with the industrial fans they brought in, and the heat of two heat lamps, my room was nothing short of loud and felt like a sauna! It was a little bit ridiculous.

All in all, it was a good day. We had fun, even out of the norm. I challenge you to take the moments of adversity and change them to moments of triumph. It was a relationship-building day for my students and I as we learned to work with each other in a space that didn’t have all of the conveniences as our regularly, set-up classroom would have had. We had to run back and forth quite a bit, but we did it. It was a fun, learning experience!

I Said “No” to Cheese!

I thought this day would never come. I have been so addicted to cheese my whole life! I grew up in a Quebecois family, so those lovely Quebec cheese curds that make a world of difference in a true Quebec poutine? Ate them out of the bag as a snack! In fact, my dad, once my parents divorced, would take out the block of cheese, break off a piece for each of us, and that’s what we would eat.

I was vegetarian for almost 10 years. I thought a few times about trying veganism. But I never could do it, simply because I was so addicted to cheese. I could give up yogurt, milk, even ice cream! But I could not give up cheese. I swear it was running through my veins. The only cheese I probably never was interested in was the varieties of blue cheeses. I can never seem to justify eating something that is mouldy. Yuck.

After doing some research this year, it all made sense! Cheese literally can be an addiction. Other dairy products fail in comparison to how densely packed cheese is with different parts of nutrition. I believe it was casein that was pointed out specifically. Because of the concentration, it literally leaves us wanting more. It’s not just the flavour, there is an actual addictive side to the chemical mix of our bodies and the ingredients of cheese. How interesting is that! I literally was addicted to cheese!

Even with my first few days of going vegan, I fell with cheese. Like I said, everything else is avoidable, but cheese. When I had my burrito for supper last night, it would have been so easy to just throw on the cheese. It was readily shredded and available. But I said NO! Wow… I can’t even tell you how empowering that felt. And then my husband and I went to the theatre for the first time in forever last night. I LOVE peanut butter Reese’s and even the new peanut butter M&Ms, but I said NO. I can’t believe it. Who am I? Who is this woman that could never give up this stuff before. I like her! She’s empowered!

I’m feeling awesome. And even this morning, when I just wanted to grab some salt and vinegar cracker chips because they were easy to grab, I said NO and went to work. I’m now drinking my orange juice (another 2.63L) and I know I’m feeling a ton better than I would have otherwise.

I love this lifestyle. I’ve finally got it! Not that I don’t think there won’t be struggles (I haven’t tried going to a function or travelling while being 100% yet), but I’m up and ready. My foot has been stomped. I’ve beat the greatest temptation of all! I’m so excited!

Day 4

We slept for as long as we wanted; it was so nice! I love the weekends where we don’t have to wake up according to an alarm clock. They’re so nice!

This morning was bad. My husband hadn’t put away the stuff from pizza last night, and I had a sip of Coke Zero, and the rest of the cinnamon sticks. I felt awful, the sugar in my throat (or cinnamon, or both) was actually choking me (hence the drink of Coke Zero), and it was just a mess. I wished I hadn’t done it as soon as I had done it.

For a pre-workout snack, I had a vegetarian wrap and a fresh juice made from beets, carrots and apples. If you’ve never juiced beets before, you need to. I love the flavour and texture it gives the juice. Yum! However, it is recommended that you don’t drink liquids and eat food together. I think I felt this a bit. I felt extremely full and slightly uncomfortable.

My workout went well. I did some squats, lunges, push-ups, lateral raises, and of course my chiropractor exercises.

For a late lunch, I ate 4 mangos. I really don’t know why I was feeling so full today, but that junk food really didn’t help. My body was “off”!

I had to rush to leave for a presentation that my students were doing for a crowd of 1800 people! They sang in the choir and gave an awesome concert. What I didn’t expect was the concert to take an hour, (we were there already an hour early to practice), the sermon to take about an hour and a bit, and the baptisms to be quite so many, but praise God! It was all amazing! I love seeing people give their hearts to God, and to praise with all of their hearts for God. A spectacular night, all 4 1/2 hours of it! Can you imagine how much I was starving?

I had promised my husband a date night, and since I was in a rush to get home, I actually ended up taking two detours, one out of our own city! Needless to say I was later than I said I was going to be. I even called ahead and have him get ready and meet me outside. Somehow, we made it in time and even had a fairly empty theatre. But that of course meant my supper was some popcorn, candy, and some Fanta Orange Pop. Not a supper I recommend. But by the time we got home (1:00 a.m.), I was too tired, and still full so I got ready and went to bed.

Tomorrow needs to be a better day…

Week 5 Day 7

Today, I’m not hungry again. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Someday my appetite has to come back… I already went to bed without fulfilling all of my macros yesterday, I’m not going to do that today!

This was my rest day, but we had a morning full of drama with family issues. And yet, somehow, we still managed to get ready and make it to church on time. I’m really not sure how we pulled this off, but I was so happy we did. It was a great service about opening our spiritual eyes. Excellent sermon!

We then came home and basically did nothing for a few hours. We did take a nap, so that was nice.

Later, we decided to go out after sunset (when Sabbath ends). We got ready, made sure our animals were taken care of, and left. We stopped at Mac’s for my husband to get energy drinks (to get out of his sleepy slump), and I made a stop at Tim Horton’s for a quick pumpkin spiced ice coffee. I love pumpkin everything!

We then went to Bulk Barn where my husband picked up some candy and treats. Oh how I used to love picking stuff up at Bulk Barn too, but I fought the desire better knowing I had a snack in my purse that I had packed to fill me later. Planning ahead is a great idea!

We then went to Chapters. Oh how we both love books! We actually had to stop going to bookstores for awhile because we were spending way too much money on books. It was honestly like an addiction. Obviously it’s not a bad addiction other than it was taking our finances, so tonight was a real treat. We allowed ourselves to go through the entire store and pick a couple books. We probably won’t be back at the book store for at least another month or more so this was budgeted and allowed.

After some time at the bookstore, we sat in the car while I ate my snack (picture of it later). It really helped when we went to the theatre, and my husband got popcorn and chocolate for the movie. I wanted some of that stuff so badly. But I kept telling myself that one piece would break me so I needed to stand strong against even the smallest piece. And I did it! Yahoo!

When we came home, we basically had enough time to eat and go to bed. I wasn’t hungry, but the food was good and I managed to shove it in. So here was my food for the day:

Meal 1

I didn’t take a picture because we were in a rush to church. But this was the protein muffin I had several days ago, just chocolate flavoured instead of oatmeal. They are really good!

Meal 2

Tuna Salad Snack with celery, tomatoes and rice crackers.

Tuna Salad Snack with celery, tomatoes and rice crackers.

Meal 3

Spaghetti Bolognese using lean ground beef.

Spaghetti Bolognese using lean ground beef.

Meal 4

Oatmeal Bake with Strawberries.

Oatmeal Bake with Strawberries.

Meal 5

Cinnamon Cottage Cheese with finely chopped honeydew and cantaloupe. Took this with me and ate it before the movie.

Cinnamon Cottage Cheese with finely chopped honeydew and cantaloupe. Took this with me and ate it before the movie.

Meal 6

(I normally don’t eat 6, but I had to make-up for the previous day and it all fit my macros.)

Sirloin Steak (I finished cooking to well done), potato mash and veggies. This was really delicious.

Sirloin Steak (I finished cooking to well done), potato mash and veggies. This was really delicious.

Week 2 Day 7

I woke up today feeling so much better. I slept in, and didn’t even bother starting to eat until noon. I could still feel the negative effects of eating so much sugar last night, just not quite as uncomfortably full.

I had my meals way more in check today and felt so much better. I made it back to the gym and finished my workout from the day before with much better energy and also completed 25 minutes of cardio on the stationary bike.

My husband and I decided to have a date night. We decided to go to a movie. As usual, we got a #1 combo that comes with a pop choice (we got diet coke), popcorn (no butter), and two candy choices: peanut butter M&Ms for my husband, and a fat free candy that I could have some of.

Now I know diet coke is not the greatest choice. I am against aspartame. But when I know I’m in a situation where I’m bound to slip, it’s better to make a safer choice than not. I also know popcorn, even with no butter, is not a very friendly food (when it comes from the theatre). But I already knew ahead of time I could only have a little, so it is much easier to stay within range without that yummy butter. I also already know that candy, especially after yesterday’s episode, was a terrible idea. But I also knew that again, I could smell my husband eating it, and it was better to plan ahead with something I could have some of without killing my diet. And yes, above all it would have been best to not buy anything, but I refuse to force my husband into doing what I’m doing if he doesn’t want to. So did I really make the worst decisions? In my mind, no. And it’s ok if you do not agree. I may come to a point where I can watch him eat other things and not feel tempted to eat the same things, but that day was not today and so I did what I could.

I did learn something from this whole experience, and that was that watching tv with too much food on your plate is a horrible decision. Do you know how easy it would have been to mindlessly keep eating that popcorn? My husband nudged me a little to remind me of my limit. I do so appreciate he supports me. But it really did hit me how easy it would have been to be tranced by the movie and not even notice how much I was eating.

HUGE fitness tip: Portion your food and don’t eat while watching tv!

Two of My Favourite (Healthy) Treats

When we were kids, the 6 cousins on my Dad’s side would always gather at my grandparents after church and my grandfather would give us each $2. We would then walk down the road to the Irving gas station (that sadly no longer exists there) and we could either get candy and a pop or chips and a pop. What a walk in memory lane… can’t buy chips and a pop for that anymore!

Now that I’m eating healthy, I view treats very differently. If I go to the theatre and buy the popcorn with butter, candy, and pop, I feel it the next day, and it’s awful. The damage you are doing to your body when you partake of these unhealthy foods is astronomical. And I notice it.

Now that doesn’t mean I don’t indulge every once in awhile. As much as I hate to say it, I do believe unhealthy foods have an addiction attached to them, just like a drug. Very seldom do we crave the healthy food we eat, and yet most of us can agree with craving unhealthy food a lot. I’m not so sure about what makes it addictive, but it’s definitely a battle of willpower to stay away and fight those cravings.

As much as possible, I try to find healthy things as treats. The best part is, I could eat them all the time if I wanted to (they are that healthy), but I don’t have the money to fund that indulgence. So I’m going to share with you my treat from yesterday and my treat from today. Two healthy treats that I definitely look forward to having whenever I can.

#1. Synergy Organic & Raw Kombucha Drink(s)


What a company statement, what a drink! I actually had the one on the left: Mystic Mango. The bottles are 480 mL (16 fl oz) and can you guess how many calories/carbs for the ENTIRE bottle? 70 Calories, 8g of carbs! Talk about a great option for sticking with diet restrictions! The Kombucha tea is cultured for 30 days before being sold. The health properties of this refreshing and tasty drink are numerous. I highly recommend you check it out! Just be forewarned, the smell of the drink is not the greatest, but don’t smell it and the taste is good! 🙂

#2. Quest Cravings Protein Peanut Butter Cups

( had the best picture. I ate mine too fast to take one… oops. Check out her blog while you’re at it! It’s got some really great stuff!)

These are absolutely AMAZING! Say good-bye to Reese’s! No more suffering calories for something delicious, we now have it in a healthy option! Clean ingredients, 17 g of fat (a little heavy on the fat), only 10 g of carbs and 20 g of protein! You won’t get that from your regular Reese’s cups. I was an AVID Reese’s eater. So these were a reason to celebrate for me. I do find them a little dry, so just make sure to have a glass of water, or as I do since I love being so healthy, drink my Organo Gold coffee drinks with it. What a match made in Heaven! Love it!

What healthy snacks do you like to eat? I love hearing about new things so that I can try them too! Food NEEDS to be healthy but it doesn’t HAVE to be boring! Enjoy the good stuff! And if you’d like to sample my absolutely delicious OG coffee and tea drinks, just let me know!