Recruiting Some Prayers

Hello everyone.

I hope you all had a great weekend! Did you do anything special for Father’s Day? I took my husband out for breakfast (just somewhere fast), made him drive, giving him the directions as we went along (to keep the destination a surprise), took him to an antique museum that was hosting an antique car show (early 1900s and later), and then later took him out for supper at a Persian restaurant we have never tried before. Overall, we had a fantastic day!

But as my title says, I’m also requesting some heavy prayers. Of course, Father’s Day is a day on the phone for me as I call my two fathers and my two grandfathers. I found out that my one grandfather, on my French side, who has battled cancer but has succeeded in conquering remission, although left significantly weaker, has been sick twice in the last two months. Now for most people, this could be no big deal. But add his already current weak state that was left by the cancer, and the fact that the first time he was sick, it took a month to overcome, this second sickness is nothing but trouble. I guess my grandmother caught it from him, and he got it back from her. Of course, she’s feeling guilty as she watches her husband suffer with no energy, no appetite, etc. Especially after she just lost a brother a year or two ago, and just lost another brother a week ago. I know she fears losing her husband too. And to top it all off, the funeral for her brother is this coming weekend. So not only am I asking you to pray for him to get better, but to be better by this weekend. My grandmother needs his love and support as she deals with the loss of a close brother. So the magnitude of this prayer is strong. Please pray.

The second request I have came with news we received yesterday. My husband’s brother who went through surgery was released from hospital on Friday. He made the journey home, and I’m pretty sure was celebrating that he no longer had to live in a hospital. However, yesterday, he was close to “blacking out” several times, and so his mother took him back to the hospital. The doctors assumed he was just dehydrated and thus hooked him up to a fluid IV and later sent him home. Upon return of home, he fully passed out and hit the floor. Of course this meant a turnaround trip back to the hospital where they are considering much more serious options than simple dehydration. This means more tests. His doctors in the larger city were notified, and last I heard, the debate was whether or not to take him back to the larger hospital. Unfortunately, his hospital life is not over yet. I ask for such sincere prayer for him. I cannot even begin to fathom what he is experiencing, the hopelessness as he looks at his dire position. He needs lifted up into the hands of our Father who is the only one who truly knows what is going on with him. My husband is having a hard time with the situation, especially not being allowed to leave the country. I cannot request prayer enough. This family needs your help. Please pray.

One last item that I learned today and also requires some hefty prayers concerns a colleague of mine in an incredibly unfortunate situation. She is planning on getting married in August, something she highly looks forward too. She was raised by adoptive parents, but of course had sent invitations to her biological parents whom she doesn’t speak to often, but every once in awhile. Her father never returned his confirmation for the wedding, but she had just assumed he had never thought to. Of course, she called him for Father’s Day, but instead of hearing her normal father’s voice, was shocked to hear how hard it was for him to breathe and speak. It was to her dismay that there was a reason that he never returned the reservation, and that was simply because he didn’t know if he’d be alive by then. He had been diagnosed with lung cancer, and one lung has already collapsed. Something so sudden and yet he was so fearful of breaking the news to his children, especially the one who really wants him to be there for her wedding. As you can assume, this news hits hard. There is nothing that can relieve the pain of finding our your dad could be gone in a few months, and possibly just before you wed. There’s a special place for dads at their daughter’s wedding, and they fear this void will be there instead. Please pray for this whole thing. Pray for her father’s life, and pray for her strength and endurance. I know I would be devastated, and I can only imagine she is as well. Pray for not only their relationship, but also his with God. There is nothing more important than being ever closer to God when death is so close at hand.

I thank all of you in advance for lifting these situations up in your prayers. It’s hard to watch the people you love and care so deeply about suffer. The question of why God allows these things to happen is a hard one, but one that will be answered when He returns. But in the meantime, God tells us to lift everything up in petition and prayer, and that if we knock, the door shall be opened unto us. So pray for the wellbeing of both my relatives.

If there is any prayers I can lift up for you or any of your situations, please let me know. Prayer is something that can be so powerful, and there is nothing that is too little for prayer. God cares about you, and I do too. Thanks again.

Amazing Research!

It has been awhile since I’ve posted about the Organo Gold products that I’m in love with. Trust me, this love has not ended. The benefits and results of this stuff is undeniable. You’re really missing out.

A fellow OG distributor shared this study with me, and I’m going to share it with you as well because I think it is incredibly important. Here is what was shared:

“California has a Linus Pauling Institute of Sci.&Tech.and Medicine. It’s founder is two Nobel Prize winners, he has moderate reputation in vitamin research and disease treatment and prevention. Fukumi Monshige Doctor worked in this well-known college .Over the past few decades, the therapeutic effect of Ganoderma lucidum studied and concluded by he and siad: “According to my point of view, the current methods of cancer prevention is better to use Ganoderma lucidum” (Reishi).

Application Fields

Ganoderma lucidum has been successfully applied in the following areas:

– Cancer adjuvant treatment (stomach, liver, lung, skin, brain, kidney, pancreas)
– Chemical treatments, reducing side effects
– Neurasthenia, fear
– Sleep Disorders
– Heart and circulatory problems (high blood pressure, blood, heart and coronary blood vessels, edema)
– To enhance liver function
– Enhance the immune system, prevention of infection
– Regulation of blood lipids and blood sugar level
– Allergic reactions
– Neurodermatitis
– Asthma
– Food and indigestion
– Joint pain
– Bronchitis, emphysema
– Autoimmune diseases
– Arrhythmia
– A, B, hepatitis C
– Too heavy
– Anxiety
– Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis
– Pancreatitis
– Climacteric disease
– Exhausted
– Fibrous tumor disease
– The prevention of myocardial infarction
– Tinnitus
– Hemorrhoids
– Dermatology”

Now think about it. You can have all these amazing benefits, and still be drinking coffee or tea! There is even a hot chocolate that so many people give to their kids because a. it tastes good, and b. why not start them with health benefits early!

This stuff is amazing, and doesn’t break the bank. From people being able to walk away from oxygen tanks, getting off of pain pills (even morphine!), to people losing weight, the benefits of simply switching your coffee is incredible.

Leave me a comment if you’d at least like a free sample, or are interested in jumping in and changing your health today! It’s never too early to start!

**This product is able to be sold internationally. Anyone can get a sample, anyone can buy a box! Don’t let distance hinder you from your best health!


From a Walker to Being Energetic??

I know this has been a big thing for me lately, but the more I encounter people who have amazing, almost miracle stories, all from the same product, it grabs my attention.

My grandfather suffered from a type of Leukemia a few years ago. He went from being an energetic, very talkative man to a weak, frail body. Although his cancer went into remission, it left his body extremely weak with barely an immune system at all.

A year ago he was in the hospital. My father never cries, and yet when he called, I could tell he was crying. It wasn’t that my grandfather was in the hospital, but the news from the doctors was not good. He had received a simple cold from someone, and it had developed into pneumonia (lack of immune system), and as he was in his 70s, his body was getting hit hard. At one point, they transferred him to the cardiac unit. Hope was running low.

With much daily prayer, and trying to contact him each day in the hospital, my grandfather managed to bring about his willpower and beat the pneumonia and ended up going home. I will never cease thanking God for his recovery. My grandfather is an amazing man.

This winter (Canadian winters are so bad), my grandfather ended up walking with a walker. Tired, energy-less and weak are words that pretty much describe his state. A man that LOVES to sit a visitor down and talk their ear off could barely manage to hold a whole conversation for lack of energy. And in a walker? Simply not good.

This coffee infused with ganoderma extract was introduced to my grandfather only a couple months ago. My grandfather quit drinking his normal coffee and completely switched to this. And this is the part that amazes me.

My father called me a few days ago excited and just spilling out the story to me. They had gone to visit a cousin that hadn’t seen in years. My dad was shocked at the size of her house (nobody in our family has particularly had a lot of money). He was describing how it was on a hill, had 10 steps alone to the front door, was a split level meaning there were stairs to the upstairs and down, and another floor on top. My Dad was worried about my grandfather feeling left out not being able to explore the house for lack of energy.

But not only did my grandfather come without his walker, but he also walked EVERY INCH of that house! My dad couldn’t believe his eyes. I couldn’t believe my ears. My dad was even still skeptical about the change, even though he’s the one that gave the coffee to him. And my grandfather and grandmother simply told him that the only thing they had changed was the coffee they drank. That was the ONLY thing.

Can you imagine. One simple change. Really, it’s just an exchange. Healthy coffee instead of the other. And yet so many health benefits and boosts that it’s just unbelievable.

And the best part is, this is just one story, one story that hits me close to home because it’s someone I know and love. Someone that means the world to me. And if this one change can cause such a huge difference in this 70+ year old man, what might it do for someone you know?

I know we’re all scared to try new things, but this is something so amazing, something like I’ve never seen before. And yet it’s something so simple, a change you don’t have to remember because you do it already.

Seriously, let me know if you’re interested. The damage from life is bad enough, why not do the best you can to stay your youngest as long as possible.