ReCleanse Day 5 (Meal Prep, No Excuses!)

Diary I went to bed so late last night. But, I woke up super energetic this morning like usual. However, I think taking all four of those capsules together last night caused me to wake up with some pretty strong … Continue reading

All Fruit Day – Healing Journey Day 37

This morning, I didn’t wake up until almost 10:00! Man, I’m enjoying the ability to sleep in. It shall be short-lived as I return to work tomorrow.

I didn’t eat ANYTHING until 2:00 today. My fruit supplies at home were low, and I needed to go get groceries. There are four organic grocery stores in my city, and I frequent three of them (one has awkward parking). So, I made a list for what I will need this week and went out.

It wasn’t until I got to the second grocery that I noticed they had apple samples! Yes! I ate about a quarter of a Fuji apple that was amazingly delicious, and about a quarter of a Red Delicious apple that wasn’t so impressive. Needless to say, I chose Fuji apples to buy. Then, as I was getting ready to checkout, I decided that I should buy something to take with me. So I bought a cup of grapes to take along.


Now, you’ll notice in the picture that I also bought a bottle of water. One thing that I have noticed is that I am NOT consuming water. Yes, fruit is hydrating, but I haven’t been doing well getting in all my calories lately either. So not only am I not eating everything I need to, my body is also being deprived of water which ended up leaving me with the feeling that I needed to pee all day. It was almost like I couldn’t get all the urine out and I know that lack of water causes all kinds of problems in that area, hence, the bottle of water. People, don’t joke around; drink your water!

After I came home and put everything away, I went to the gym and completed about 26.5 minutes on the rowing machine. Now, this is interesting because I use to try using the rowing machine when I ate the typical bodybuilding diet and I HATED it. I don’t think I was ever on one longer than 5 minutes; seriously. And yet, with no rowing experience, after having eaten maybe 150-200 calories so far, I was able to do the 26.5 minutes of rowing with burst intervals (fast/strong pulling reps between slow/easy pulling reps). I was shocked and amazed. There truly is something to this journey about unlocking my own potential and I’m loving it.

When I came home, I went to look at my food sources I had only to discover I didn’t have much that was ripe for today. I guess I kind of overlooked that when planning my grocery shopping. So I ate an apple. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I ate an apple to end my day. So in total today (and this is terrible), I ate 1.5 apples and 1.5 cups of grapes. Yup, I ate hardly anything and it doesn’t make me happy. This is an example of bad planning. Please don’t replicate days like these. On the other hand, this also proves the potential our bodies have and how ridiculous it is that we – as a society – have become so distant and scared of the feeling of hunger. It’s not going to kill us to feel hungry from time-to-time, just not purposefully starving ourselves either.

Now, let’s talk about hair. I said I was going to finally fill you guys in and so let’s do it right now! I have been looking into the no-poo movement. Basically, it explains about all the chemicals we put into our hair which ultimately gets absorbed into our heads. It also discusses how the typical shampoos and conditioners strip our hair of its natural oils and all of the damage we do. So the no-poo movement works towards restoring your hair back to maintaining its own oil balance while using no shampoos and conditioners and washing with simply water.

Now, it doesn’t happen overnight. We have trained our hair to create more oil than it needs to for years, hence the greasiness you feel when you haven’t washed it in so long. So it is quite the process to get your hair to look and feel good without washing it for a long time. Currently, I wash my hair every 4 days with water, and every 12 days with shampoo and conditioner. When I started this 3 months ago, I ended up wearing my hair up a lot because it looked greasy and awful. But now, 3 months later, I only wear my hair up one or two days of those 12 days and it’s awesome. My hair is learning. 🙂

If you’re interested in learning about the no-poo method as well, please Google it! There is so much information out there and it is totally awesome for those who are trying to get back to our natural state. I’m all about keeping as many chemicals as possible away from my body!

Review of Symptoms:
-Surprisingly energetic despite a lack of calories.
-Stamina is so much better!
-Hair is not greasy.
-Acne is awful.
-Digestion on pause… but what can you expect with hardly any food…
-NEED MORE WATER! Caused me to feel like I needed to pee all day without actually having to.

Weight at the end of the day = 169.4 lbs (down 1 lb from yesterday… so excited!! Haven’t seen the 160s in a LONG time!)

Total Calories = 320 (96% carbs, 0% fat, 4% protein… embarrassingly low…)

Dry Fasting – Healing Journey Day 2

This morning was rough. I’m not gonna lie. After having such an energetic and fairly normal day yesterday, I seriously think I could have laid in bed and slept on and off all day. I did NOT want to get up this morning whatsoever. I was a little hungry, but even more so, I was extremely thirsty. Part of the reason may be the heater I’ve been turning off and on in my basement room; it seems to dry things out. But nonetheless, it was harder to concentrate and move. Interestingly enough, my hands were also incredibly shaky. I just wanted to lay around with zero energy.

I finally made myself get up and get moving around 2:00 in the afternoon. One of the local organic stores had a 15% off sale going on today so I wanted to see what juices they had to break my fast with. I am so thankful I had that motivation because I honestly had to drag myself out of bed to go take a shower. The shower was nice and refreshing, but even after I was done getting ready, I stumbled up the stairs. I was not enjoying the energy-less feelings.

Driving, I seemed to be ok. I purposefully wore capris today because I knew it was rainy and grey outside so the extra exposure to the elements would wake me up a little more.

I thoroughly enjoyed grocery shopping for juice. I’m not planning on starting juice fasting until Thursday, but I figured that if the deals were on today, might as well get prepared! I ended up going to 3 grocery stores and thankfully somehow ending up with the best prices of each type of juice I bought. I got quite a few, though was very tired again when I finally got back home.

When I got back home, the decision had to be made whether I was going to go to the gym or not. I actually decided to go, though it took a lot of time and mental convincing to get myself there. Once I got there, I actually found it decently easy to get through a small ab workout and then a 30 minute walk on the treadmill. Normally, I would do more than just abs and something a little more intense for cardio. But knowing the condition I had been in most of the day, I figured I better not push too hard since I’m not even consuming water to replenish what is lost.

Oddly enough, since the workout, I’ve felt a million times better. This is something I definitely did not expect. I figured I would be toast and done in for early for the night, but amazingly feel so much better. I came home and got laundry going right away, took in two loads from the car, and am able to concentrate on the few things I need to get done for tomorrow. It is so comforting to be feeling better because I was honestly getting worried about teaching tomorrow with the way I felt this morning. But feeling the way I do this afternoon, I know I can do it.

This is my last day of dry fasting as planned and I have a bottle of water beside my bed to drink first thing when I wake up tomorrow morning. I’m hoping/expecting that my body will celebrate the taste of water; I’m excited to find out. I’m not sure how my body will react as I continue with 3 more days without food as I move into a water fast, but I can only imagine the effect that simply adding water back in to my body will have.

Review of symptoms:
I haven’t noticed too much difference in my face. In fact, I noticed at the gym that my face got red much more easily when breathing in a more forceful way to help with the ab exercise repetitions. I have not had my face do this in forever, if ever. Of course, I’ve been going around with a noticeable feeling in my stomach; it’s not really painful but definitely noticeable. I’m not sure whether it is hunger, thirst, or something else. It’s definitely something I can live with; very mild. The shaking has gone away for the most part since my workout; it was really bad this morning. Being able to actually sit down and be able to work and focus on something rather than fighting my thoughts to sleep like I did this morning is really nice too. My hair is not as greasy as it normally would be at this point which tells me that the junk food and greasy food definitely affects how much oil is in your hair.

Weight at the end of day 2 = 185.4 lbs (down 3.4 lbs in 24 hours)

Total Calories = 0

The Best I’ve Ever Felt

Last night, my husband and I went to the gym like we always do. We got religiously, 6 days a week. The time we spend in the gym varies, but we both have goals and are working hard to achieve them.

Usually what happens is I will leave the gym feeling tired and exhausted. I will do 3/4 of my workout with vigorous strength and struggle through the last 1/4, noticing my strength has significantly weakened. Last night was different.

Last night, my energy was explosive. I never once felt like I was struggling. I was stronger, more efficient, better form, and all around felt amazing. When I had finished my workout, I was so happy and energetic still that my husband pushed my levels and strength on several other exercises, some I had never done before and some that would repeat muscle groups I’d already worked out or worked out the day before. I cannot begin to tell you the strength I had left! It amazed me beyond all belief! My husband and I honestly had so much fun and he just kept pushing me, amazed with what I was able to do!

Now, I’m not a huge pre-workout fan. Every pre-workout I’ve ever taken (and I’ve had a few) either gave me the jitters that I absolutely hate, or simply did not work. None of them really worked. I’m always so excited when I buy a pre-workout, ready for these promising, amazing results and always end up disappointed and regret buying the stuff. They honestly have little to zero affect on me. If anything, they’ve even sent my heart racing which caused me less strength in my workouts. I quite dislike them.

So now what have I tried to fuel my workouts? Nothing other than my Organo Gold coffee! Honestly, and this is no joke, I usually drink two cups of it a day anyways, and I already have so much more energy and feel so much better everyday I’ve been drinking it than before I ever started drinking it regularly. But yesterday, I planned my second cup to be directly before my workout. Problem was, it stayed a little too hot and so I ended up drinking half of it while I was actually doing my deadlifts (first exercise last night). Oh well. Might have looked a little funny, but the results, the energy, the good feelings, the everything that it gave me, I would not trade it for the world. From this moment on, I will always fuel my day and my workouts with Organo Gold. I would not trade those results for any expensive fake promise that pre-workouts will give me. I stick with what works, and Organo Gold definitely works. I’ve never been so happy and energetic in my life, and I’m loving it!

From a Walker to Being Energetic??

I know this has been a big thing for me lately, but the more I encounter people who have amazing, almost miracle stories, all from the same product, it grabs my attention.

My grandfather suffered from a type of Leukemia a few years ago. He went from being an energetic, very talkative man to a weak, frail body. Although his cancer went into remission, it left his body extremely weak with barely an immune system at all.

A year ago he was in the hospital. My father never cries, and yet when he called, I could tell he was crying. It wasn’t that my grandfather was in the hospital, but the news from the doctors was not good. He had received a simple cold from someone, and it had developed into pneumonia (lack of immune system), and as he was in his 70s, his body was getting hit hard. At one point, they transferred him to the cardiac unit. Hope was running low.

With much daily prayer, and trying to contact him each day in the hospital, my grandfather managed to bring about his willpower and beat the pneumonia and ended up going home. I will never cease thanking God for his recovery. My grandfather is an amazing man.

This winter (Canadian winters are so bad), my grandfather ended up walking with a walker. Tired, energy-less and weak are words that pretty much describe his state. A man that LOVES to sit a visitor down and talk their ear off could barely manage to hold a whole conversation for lack of energy. And in a walker? Simply not good.

This coffee infused with ganoderma extract was introduced to my grandfather only a couple months ago. My grandfather quit drinking his normal coffee and completely switched to this. And this is the part that amazes me.

My father called me a few days ago excited and just spilling out the story to me. They had gone to visit a cousin that hadn’t seen in years. My dad was shocked at the size of her house (nobody in our family has particularly had a lot of money). He was describing how it was on a hill, had 10 steps alone to the front door, was a split level meaning there were stairs to the upstairs and down, and another floor on top. My Dad was worried about my grandfather feeling left out not being able to explore the house for lack of energy.

But not only did my grandfather come without his walker, but he also walked EVERY INCH of that house! My dad couldn’t believe his eyes. I couldn’t believe my ears. My dad was even still skeptical about the change, even though he’s the one that gave the coffee to him. And my grandfather and grandmother simply told him that the only thing they had changed was the coffee they drank. That was the ONLY thing.

Can you imagine. One simple change. Really, it’s just an exchange. Healthy coffee instead of the other. And yet so many health benefits and boosts that it’s just unbelievable.

And the best part is, this is just one story, one story that hits me close to home because it’s someone I know and love. Someone that means the world to me. And if this one change can cause such a huge difference in this 70+ year old man, what might it do for someone you know?

I know we’re all scared to try new things, but this is something so amazing, something like I’ve never seen before. And yet it’s something so simple, a change you don’t have to remember because you do it already.

Seriously, let me know if you’re interested. The damage from life is bad enough, why not do the best you can to stay your youngest as long as possible.