All Fruit Day – Healing Journey Day 37

This morning, I didn’t wake up until almost 10:00! Man, I’m enjoying the ability to sleep in. It shall be short-lived as I return to work tomorrow.

I didn’t eat ANYTHING until 2:00 today. My fruit supplies at home were low, and I needed to go get groceries. There are four organic grocery stores in my city, and I frequent three of them (one has awkward parking). So, I made a list for what I will need this week and went out.

It wasn’t until I got to the second grocery that I noticed they had apple samples! Yes! I ate about a quarter of a Fuji apple that was amazingly delicious, and about a quarter of a Red Delicious apple that wasn’t so impressive. Needless to say, I chose Fuji apples to buy. Then, as I was getting ready to checkout, I decided that I should buy something to take with me. So I bought a cup of grapes to take along.


Now, you’ll notice in the picture that I also bought a bottle of water. One thing that I have noticed is that I am NOT consuming water. Yes, fruit is hydrating, but I haven’t been doing well getting in all my calories lately either. So not only am I not eating everything I need to, my body is also being deprived of water which ended up leaving me with the feeling that I needed to pee all day. It was almost like I couldn’t get all the urine out and I know that lack of water causes all kinds of problems in that area, hence, the bottle of water. People, don’t joke around; drink your water!

After I came home and put everything away, I went to the gym and completed about 26.5 minutes on the rowing machine. Now, this is interesting because I use to try using the rowing machine when I ate the typical bodybuilding diet and I HATED it. I don’t think I was ever on one longer than 5 minutes; seriously. And yet, with no rowing experience, after having eaten maybe 150-200 calories so far, I was able to do the 26.5 minutes of rowing with burst intervals (fast/strong pulling reps between slow/easy pulling reps). I was shocked and amazed. There truly is something to this journey about unlocking my own potential and I’m loving it.

When I came home, I went to look at my food sources I had only to discover I didn’t have much that was ripe for today. I guess I kind of overlooked that when planning my grocery shopping. So I ate an apple. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I ate an apple to end my day. So in total today (and this is terrible), I ate 1.5 apples and 1.5 cups of grapes. Yup, I ate hardly anything and it doesn’t make me happy. This is an example of bad planning. Please don’t replicate days like these. On the other hand, this also proves the potential our bodies have and how ridiculous it is that we – as a society – have become so distant and scared of the feeling of hunger. It’s not going to kill us to feel hungry from time-to-time, just not purposefully starving ourselves either.

Now, let’s talk about hair. I said I was going to finally fill you guys in and so let’s do it right now! I have been looking into the no-poo movement. Basically, it explains about all the chemicals we put into our hair which ultimately gets absorbed into our heads. It also discusses how the typical shampoos and conditioners strip our hair of its natural oils and all of the damage we do. So the no-poo movement works towards restoring your hair back to maintaining its own oil balance while using no shampoos and conditioners and washing with simply water.

Now, it doesn’t happen overnight. We have trained our hair to create more oil than it needs to for years, hence the greasiness you feel when you haven’t washed it in so long. So it is quite the process to get your hair to look and feel good without washing it for a long time. Currently, I wash my hair every 4 days with water, and every 12 days with shampoo and conditioner. When I started this 3 months ago, I ended up wearing my hair up a lot because it looked greasy and awful. But now, 3 months later, I only wear my hair up one or two days of those 12 days and it’s awesome. My hair is learning. 🙂

If you’re interested in learning about the no-poo method as well, please Google it! There is so much information out there and it is totally awesome for those who are trying to get back to our natural state. I’m all about keeping as many chemicals as possible away from my body!

Review of Symptoms:
-Surprisingly energetic despite a lack of calories.
-Stamina is so much better!
-Hair is not greasy.
-Acne is awful.
-Digestion on pause… but what can you expect with hardly any food…
-NEED MORE WATER! Caused me to feel like I needed to pee all day without actually having to.

Weight at the end of the day = 169.4 lbs (down 1 lb from yesterday… so excited!! Haven’t seen the 160s in a LONG time!)

Total Calories = 320 (96% carbs, 0% fat, 4% protein… embarrassingly low…)

Week 8 Day 6

I’m hungry. In fact, my body feels like it’s starving. I can’t say that I’ve been hitting my macros the past few days as I’ve been happy just to ingest any liquid anything, which has been mainly fruit, veggies, and some protein powder. I have been trying to get some BoltHouse smoothies from the grocery store to drink (I know they aren’t the cleanest), and so in that way have been getting in some extra nutrition, and I’ve also been keeping up with my multivitamins and supplements. But I still can’t chew. My teeth are too tender. I tried chewing a Breton mini cracker today, the super soft, melt in your mouth type of cracker, and I could only chew one before my teeth were very sore. Still on that liquid diet today!

Definitely got some of this because "Tis' the Season!"

Definitely got some of this because “Tis’ the Season!”

I had a chiropractor appointment this morning that went well. I planned on going to the gym to split up my workout with my husband again but instead ended up going to sleep and quickly found out that I just wasn’t getting rest. I’d wake up, and wake up, and wake up, and wake up, all the while sleeping in between but never feeling any different when I woke up. I don’t get it. I’m really not sure what’s going on.

When my husband came home from work, he was too tired to go to the gym right away. So he stayed home and took a nap while I went to the gym because I knew my workout would take a long time tonight. I came back and woke him up about half way through my workout, drank a protein shake in order to help my starving body continue, and went back to finish my workout.

It was a long workout, finishing the ab exercises from yesterday, combined with legs today (90 squats!!), and of course the cardio I had to catch up on. We also had to do dropset to burnout leg extensions. I swear my quads were about to break apart. I definitely wasn’t able to walk the greatest after!

I tried something new today: Sweet Sweat! I had been given product samples of it a long time ago, but had never tried it because I always worry about chemical reactions ruining my clothing. Thankfully, my wonderful hubby picked up a Sweet Sweat belt under which you apply the Sweet Sweat so that it doesn’t touch your clothing! Boo yah! Let me just say, the results shocked me. I never knew I could sweat that much, seriously. And yet I didn’t feel overly warm like I thought I would. It obviously worked though. So I’m going to wear it for a few weeks to see if it makes a true difference and I’ll keep you updated!

Sweet Sweat! Try it out!

Sweet Sweat! Try it out!

Detox Without Changing Your Diet!

All the time we are seeing “Detox” ads. Ads for juicing detoxes, ads for whole food detoxes, and ads for bottles of pills or liquids that you take with strict diets that allow your body to detox.

Let me first tell you that a detox is a great idea! A lot of the food we eat is full of chemicals and preservatives and who knows what else! A lot of things that should never enter our bodies is entering quietly and unnoticed. A detox will help your body get rid of these things.

Another reason a detox is an excellent idea is the very fact of body efficiency. I will pre-warn you that this next comment grossed me out but changed my life forever. I once read in an article that some of our bodies are so inefficient at getting rid of the “extras” in our bodies that we can daily carry around 10 lbs of “sludge” in our intestines! I won’t go into any more details, but how awful is that! Not to mention most people want to lose 10 lbs, but also to know that poisonous “sludge” in staying in there! YUCK!

The difficult part about the common “detox” program is the fact of the limitations of food. Now by all means, I will encourage you until the day I die to eat healthy. There is nothing like eating healthy for your body. But I will never encourage a small amount of food entering your body. I cringe when I see people starving themselves to lose weight (or whatever the reason may be). The best part is, you don’t have to.

There is a new “coffee/tea/hot chocolate/supplement” that will help your body detox without EVER changing a single food in your diet. Again, it is best, no matter what, to eat healthier. But even if you don’t, these new drinks/supplements will still help your body daily detox itself! How much easier can it really get? You still get to drink your coffee or your tea, your kids can still drink their hot chocolate, and yet instead of drinking ones that have negative effects on your body, all of those negative effects are GONE and you have added health benefits including a daily detox for your body! It’s amazing and completely blows my mind!


I’ve always enjoyed a mocha. A mocha is a half coffee, half hot chocolate. My problem with most coffee shops that offer mochas is the extreme richness and overflowing sugars that are in them. I now drink a good hot mocha twice a day from the comfort of wherever I may be at the time, and I can tell you the amazing difference and change I have seen in the detox of my body alone. I’m amazed.

If you’d like to try the product, message me. I’d love to tell you more about it and even send you some free samples. I have always disliked sales people who are pushy and don’t seem to care, and I sincerely hope you don’t feel as if I’m being that way. I never support products I don’t believe in and when it comes to our health, that’s the most important. You only get one life to live, so why not make it the best life you can. Treat your body the best you can and you’ll see the difference your body will do for you!


Healthy Coffee? Are you Serious? Why Yes, Yes I am!

How many people in the world are drinking coffee? A LARGE number. And yet we are constantly told about the many, many side effects such as the caffeine crashes, the tiredness that coffee only “masks” for the time being, as well as a host of many other negative things. Yet the world still ceases to be amazed at the line-ups for coffee shops. Coffee is so universal and so easy. So why are we willing to risk our health for it? Because we love it! So here is where I introduce you to the phrase: You can have your coffee and drink it too! (Throw that cake away… 🙂 )

I have been introduced to a company called “Organo Gold”. What Organo Gold has done is to take something as commonplace as coffee, and enhance it! Enhance it to block those negative side effects of coffee, and present us with a supplemented coffee that does allow us to drink our coffee and teas everyday for a much cheaper price than a cup of coffee bought from a coffee shop (no machines required either!) and brought us a product that has an amazing taste while at the same time hosting incredible health benefits! 

I cannot tell you the amount of people I have encountered or heard from that are listing health benefits left and right, things that this “miracle coffee” has done for them. There are people who have been Tim Hortons addicts, or Starbucks addicts, and completely abandon them for this coffee. 

I personally was sent some samples before Christmas. I drank them, thought about it, but pursued nothing for well over a month and a half. Then as I sat, thinking how much I’d love a mocha or a latte or something (yes I like the “fancy” coffees), I realized that I really wanted some more of those samples I had drank! That stuff is AMAZING. 

My husband is an avid green tea drinker. He’s had green tea in many different varieties from many different companies, and what did he say with his first sip of OG green tea? “Wow! This stuff is SO GOOD!”

So what makes OG products better? They use a natural supplement (derived from an ancient species of mushroom) to supplement their coffees and teas. The health benefits are incredible, nobody can deny. 

I suggest you simply google “Ganoderma”. Look at the amazing things it does and can do for you!

If you think you’re interested, I’d love to send you free samples. This goes for ANYONE. There are no borders on coffee! I’d love to hear what this product has done for you! Get in on the product everybody seems to be getting “hooked” on. Why not treat your body to something better!