ReCleanse Day 5 (Meal Prep, No Excuses!)

Diary I went to bed so late last night. But, I woke up super energetic this morning like usual. However, I think taking all four of those capsules together last night caused me to wake up with some pretty strong … Continue reading

Why God?

I wish I could accurately describe what my life has been like the past while. However, no matter how hard I try, I cannot come up with a truly accurate description. The best I can do is tell you that … Continue reading

Summer Days of Fruitrition 3b/7 – Healing Journey Day Day 66

I did not plan on taking two days to do the Wednesday schedule. But as you can tell from yesterday’s blog post, I never did finish the day. So today ended up being a catch-up day. And in the end, I only ended up eating two big meals which is extremely odd for me, but it worked and tomorrow will be day 4.

This morning, I made the mango tacos. It’s done simply by chopping up some mangoes and tomatoes and eating them wrapped in lettuce leaves. For this, I used Romaine lettuce. It was decent. My mangoes are not the greatest quality which is providing it’s own issues. Tommy Atkins mangoes are just not my favourite.


A while later, I felt peckish, so I ate the snack from day 4 which was figs. Again, since we do not have fresh figs at this time, I had to eat dried figs which were really good on their own.


Now, my eyes were really bothering me today. Again, spending way too much time working on the computer and Skyping with family lately. I’m also still not sleeping as much as I should be, and my eyes are suffering. So this afternoon, I took my dog on a longer walk and spent some time laying in bed just resting my eyes.

By the time supper came around, I could either continue on Day 4, or leave the 3 main meals to do a real day 4 tomorrow. So that’s what I decided and ate some rice for supper. The good news is, I’m almost out of rice. In fact, there may only be one serving left. And once it’s gone, I won’t eat it anymore. But to ensure success for tomorrow, I made sure to prep the mangoes for tonight. I am good to go! Day 4, here I come!

Review of Symptoms:
-Acne is bad.
-Eyes are exhausted.
-Chest is sore from workout yesterday, but in a good way!
-Felt “off” today. Drank lots more water than normal, but not 100% sure why.

Weight at the end of the day = 167.8 lbs (up 0.4 lbs from yesterday which actually surprises me though it may be the extra water I drank since my body is finally getting what it wants)

Total Calories = 1972 (91% carbs, 2% fat, 7% protein)

Smoothie Day – Healing Journey Day 30

It was nice to be able to sleep in again. I’m surely going to miss these days when I leave tomorrow. I do have to admit I didn’t sleep the greatest last night. I was an incredibly light sleeper (versus being my normal heavy sleeper self) and there was a mountain lion screaming in our back field for part of the night. So I guess sleeping in was a bit of a requirement.

For breakfast, I made myself a banana, date, and raspberry smoothie. It was ok, but really not the greatest. I’m really beginning to think that the dates truly are not as sweet, and the amount of water I’m putting in just drowns out the flavour. It could also be that I don’t have a high-powered blender so everything is not quite mixing as well, but either way, I’m looking forward to smoothie days being over.


Following breakfast, we did a bit of laying around and getting ready to go take our dogs for a walk. Knowing that it was a very hot day and that we wouldn’t be back for quite awhile, I decided to eat a snack before we left. I didn’t have a bottle or anything to put a smoothie in, so I ended up taking something to try: I had thin corn cakes (like rice cakes but half the size and made from corn) topped with a little Kite Hill original cream cheese-like spread and a spoon of salsa. Believe it or not, it was SUPER good. The Kite Hill cheese is made from cultured almonds. So no, this wasn’t a completely raw meal, but again, I have to use my resources, and for the future when I’m back to eating cooked food again, I know this will be a repeat purchase. Highly recommend!

We took the dogs to the local park, but stopped at Starbucks along the way. My husband got a frappuccino and I refrained from getting anything.

The park was a lot of fun. There is a little island with a gazebo connected to the mainland by a bridge. I like going on the island because the dogs can run free without worry. However, though my dogs HATE water, I was shocked to see how badly they wanted to get the ducks that were abundantly swimming around. My oldest dog who has hated water for the 6/7 years of his life actually went swimming after them. He progressed through stepping into the water, going until he couldn’t touch anymore, and then finally swimming towards them. We were shocked and so impressed knowing that he actually can swim and will when necessary, but called him back because we didn’t actually want him to go after the ducks. Our youngest dog only went up to his stomach but even that was huge improvement for him. We may turn them into water dogs yet!

After going home, I was hungry. My two corn cakes did not keep me satisfied whatsoever and my mother-in-law wanted to take me shopping. She sees me as the daughter she never had (she had two boys and my husband’s brother is not married nor seeing anyone at the time). So before we went, I made up a bowl of that Kite Hill cheese and mixed in some salsa. I ate it with rice crackers.

We had some fun shopping and I tried on many things. I ended up getting a sweater but definitely didn’t have as successful of a trip as we did when we went shopping this past summer.

After shopping for quite awhile, we ended up going back to Chilli’s and I had the same salad again. I don’t know what happened this time, but I felt a little weird after eating it. I really can’t figure out why since it didn’t even contained cooked food, but for some reason it did not sit with me the same way.

After we ate and said our good-byes, my husband and I drove back to the city. We stayed at the same hotel we did two nights ago, but this time I had a blender! What a game-changer!

We ended up going to the movies (neither one of us have been to a movie in 8 months), but in order to help fight the popcorn craving (my husband always gets candy and popcorn), I was able to use the blender to make a banana, date, and blackberry smoothie. It was pretty good to be honest, but I used almost the whole clam of blackberries. Needless to say, there were a lot of those tough blackberry pits in it (as you’ll see in the picture). But, did I crave with the popcorn? No! It was a success!


We ended up getting back at the hotel around midnight so that pretty much ended our night. We knew we wanted to get up fairly early to spend my last few hours doing as much as possible in town, so the alarms were set and lights went out.

Review of Symptoms:
-Tongue lightly coated.
-Feeling good for the most part, but not after the salad (possibly because of too much fat, also).
-Was able to stay awake until midnight (this alone is sometimes a success).
-Fighting the most tempting popcorn smells with success.
-Acne is the same.
-Digestion still good.

Weight at the end of the day = Didn’t have a scale at the hotel so I cannot report.

Total Calories = approx. 2072 (72% carbs, 23% fat, 5% protein… way too much fat!!)

Water Fasting w/ Lemon – Healing Journey Day 5

Today was my final day of water fasting, but I did it with a twist: I added the slices of one lemon to my water. Why would I do this? I figured it would be a good transition between water fasting to juice feasting while also giving extra motivation the final day of no eating with a beautiful taste. Lemons also have the most minimal calories so it is almost like I’m consuming nothing anyways.

Let me tell you, that first taste of lemon water was absolutely divine! I have never had better tasting lemon water. It was so satisfying and just simply amazing.


When I woke up this morning, I actually felt like a fairly normal human being for once! I cannot describe how nice it was to wake up not feeling absolutely worn out and tired already. I actually slept off and on all night, waking up every couple of hours. I was expecting to be extremely tired this morning. However, my stomach was not burning and didn’t start burning until later though much milder than the previous day. My limbs were not cold even though I didn’t have the heater on and I was not as tired as I thought I would be; I was fairly wide awake. It was honestly the most amazing feeling after days of not feeling good at all. I hadn’t had any lemon water by this point so I’m not sure why the change happened, but I will honestly say that I have never been so thankful to feel good.

So as mentioned, the stomach burning did happen shortly after I got out of bed. It wasn’t near as bad as before, but still something noticeable. Honestly, it was so mild I barely noticed it throughout the day. But in the very first part of the morning, not only did my stomach begin to burn a little (again probably from my body metabolizing fat stores), but I felt a little weak walking around. What fixed that? The blessed lemon water. Again, I cannot tell you what the little flavour and tiny calories of lemon in my water is doing for my body. I did not even squeeze the lemon into it. I simply sliced up a lemon, put it in my water bottle, and kept refilling with water as I ran out. I feel more stable and stronger when I walk though I can still tell I’m looking for opportunities to sit when possible and my energy is not back to where it should be. Still, the improvement is huge!

I got through my work day fairly well, though once again, about half way through the day, I was still looking for any opportunity to sit down and limit my walking. Of course, as the day went on, the lemon began to lose its strength of flavour. But something is still better than nothing!

After I got home, I had energy enough to actually sit upstairs and have a conversation with my housemates which was awesome. I did end up coming downstairs to my part of the house and decided just to lay down and watch some YouTube. Partly to rest my body, and partly because it was a hot day and I wanted to wait for the heat to die down before I ran any errands. I probably laid down for about an hour watching YouTube videos and then somehow fell asleep.

I did not feel so good when I woke up. My stomach was hurting again and almost felt like my stomach muscles were cinching just not to the level of being “pinched”. It was a dull but constant pain and not a sharp pain. I got a touch of the same acid reflux/heartburn feeling that I had yesterday and though I tried to use the washroom with the same proper posture I used yesterday, there was no success. My energy literally felt like it was drained from my body while I slept although I continued to drink lemon water after I woke up.

I made myself get changed for the gym and made it out to my car. I was taking many deep breaths for the rest of the night. I had to go to the store to buy a cable to tie my dog outside as he chewed through his soft leash and there are gaps in the fence that he can easily fit through. The cable is 15 feet long and he’s a miniature dachshund so that is tons of room for him to go through almost the whole backyard. But after I was done going through the store, I felt winded and awful. Still, I made myself drive to the gym.

After I got to the gym parking lot, I knew I had to make a choice. I could either force myself to go in and do a small cardio workout and risk the chance of feeling even worse than I did, or just go home and see if I could sleep it off. I decided to go home and try to sleep it off.

I think today has truly been the weakest and most uncomfortable I have felt yet. It is not pleasant though I think it is so weird how good I felt in the morning to how awful I felt towards the evening.

At this point, I’m kind of nervous about how my body will react to the introduction of juice tomorrow. I am excited that it’s the closest to “food” that I will have consumed in 6 days, but at the same time, with the way I feel, I’m not sure what my body’s reaction will be. I only pray that it is a good reaction and that it will help my energy come back.

In total, though it felt like I drank more, I only had about 2L of water today. I did savour the lemon flavour.

Review of Symptoms:
Acne is noticeably better today. No new pimples again and instead of being a brighter red, they are starting to pale-down. That is something to celebrate. Stomach burning has gone down significantly becoming almost unnoticeable. Waking up feeling refreshed and “normal” was a treat. Sleep was lacking as I woke up every couple hours throughout the night. Something odd that I noticed was the veins in my hands are much more visible. I have pale skin to begin with, but I can see many more veins than usual. Stomach cramping in the evening. Energy zapped in the evening.

Weight at the end of the day = 180.8 lbs (down 1.8 lbs in 24 hours, down a total of 8 lbs in 96 hours)

Total Calories = ~15-20 calories

Dry Fasting – Healing Journey Day 2

This morning was rough. I’m not gonna lie. After having such an energetic and fairly normal day yesterday, I seriously think I could have laid in bed and slept on and off all day. I did NOT want to get up this morning whatsoever. I was a little hungry, but even more so, I was extremely thirsty. Part of the reason may be the heater I’ve been turning off and on in my basement room; it seems to dry things out. But nonetheless, it was harder to concentrate and move. Interestingly enough, my hands were also incredibly shaky. I just wanted to lay around with zero energy.

I finally made myself get up and get moving around 2:00 in the afternoon. One of the local organic stores had a 15% off sale going on today so I wanted to see what juices they had to break my fast with. I am so thankful I had that motivation because I honestly had to drag myself out of bed to go take a shower. The shower was nice and refreshing, but even after I was done getting ready, I stumbled up the stairs. I was not enjoying the energy-less feelings.

Driving, I seemed to be ok. I purposefully wore capris today because I knew it was rainy and grey outside so the extra exposure to the elements would wake me up a little more.

I thoroughly enjoyed grocery shopping for juice. I’m not planning on starting juice fasting until Thursday, but I figured that if the deals were on today, might as well get prepared! I ended up going to 3 grocery stores and thankfully somehow ending up with the best prices of each type of juice I bought. I got quite a few, though was very tired again when I finally got back home.

When I got back home, the decision had to be made whether I was going to go to the gym or not. I actually decided to go, though it took a lot of time and mental convincing to get myself there. Once I got there, I actually found it decently easy to get through a small ab workout and then a 30 minute walk on the treadmill. Normally, I would do more than just abs and something a little more intense for cardio. But knowing the condition I had been in most of the day, I figured I better not push too hard since I’m not even consuming water to replenish what is lost.

Oddly enough, since the workout, I’ve felt a million times better. This is something I definitely did not expect. I figured I would be toast and done in for early for the night, but amazingly feel so much better. I came home and got laundry going right away, took in two loads from the car, and am able to concentrate on the few things I need to get done for tomorrow. It is so comforting to be feeling better because I was honestly getting worried about teaching tomorrow with the way I felt this morning. But feeling the way I do this afternoon, I know I can do it.

This is my last day of dry fasting as planned and I have a bottle of water beside my bed to drink first thing when I wake up tomorrow morning. I’m hoping/expecting that my body will celebrate the taste of water; I’m excited to find out. I’m not sure how my body will react as I continue with 3 more days without food as I move into a water fast, but I can only imagine the effect that simply adding water back in to my body will have.

Review of symptoms:
I haven’t noticed too much difference in my face. In fact, I noticed at the gym that my face got red much more easily when breathing in a more forceful way to help with the ab exercise repetitions. I have not had my face do this in forever, if ever. Of course, I’ve been going around with a noticeable feeling in my stomach; it’s not really painful but definitely noticeable. I’m not sure whether it is hunger, thirst, or something else. It’s definitely something I can live with; very mild. The shaking has gone away for the most part since my workout; it was really bad this morning. Being able to actually sit down and be able to work and focus on something rather than fighting my thoughts to sleep like I did this morning is really nice too. My hair is not as greasy as it normally would be at this point which tells me that the junk food and greasy food definitely affects how much oil is in your hair.

Weight at the end of day 2 = 185.4 lbs (down 3.4 lbs in 24 hours)

Total Calories = 0

The 4 AM Club

Let me tell you about something I’ve been doing recently that has totally changed my life… for the good! I’ve started/joined the 4 Am Club!

What is the 4 Am Club? It means you get up at 4 am! Why in the world would you do that? Well, I’m a morning person and not a late night person. If I go to bed at a decent hour (by 10 at the latest), I can easily get up at 4 and be on the go.

What do you do at 4 am? Well, I get up, get ready to go to the gym, drive to the gym, do my weight-lifting and then 30 minutes of cardio followed by 10 minutes of stretching and rolling, drive home, eat breakfast, walk my dogs, pack our lunches, and get ready to be at work for 7:40 am.

Why do I love life this way? Because I’m a morning person and I love the fact that my workout is done first thing. I have the most energy in the first part of the day before I’ve expended a lot at work and thus am getting quality workouts. I also love when work is done I can just do whatever I want or have to do without worrying about getting my butt over to the gym. This gives so much more time for extra grading, planning, shopping, cleaning or whatever it may be. Working out in the morning also gives you extra happiness to face your day. Its a positive way to start!

I love it. Maybe 4 am is too early for you, so pick a different time! But try getting your workouts done in the morning and see if you like it as much as I do. If you want to join the 4 am club, or have any questions about it, drop a message below! I’d love to have you join me!

Adventist Health Wake-Up Call

Something to think about in the new year:

I took a few minutes this morning to peruse the December 2015 Adventist World and the January 2016 Outlook (Adventist Publication from Mid-America). Between the two publications, there were 3 articles expressing the same topic, the topic of health.

Adventists are KNOWN for their health message. Ellen White expresses the importance of taking care of our bodies to truly do what we are meant to do for Christ. She expresses the best benefits being from a plant-based diet, but how many of us actually follow that advice?

Since I’ve embarked on my own vegan journey, I’ve watched so many documentaries and so many times Loma Linda is listed – the Adventists are listed – for living longer than any other North American groups because of our vegetarian/vegan diets. If the rest of the world is noticing, then why aren’t we following our own message?

We are so quick to apologize for the many sins we accept: lying, envy, stealing, even having bad thoughts towards another. These sins are obvious. But is it not also a sin to avoid taking care of our own health?

Think back to the Garden of Eden, to God’s OPTIMAL design for us. We all know animals weren’t killed then. Everyone lived in harmony, both human and animals alike. We didn’t eat all of this junk food that we have now. We didn’t eat animal flesh. We didn’t eat eggs or drink milk. We had the beautiful fruit from the earth. That was the diet God intended.

Now, the world has continued to become degraded. Our soil quality is not what it used to be. You do need to eat vegetables, fruit, grains and legumes. But the key is, you can still get all the nutrients, even often better received by your body, with an animal-less diet. God hasn’t left us hanging. His diet is still here.

In fact, cultures and groups who eat minimal to no animal products suffer less disease and illness. Why do we put our bodies through this?

As a child, I thought all of these things were ok. But the more research I do, the more I realize how blind we are. The even scarier part is that we refuse to be truthful with ourselves. We don’t consider the fact that the devil can easily use food to get us. Think of all the junk food society craves. Have you ever wondered why the ingredients list is always 10+ items long? Most of them you don’t even know what they are. The food industry wants to get you “hooked” and they know what ingredients to use to do it. We are a society with a “health message” where the majority ignore the truth.

We all know the phrase we long to hear when Jesus returns, “Well done good and faithful servant”. But how many of us can He say that to when it comes to His very temples? These bodies are not ours and we must treat them as such. These bodies are God’s. We invite the Holy Spirit to live within us, and yet we treat His house like garbage.

I’m an avid exerciser, and no it’s not always fun. There are days I drag myself to the gym. But without exercise, my heart would not function like it should, my body would not carry me around like it should, and my health would not be in continuous progress like it is.

I also was a cheese addict. I went vegetarian cold-turkey when I was influenced by my first vegetarians. I remained that way for years, often considering going vegan, but never actually having the willpower to say no to cheese. If I could double cheese on anything and everything, you can bet that I did.

When I decided to go vegan, I went through cheese withdrawal for about a week. Who could have ever thought you could go through cheese withdrawal? But it happens because of the design of cheese. It is meant to be addictive. At times during that week, I had to make sure I had fruit in my hand to shove in my mouth so that I wouldn’t be tempted to eat the cheese. And now? I would never look back.

So where does this leave our society? In my opinion, uneducated. It doesn’t take an Adventist to see the benefits of plant-based diets. The science is spreading through the world like wildfire. Evidence is springing up with the results in peoples’ lives. Several doctors are realizing their lack of nutritional education and are starting to get involved. It’s time for us to learn it for ourselves, to understand the impact we are having on ourselves and others. Can you imagine rarely getting sick? Rarely having headaches? Rarely having to go to a doctor? It’s possible, you just need to want to embark on the journey that is not going to be fun at first.

We also need to remember that everything we do in life – EVERYTHING – is seen by our LORD. He knows our motives, He knows our hearts. Just as it’s not always easy to walk up to someone to share the message of Christ with them (especially if you’re expecting backlash), it’s not easy to want to change your habits. But as we see throughout the Bible and throughout the world still today, God’s call is not an easy one. God doesn’t even bring you to paths you can handle. Instead, He wants your heart to be earnest, and then to walk with Him on the path He wants you to take, even carrying you part of the way when necessary.

This is not meant to be a controversial topic. It is meant to be a reminder of truth, of a journey that I have been on myself lately. I’m not perfect either. Even though I was able to hear the call to better health, to realizing and beating my addiction to cheese, I need to get better at a whole food diet and ditch the convenient, pre-made vegan food that I have made a habit of eating.

Life is a journey and it’s never easy. If it was so easy to be healthy, everybody would be healthy. It takes determination, acceptance of what needs to be changed, and the willpower to do it. And even so, all of our efforts without Christ on our journey with us are of little use. Christ is the extra motivation that we need. Picture this: You know Jesus is coming to your house today. What would you do? I know I would be cleaning like mad, making sure it looked the best it could, and preparing the best food I absolutely could. Our bodies are no different. We invite the Holy Spirit in, but how many of us have cleaned internally? Are you feeding your body the best foods so it runs the healthiest and is the cleanest it can be? That is a question for serious thought.

I’m going to leave you with some quotes from Ellen White and the author of the article, “Adventists Urged to Examine Their Meals,” Andrew McChesney:

“We have had this information for more than 120 years, ” said Dr. Peter N. Landless, director of the Adventist world church’s Health Ministries Department. “Sadly, many have chosen not to follow the advice that has been given to God’s inspired servant, but it is always reassuring when one sees that that which is given by inspiration proven by peer-reviewed, evidence-based science.”

He added: “Our prayer is that our church will take note, not because this is an issue related to salvation, but because it affects the quality of life and our service to a broken world, the mission to which we have been called.”

“Flesh was never the best food; but its use is now doubly objectionable, since disease in animals is so rapidly increasing,” White wrote in the book Child Guidance. [You would be surprised how much diseased flesh is in your animal products today, since she said this so many years ago! Our world is corrupt and hides many things from us.]

White, who Adventists believe had the gift of prophecy, wrote in the same book that meat would become more contaminated as the earth neared its last days and that Adventists would stop eating it. “Flesh will cease to form a part of their diet,” she said. “We should ever keep this end in view and endeavour to work steadily toward it. I cannot think that in the practice of flesh eating we are in harmony with the light which God has been pleased to give us.”

I wish you all a happy, healthy 2016 as we prepare for the ever-closer coming of our LORD and Saviour. May we leave ourselves behind and put God first, no matter what journey He asks us to embark on. Because unlike many things in life, we know the end. We know that all the evil of the world will fade away, and Christ will reign in the best lives we can’t even possibly imagine. All of our unanswered questions will be answered, and we will no longer have to watch suffering take place. Our LORD will be with us, face-to-face, with the loving embrace that will bring happy tears knowing that everything we’ve suffered, everything we’ve endured, everything we’ve experienced will have all been worth it. I cannot wait to thank Him for all that He has brought me through, and for all that He has done for me. What a glorious day that will be!

God Doesn’t Give Us More Than We Can Handle… Except, He Does

If you’re anything like me, you’ve heard the same things I’ve had, time and time again. The phrase goes like this, “God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.” However, the Bible doesn’t say that.

The verse is 1 Corinthians 10:13 and it says (NLT):

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure.

It doesn’t say we won’t be given more than we can handle, but we won’t be tempted more than we can handle. It’s a bit of a change in words.

I actually like to know that God may give me more situations than I can handle, but before you freak out on me, here’s why.

If I knew that I could handle everything in life, I wouldn’t need God. If I could solve all of my own problems and deliver myself from evil, I wouldn’t need God. If I could walk around loud and proud because I knew I could conquer anything, I wouldn’t need God. I would be easily self-sufficient. But that’s not the case.

Because I’m given more than I can handle, I fall to my knees in prayer. Because I’m given more than I can handle, I seek God to come and rescue me, to save me, and to surround me in love. Because I’m given more than I can handle, I remember to thank the LORD for everything He has ever done for me and continues to do for me. Because I’m given more than I can handle, I know through the tears that it won’t be me saving myself, but it will be my God who will be my strength and my endurance to bring me through whatever situation it is.


It takes me back to the picture/poem of Footprints. Where two pairs of footprints started, eventually one pair of footprints wanders alone. When the person asks God why He left him alone, God replies that He did not leave him alone, instead He carried him part of the way.


If we weren’t given more than we could handle, there would always be two sets of footprints, and potentially only one as we slowly forget that we need God in life. But instead, we have an amazing God who does allow us to be burdened with more than we can handle so that we remember that it is only through Him that we conquer what we do. It is only God who can deliver us from everything we get immersed in. It is only God who can handle everything we’ve been given.


And knowing all this, this verse means so much more. I hope it does for you too.

If you have any other views of this verse, or have a story of how much this verse means to you, I’d love to hear it. Leave it in the comments below!

An Unusual Date Night

Life can get hectic – we all know and have experienced that. But sometimes, your love life is what suffers most, especially when you’re having a hard time finding time to get the things you need to get done, done. It’s an awful cycle to get into. But what if you could turn “tasks” into dates? Here’s an example of what I mean:

I didn’t buy my used car that long ago (2 years?) but we know that it’s going to have some major work needed soon. It’s ten years old, and it’s been a wonderful car. But the price in work that it will need done far surpasses what the car is worth, so we’re starting to look at getting a new car.

I hate the idea of spending a ton of money, I really do. And especially because I know we can’t afford a new car right now, the thought of looking at vehicles does not appeal to me at all. However, my husband wants an idea ahead of time what I want so he can work towards getting me something I like. I guess it’s kind of a motivating goal for him to know what I want so he can work towards that thing.

Last night, he asked me if I would go looking at cars with him since it was Sunday and the dealerships close early. It would give us the privacy to walk the lot, look at the vehicles from the outside without being interrupted by a car salesman which I can get so intimidated by. I’d rather have my time to at least identify what type of vehicle I’m looking for before being pursued to purchase anything.

My husband’s been after me for awhile to do anything like this, and I’ve been avoiding it. But especially because vehicles have been his new love, I decided to go more for him than anything. But you know what? I couldn’t have made a better decision. First of all, he was excited I had said yes. Secondly, we went to Starbucks to get a drink to take around with us. Thirdly, it really was kind of like a date, getting to know what each other liked about vehicles, browsing around after hours, not having any outside pressures, and just spending time together. It was actually really nice.

So instead of thinking about the mundane tasks all of the time, maybe think of ways you can incorporate tasks with your spouse and make it more of a date. It can totally change something you hate (I really hated looking at vehicles the four times we’ve done it before). Spend your time together, and make the best of every situation that you can. You and your spouse promised to share your lives together, so share even the smallest of tasks. It can have a way of improving you life all around. 🙂