Summer Days of Fruitrition 3b/7 – Healing Journey Day Day 66

I did not plan on taking two days to do the Wednesday schedule. But as you can tell from yesterday’s blog post, I never did finish the day. So today ended up being a catch-up day. And in the end, I only ended up eating two big meals which is extremely odd for me, but it worked and tomorrow will be day 4.

This morning, I made the mango tacos. It’s done simply by chopping up some mangoes and tomatoes and eating them wrapped in lettuce leaves. For this, I used Romaine lettuce. It was decent. My mangoes are not the greatest quality which is providing it’s own issues. Tommy Atkins mangoes are just not my favourite.


A while later, I felt peckish, so I ate the snack from day 4 which was figs. Again, since we do not have fresh figs at this time, I had to eat dried figs which were really good on their own.


Now, my eyes were really bothering me today. Again, spending way too much time working on the computer and Skyping with family lately. I’m also still not sleeping as much as I should be, and my eyes are suffering. So this afternoon, I took my dog on a longer walk and spent some time laying in bed just resting my eyes.

By the time supper came around, I could either continue on Day 4, or leave the 3 main meals to do a real day 4 tomorrow. So that’s what I decided and ate some rice for supper. The good news is, I’m almost out of rice. In fact, there may only be one serving left. And once it’s gone, I won’t eat it anymore. But to ensure success for tomorrow, I made sure to prep the mangoes for tonight. I am good to go! Day 4, here I come!

Review of Symptoms:
-Acne is bad.
-Eyes are exhausted.
-Chest is sore from workout yesterday, but in a good way!
-Felt “off” today. Drank lots more water than normal, but not 100% sure why.

Weight at the end of the day = 167.8 lbs (up 0.4 lbs from yesterday which actually surprises me though it may be the extra water I drank since my body is finally getting what it wants)

Total Calories = 1972 (91% carbs, 2% fat, 7% protein)

Winter Days of Fruitrition 1/7 -Healing Journey Day 63

Every time. It honestly happens every time. Whenever I eat too late, and eat cooked foods in the evening, I wake up the next day with pain in my stomach. You’d think I would learn. Anyways…

So if you were paying attention to the title of this blog post, you’ll notice that I jumped from the second day of summer days to a day of the winter days. Why would I switch weeks for a day? Because I had a delivery of 11 persimmons in my Organic Box, and planned on them coming unripe so they would have a week to ripen. Well, they came completely gooey and ripe so I couldn’t leave them for a week before using them without losing them. So I had to put in a high persimmon consumption day out of the winter week in order to use them. Thankfully, Freelee’s guide is easy to follow so it’s not too hard to just pick a day and go. So that’s what I did.

So this morning, I needed to have soaked dates in order to make Datorade. However, I did not have it done and of course, my hungry stomach led me back to the fridge to look for any quick foods I had, which ended up being some cooked foods again. My weakness is the morning and the late evening. It’s time to assess and plan! Fail to plan, plan to fail. There’s a lot of truth to that statement.

I waited a couple hours for the food to digest (and the dates to soak) before I made my Datorade. I put in a little less water than last time and it definitely helped with the flavour. However, I could tell in my gut almost instantly that this was not going to be the greatest. If you’re going to have cooked foods, it’s best to eat them at the end of the day because they digest slower than quick-moving fruits.


After finishing the Datorade, I went to town to pick up a few groceries. As I was out, I noticed I started feeling a little off, actually something like what I would assume low blood sugar would feel like though I’ve never been diagnosed with it. I ended up going to the gym and grabbing a Red Sunrise from Booster Juice. Almost instantly it helped and I felt much better. I’m really not sure what to think of this…

After I got home, I made a large salad using a head of iceberg lettuce, 5 bananas (sliced), and some dates chopped up. Honestly friends, though this salad was super simple and did not have any dressing, it was the BEST thing I’ve eaten in a very long time; so fresh and sweet. It was so delicious and amazing. I cannot recommend it more!!


Later in the evening, instead of going after the fruit I know I should have been eating, I let my craving for cooked food take me over and made some low fat, cooked, vegan food. It’s amazing how addicted you get to cooked food, truly. You don’t think things can control you until you literally live through it. It boggles my mind…

For a late night snack, I pulled the fruit back out. I managed to eat 3 persimmons that were ooey, gooey and sweet. However, I was pretty full with a growly stomach as things started combining in bad ways. People, there is a reason that food combining rules exist, and I completely blew them today. Learn from my mistakes…


I did watch the documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead today. I had watched it before, but it’s always good to review. It’s such a powerful testimony of what food can do for our bodies in the way of healing. To give our bodies a break and feed ourselves on a cellular level is crucial. I will never regret my juicing days because I know they helped my body. In fact, I felt some of my best on my juicing days and feel like it would be an awesome idea to juice every so often. I highly recommend it.


I also watched the documentary, The Drop Box. Wow… it broke my heart. I believe that God gives life as a gift and it breaks my heart to see so many babies easily “abandoned.” I have the utmost respect for Pastor Lee and what he does. I pray that he always gets the help he needs.


Review of Symptoms:
-Stomach not good from cooked foods
-Acne is bad.
-Energy was decent, but a low blood sugar dip might have occurred….
-Hair is GREASY at the roots and I’m not liking it!

Weight at the end of the day = 169 lbs (same as the past three days)

Total Calories = 2502 (78% carbs, 11% fat, 11% protein)

How to Comment

It has come to my attention that it can be difficult to see how to comment on my posts! I guess this is a bit of a flaw with the blog template I am using, so I am posting simply to let you know how to post!

At the top of each blog post (this one included), there is a number (most often a zero) that seems to be surrounded in a type of parentheses. It is located at the top right of each blog post.

If you click on that number, it will then take you to where you can comment.

If you click on an individual blog post, then there should be a box labelled, “Leave a Reply” at the far bottom of the page.

Sorry for the inconveniences before! I look forward to hearing from you!