Rawsome Healthy 5/5 – Healing Journey Day 58

Today was a very busy and fully planned day. Today I planned on finishing the meal plans from the Rawsome Healthy guide and needed to go shopping for my next venture: The Go Fruit Yourself 2-week guide by Freelee the Banana Girl. Though I still wasn’t feeling 100% because of the little bit of extra, cooked food I had yesterday. I honestly don’t feel anywhere near as good eating cooked food as I do with a fully raw diet. I just somehow have to find a cheaper way to do this since everything is imported in the winter here and prices go up. Either way, I’m determined.

This morning, I had a different smoothie: apples, dates, and celery. It was incredibly sweet and a little refreshing because of the celery. I would mess around with it a little bit (perhaps more water), but I would definitely drink it again!


After I ate breakfast, I went out to go grocery shopping. I didn’t expect what I would encounter, and I made a mistake: I ended up going to 7 grocery stores in order to get everything I needed, and I didn’t prepare anything to take with me. At one grocery store, I ended up purchasing a small, not raw treat. However, I found an absolute gem at an Asian market! I found raw sugar cane juice! Oh my goodness… I finally understand why people like it so much! It was by far my favourite thing, and I would totally live off this stuff!


After I got home, I got ready to make my last salad right away. I had another soccer game to get ready for and I didn’t want to have a full stomach before the game. The salad was ok, though again not my favourite. Truly the only dinner I would probably make from this guide again was the dinner from Day 3. But for tonight, I was at least able to finish this salad and it definitely fuelled me for my salad.


The soccer game was good, though my hip flexor pain was coming back. I’m quickly realizing that this is a common injury amongst “kickers” which is when it hurts the most during the soccer game. I’m going to have to start personal therapy after researching what to do. If necessary, I will go to therapy of sorts.

After the game, I ate 2 persimmons on the way home and another 5 after getting home. And that concluded my night. I did really well today, though I have to somehow find a way to stop eating earlier in the day. I don’t think my body is appreciating eating so late at night, but that will be progress somehow.


Review of Symptoms:
-Acne is bad.
-Energy is good.
-“Kicking” Hip Flexor issue is bad after the soccer game.
-Body does much better on all raw.
-Hair is great.

Weight at the end of the day = 166.8 lbs (down 1 lb from yesterday)

Total Calories = 1735 (85% carbs, 6% fat, 9% protein)

Dry Fasting – Healing Journey Day 2

This morning was rough. I’m not gonna lie. After having such an energetic and fairly normal day yesterday, I seriously think I could have laid in bed and slept on and off all day. I did NOT want to get up this morning whatsoever. I was a little hungry, but even more so, I was extremely thirsty. Part of the reason may be the heater I’ve been turning off and on in my basement room; it seems to dry things out. But nonetheless, it was harder to concentrate and move. Interestingly enough, my hands were also incredibly shaky. I just wanted to lay around with zero energy.

I finally made myself get up and get moving around 2:00 in the afternoon. One of the local organic stores had a 15% off sale going on today so I wanted to see what juices they had to break my fast with. I am so thankful I had that motivation because I honestly had to drag myself out of bed to go take a shower. The shower was nice and refreshing, but even after I was done getting ready, I stumbled up the stairs. I was not enjoying the energy-less feelings.

Driving, I seemed to be ok. I purposefully wore capris today because I knew it was rainy and grey outside so the extra exposure to the elements would wake me up a little more.

I thoroughly enjoyed grocery shopping for juice. I’m not planning on starting juice fasting until Thursday, but I figured that if the deals were on today, might as well get prepared! I ended up going to 3 grocery stores and thankfully somehow ending up with the best prices of each type of juice I bought. I got quite a few, though was very tired again when I finally got back home.

When I got back home, the decision had to be made whether I was going to go to the gym or not. I actually decided to go, though it took a lot of time and mental convincing to get myself there. Once I got there, I actually found it decently easy to get through a small ab workout and then a 30 minute walk on the treadmill. Normally, I would do more than just abs and something a little more intense for cardio. But knowing the condition I had been in most of the day, I figured I better not push too hard since I’m not even consuming water to replenish what is lost.

Oddly enough, since the workout, I’ve felt a million times better. This is something I definitely did not expect. I figured I would be toast and done in for early for the night, but amazingly feel so much better. I came home and got laundry going right away, took in two loads from the car, and am able to concentrate on the few things I need to get done for tomorrow. It is so comforting to be feeling better because I was honestly getting worried about teaching tomorrow with the way I felt this morning. But feeling the way I do this afternoon, I know I can do it.

This is my last day of dry fasting as planned and I have a bottle of water beside my bed to drink first thing when I wake up tomorrow morning. I’m hoping/expecting that my body will celebrate the taste of water; I’m excited to find out. I’m not sure how my body will react as I continue with 3 more days without food as I move into a water fast, but I can only imagine the effect that simply adding water back in to my body will have.

Review of symptoms:
I haven’t noticed too much difference in my face. In fact, I noticed at the gym that my face got red much more easily when breathing in a more forceful way to help with the ab exercise repetitions. I have not had my face do this in forever, if ever. Of course, I’ve been going around with a noticeable feeling in my stomach; it’s not really painful but definitely noticeable. I’m not sure whether it is hunger, thirst, or something else. It’s definitely something I can live with; very mild. The shaking has gone away for the most part since my workout; it was really bad this morning. Being able to actually sit down and be able to work and focus on something rather than fighting my thoughts to sleep like I did this morning is really nice too. My hair is not as greasy as it normally would be at this point which tells me that the junk food and greasy food definitely affects how much oil is in your hair.

Weight at the end of day 2 = 185.4 lbs (down 3.4 lbs in 24 hours)

Total Calories = 0