You Have To Ask Yourself This!

Hello everyone,

I saw this question last night, and it hit me, bang on! If this question had been posed to me, I would have only had one answer, and still do. Here is the question:


Honestly, if you care about your body at all, and the only change is not getting rid of something but simply replacing it with something better, how could you say no? Normal coffee is dehydrating, acidic, causes a caffeine crash, etc… And yet OG has infused coffee with ganoderma and it completely erases all of these negative things! And not only does it erase them, but it actually ADDS health benefits such as increased energy, better immunity, HYDRATES, lowers blood pressure, etc… The list of health benefits goes on and on. And with OG, you can get paid to drink coffee. No joke. It’s the easiest thing I’ve ever done and got paid to do.

So I want you to ask yourself this morning, why would I continue down a path that is not making me any better when there is an opportunity set before me where I don’t have to get rid of anything, I don’t have to change any habits, but I simply change the product in which I drink? Why damage my body when I can benefit it? Why do I sit and drink what the majority of the world drinks when I could be drinking something that only 1% of coffee drinkers worldwide have been drinking and feeling the most amazing of their lives?

The thing is, OG is a newer company, but the results have been astounding. I could tell you stories of people I’ve personally talked to that have been able to remove medications (blood pressure pills, morphine for pain) just because of drinking OG daily. I could tell you stories of the man who was able to get rid of his oxygen tank because of drinking OG products. I could tell you of the energetic people they have become because of OG. I could tell you so many things and give you a million reasons why OG coffee, tea, and other gourmet products are the way to go. And the best part is, coffee has no limits! OG is in 33 countries!!

So ask yourself, what is really stopping me from being in the healthiest state of my life? What is stopping me from trying to get rid of daily medications or pains like the people stated before? Why am I suffering when I could be happier? And why am I not trying this product today?

Message me and I will have your free samples sent out by the end of the week. This is not something you’re going to want to miss. Take the chance, make the change, and see the way your life becomes better!

The Best I’ve Ever Felt

Last night, my husband and I went to the gym like we always do. We got religiously, 6 days a week. The time we spend in the gym varies, but we both have goals and are working hard to achieve them.

Usually what happens is I will leave the gym feeling tired and exhausted. I will do 3/4 of my workout with vigorous strength and struggle through the last 1/4, noticing my strength has significantly weakened. Last night was different.

Last night, my energy was explosive. I never once felt like I was struggling. I was stronger, more efficient, better form, and all around felt amazing. When I had finished my workout, I was so happy and energetic still that my husband pushed my levels and strength on several other exercises, some I had never done before and some that would repeat muscle groups I’d already worked out or worked out the day before. I cannot begin to tell you the strength I had left! It amazed me beyond all belief! My husband and I honestly had so much fun and he just kept pushing me, amazed with what I was able to do!

Now, I’m not a huge pre-workout fan. Every pre-workout I’ve ever taken (and I’ve had a few) either gave me the jitters that I absolutely hate, or simply did not work. None of them really worked. I’m always so excited when I buy a pre-workout, ready for these promising, amazing results and always end up disappointed and regret buying the stuff. They honestly have little to zero affect on me. If anything, they’ve even sent my heart racing which caused me less strength in my workouts. I quite dislike them.

So now what have I tried to fuel my workouts? Nothing other than my Organo Gold coffee! Honestly, and this is no joke, I usually drink two cups of it a day anyways, and I already have so much more energy and feel so much better everyday I’ve been drinking it than before I ever started drinking it regularly. But yesterday, I planned my second cup to be directly before my workout. Problem was, it stayed a little too hot and so I ended up drinking half of it while I was actually doing my deadlifts (first exercise last night). Oh well. Might have looked a little funny, but the results, the energy, the good feelings, the everything that it gave me, I would not trade it for the world. From this moment on, I will always fuel my day and my workouts with Organo Gold. I would not trade those results for any expensive fake promise that pre-workouts will give me. I stick with what works, and Organo Gold definitely works. I’ve never been so happy and energetic in my life, and I’m loving it!

The Easiest Business in the WORLD

Tonight was SUCH a good night. And something you NEED to know about.

Financial burden has been a slight problem for the past couple years. My husband has been unable to work (since he’s American). So the responsibility has been on me. He feels horrible about it, but I keep reminding him to be patient and wait. The good news is, he should be cleared soon and they’ve FINALLY allowed him to even apply for an open work permit. We’re getting close!!

To assist myself during these times, I started my Mary Kay business which has been good. Not to mention I love getting the products for wholesale price. I absolutely love Mary Kay products and will promote them to everyone. They actually WORK and are an excellent quality.

But recently, I’ve also started my Organo Gold business which is what I would like to focus on tonight. This is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.

I had scheduled a Google Hangout with someone who’s doing very well in the company (been around a little longer than me). He gave me some great tips and filled me in on some questions I had. We made plans, I felt good, got off the computer.

I knew I had an Organo delivery coming, so I thought ahead of time to prepare my information and my samples to ask the delivery man if he drank coffee.

The buzzer to our building goes to my phone, and so when it rang, I quickly answered, grab my prepared items, and met him at the door. We had a very quick conversation about the fire trucks that were here yesterday (he had attempted delivery but was blocked by the fire trucks so had to come back today), and then I asked if he drank coffee. He replied yes, and when I asked if he wanted to sample some, he said he couldn’t say no. I handed him my information and a coffee sample, and we both went away happy.

I returned to my apartment, and I have a message in my Inbox on Facebook. A lady that I had given a green tea sample to had messaged and simply said that after drinking the green tea I gave her, she can’t even be bothered to drink the tea she has in her house. Of course this led to a conversation about meeting up because she needed some green tea.

Ladies and gentlemen, how easy is that? This company literally is nothing more than giving people samples of your product, and the product literally speaks for itself. All I did was ask a question and hand over a sample. Nothing more to it. The business itself is easy, the profits are good, the commissions are good, and at the very bottom of it all, you are actually helping others by getting rid of the acidity coffee, and replacing it with something that is so healthy for you. And the taste is amazing!

If you’re looking for something easy, something that is international (I think we’re in 14 countries at the moment, but they’re working on gaining more as we speak), and something that will either give you a little extra financial uplift, or even a retirement fund or a substantial living profit, this is the opportunity.

The slogan of Organo Gold is this: It’s Easy, It’s Simple, It’s Coffee

The company truly lives up to it’s slogan. Message me if you’d like to know more about the company or even the products. This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss.