Rawsome Healthy Day 3/5 – Healing Journey Day 54

I wasn’t as prepared for today as I wanted to be. I was exhausted, my stomach was hurting a lot from having junk food two days in a row, I didn’t sleep very much because I had so much to do, and I didn’t even prep my grapes for today. However, after reviewing the whole diet plan again, I decided the best place to start again was with the grapes breakfast because the only two breakfasts that are left include persimmons (of which mine are not ripe yet), or a smoothie of which I had no time to blend. So I chose to do Day 1 today, packed some grapes, spinach and bananas, and went off to school.


I got to eat breakfast around 10:00 am as my students were outside at recess which gave me some time.

In the afternoon, I was not able to make my smoothie because our school kitchen is not set up for me to do so at the moment as a lot of people have been using it. So, this meant that I ate a banana instead to tide me over. It’s still on the meal plan, just whole instead of blended. It was a way better option than eating more junk again today. I am breaking away from the bad habits I’ve developed in the past few days. I hate feeling miserable. Raw foods are definitely the way to go.

After I got home, I had to quickly get set up because I had a webinar to watch. So, I took my dog outside for a bit, then came in and cut up some kiwis as that was the “pre-dinner” snack. I could have made my smoothie, but sorting through spinach would have taken way longer than just slicing up some kiwis. So that’s what I did. In fact, I didn’t make the smoothie all day.


Now, after the webinar, and perhaps even during the webinar, I fell asleep. I was so exhausted. I’m literally sleeping like 5 hours a night because I stay up working so much. I keep saying I need to balance things out, but the truth is I really do. Perhaps this weekend I’ll actually draw up a schedule for every day.

After I woke up from my nap, I immediately had a huge stomach cramp and had to run to the bathroom. Three times today this happened, and it has been painful. My stomach is finally in a full rebellion of the junk food I ate and is starting to cleanse itself. Hopefully this is short-lived and my body can do its job efficiently because I didn’t even go to the gym tonight in fear of being too far away from a bathroom for too long.

I didn’t feel like eating again for the longest time, but did end up making a salad before bed. However, the salad didn’t taste the greatest (it’s very hit and miss with the dressings), so I only ended up eating about half of it. But because my stomach was fairly empty, I was so hungry and couldn’t even go to bed without eating something else. So, off the meal plan but still predominately raw, I sliced up some banana, drizzled some apple honey (honey consistency but made from apple, no bees required), and put a few vegan chocolate chips. Now, I’m not sure what was wrong with my kiwis earlier, but they were very “zingy” and it left what almost felt like some stinging in my mouth which made the late night dessert not so good. Perhaps my kiwis were not fully ripe; I really don’t know. I don’t have any food allergies and have never reacted to kiwis before, but perhaps there is more to the story than I know.


Now, tomorrow is National Sandwich Day and it is a planned, off-course day. It will still be vegan with tons of raw veggies, but I am intrigued to see how my body reacts to bread. I do suspect that bread will help stop the immediate bathroom needs which would be nice while I’m at work since the staff only have one washroom to split amongst us all, but I’ve also heard people discover their gluten intolerance when trying gluten after so long of not eating it. So this will be an experiment to see how my body reacts. Then I’m back on course with the last two days of the Rawsome Healthy Diet Plan. I’m still trying to decide where I want to go after that, but stay tuned and you’ll find out.

Review of Symptoms:
-Stomach is in an all-out war, cleansing mode!
-Acne is the same.
-Hair is so soft, but still a little static-y.
-Muscles are finally less sore today. Aiming for the gym tomorrow.
-Tongue/mouth seemed to react a little to the kiwis (not swollen, just like a “sting”).

Weight at the end of the the day = 165.6 lbs (down 4.8 lbs from yesterday)

Total Calories = 2087 (83% carbs, 10% fat, 7% protein… good macro ratio!)

Life Vs. Death: What Would You Choose?

Yesterday, at our school’s staff meeting, we had a representative from Alberta Health come in to discuss allergies and anaphylactic shock. Of course, this came with training on how to use an Epi-Pen.


Growing up, my sister had extensive allergies. She always had one Epi-Pen at school and one at home or rather near her at all times. It was a no-brainer that she needed it incase something did happen. It wasn’t even a choice. She always had 2.

You would think that all families would treat this issue the same. But unfortunately, working in a school has shown me otherwise. Some parents will not buy their sons and daughters Epi-Pens. This boggles my mind. A school is a place where so many children come from so many homes carrying so many different items. Sometimes, people will develop the allergies. So even if they had no idea they were allergic to something before, they could come into contact with something later in life that they have an anaphylactic shock to because they have developed an allergy to it. You never know.

Now, we do have a Peanut-Free environment at our school that we enforce. But we cannot control what children were in contact with before they came to school. So it’s a very hard thing to ever make 100% sure.

So, here’s the deal. For the parents who refuse to buy Epi-Pens, we aren’t supposed to give their children a generic one if they need it even if we have it. We could get in a lot of trouble. We cannot administer medication that does not have their name on it.

So let me ask you this: Do you sit by and potentially watch the child die while the paramedics are stuck in a traffic jam or somewhere further away in the city? Because you’re not supposed to drive them to the hospital yourself either. How do you do that?

The decision basically boils down to this:
#1: Do the legal thing and don’t give the child the generic Epi-Pen you have on hand. Best-case scenario, the child is able to make it long enough for the ambulance to QUICKLY get there and handle it from there. Worst-case scenario, the ambulance cannot get there quick enough and you watch the child struggle for each mini-breath and die.
#2: Risk getting fired/sued by the family, but at least know that you did what you could to save that child’s life by administering the generic Epi-Pen you have on hand. It could literally save a child’s life; that’s what they are made for.

I am really interested in hearing what you would do. It’s a tough situation. Leave your answer in the comments below!

Natural Remedies

I am one of those people who HATE going to the doctor when I’m sick. When I was younger, my sister and I spent many days of our lives at the hospital or the doctor’s office. My sister was born sick and had an extensive list of allergies. There were not many times I don’t remember having medicine of some sort. Thus, now I try to use natural remedies whenever possible.

Now, I’m not one of those crazy people that would rather die than go to a doctor. I have my limits. But if I can defeat something naturally, you better believe I’m going to do it!

As I mentioned earlier, my Valentine’s and Family Day weekend did not turn out the way I thought it would. It was supposed to be a fun, relaxing weekend. I did have some fun on Valentine’s with my husband (we needed to have some fun together), but my throat was messed up and I felt an overwhelming sense I was getting a fever the whole time. And, as of course it would have to happen, I progressively got worse and worse. So I pulled out some natural remedies.

These are the ones I’ve tried this current time:
-Nasal Rinse (netty pot but in a bottle)
-Hot baths (epsom salts, bamboo oil, rosemary/mint mix)
-Aromatherapy (water diffuser with Immune essential oil from Saje)
-Kombucha tea
-Smoothies (to keep up some nutrition)
-Vitamins (a multitude)
-Raw Garlic (oh man… this is strong stuff!)

Unfortunately, this did all not work as good as I thought (or maybe not as quick as I wanted), so I added in a couple more things:
Helixia (This stuff is actually pretty natural and I do think it works!)
-VICKS Kleenex (The absolute BEST Kleenex! There is no denying the VICKS in it helps!)
-Allergy Meds (I must have sneezed more than 50 times yesterday. I was desperate!)
-Benylin Cough & Cold (I just wanted to sleep and prayed that it would help.)

Unlike usual, somehow I only woke up with one really bad coughing spell last night. I’m guessing the massive amount of mixed natural remedies and some over-the-counter meds helped a lot. But this morning, I still feel sickly and my nose feels dried out like a desert. My husband is going to pick up a humidifier on the way home. The air here is way too dry (not that the mountain of Kleenex I used yesterday helped…).

I’d love to hear if you have any more natural remedies that you have found worked for you? My grandmother used to wrap a wool sock around her neck, we bought ingredients for garlic soup but haven’t made it yet, my mom suggested putting half an onion at the bottom of both of my feet, and I know you can make a nice hot glass with honey, lemon and cayenne pepper. But I’d love to hear some tried and true remedies!

Click on the number sitting in parentheses above and leave a comment!

Week 3 Day 2

So today did not go at all like I wanted. I was so happy yesterday to defeat what I thought was the beginning of an cold or flu, only to wake up this morning feeling awful. AH! I did not escape it.

As a teacher, it is often much easier to go to work than it is to make sub plans. There is just so much work involved making sure your sub knows how to handle your class and is able to teach what you need. Needless to say, I went to work today.

I kept on track with my food at work. But I battled through small yet frequent headaches, up and down body temperatures, sneezing (I’m not allergic to anything, so this is a sick sign for me), watery eyes, sinus irritation, runny nose, etc… Can’t hide it anymore; I’m sick.

I somehow managed to finish the day. And came home to finally admit there was no way I could go to the gym tonight. Normally, I would fight through the bad feelings, but this is pretty bad. And I know the people at the gym will thank me for not going and spreading the germs. So I write to you from home, feeling not so great.

As far as diet, it’s had to change to accommodate my current situation. Which basically means soup, a warm drink with honey to soothe my throat (no caffeine, or very little), and some bread. Very basic means of nutrition.

Will I finish properly on my macros today? Definitely not. But there is no point in making yourself feel worse when your body already needs to recover. My body will get some protein, carbs and minimal fats from my broth soups and bread. It will get food that is easy on my stomach and digestion so that it can focus better on healing itself. Sometimes, you just have to get your priorities straight!

Amazing Research!

It has been awhile since I’ve posted about the Organo Gold products that I’m in love with. Trust me, this love has not ended. The benefits and results of this stuff is undeniable. You’re really missing out.

A fellow OG distributor shared this study with me, and I’m going to share it with you as well because I think it is incredibly important. Here is what was shared:

“California has a Linus Pauling Institute of Sci.&Tech.and Medicine. It’s founder is two Nobel Prize winners, he has moderate reputation in vitamin research and disease treatment and prevention. Fukumi Monshige Doctor worked in this well-known college .Over the past few decades, the therapeutic effect of Ganoderma lucidum studied and concluded by he and siad: “According to my point of view, the current methods of cancer prevention is better to use Ganoderma lucidum” (Reishi).

Application Fields

Ganoderma lucidum has been successfully applied in the following areas:

– Cancer adjuvant treatment (stomach, liver, lung, skin, brain, kidney, pancreas)
– Chemical treatments, reducing side effects
– Neurasthenia, fear
– Sleep Disorders
– Heart and circulatory problems (high blood pressure, blood, heart and coronary blood vessels, edema)
– To enhance liver function
– Enhance the immune system, prevention of infection
– Regulation of blood lipids and blood sugar level
– Allergic reactions
– Neurodermatitis
– Asthma
– Food and indigestion
– Joint pain
– Bronchitis, emphysema
– Autoimmune diseases
– Arrhythmia
– A, B, hepatitis C
– Too heavy
– Anxiety
– Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis
– Pancreatitis
– Climacteric disease
– Exhausted
– Fibrous tumor disease
– The prevention of myocardial infarction
– Tinnitus
– Hemorrhoids
– Dermatology”

Now think about it. You can have all these amazing benefits, and still be drinking coffee or tea! There is even a hot chocolate that so many people give to their kids because a. it tastes good, and b. why not start them with health benefits early!

This stuff is amazing, and doesn’t break the bank. From people being able to walk away from oxygen tanks, getting off of pain pills (even morphine!), to people losing weight, the benefits of simply switching your coffee is incredible.

Leave me a comment if you’d at least like a free sample, or are interested in jumping in and changing your health today! It’s never too early to start!

**This product is able to be sold internationally. Anyone can get a sample, anyone can buy a box! Don’t let distance hinder you from your best health!