Eating While Sick

I thought I was doing well while I was away with my students. But wouldn’t it figure, the day after I got back, it all began in my nose. I HATE sore throats and sinus problems. I just want to BREATHE properly. But as I sat and wondered what could have possibly made me sick, I came up with a short list:

1. A kid may have been sick (but to be honest, never saw one the entire time).
2. My escapade on the dirty, cold, concrete floor. Whatever was on that floor I was obviously breathing in for over an hour. This could be a much better possibility.
3. I did not eat very “vegan” the whole weekend, and was much more vegetarian. I did not have all of the fresh nutrients and vitamins I would normally get from fresh produce. I could see this maybe not being the cause of me getting sick, but perhaps an assistance in lowering my immune system.
4. Lack of sleep. I did not sleep much at all on this trip. Lack of sleep and an increase in activity could easily run you down.

Whatever the reason may be, it’s no doubt in my mind that at least 3 of the above (I’m really thinking an “imaginary” sick kid got me sick) aided in my sickness. Whatever the case, it is important to up the nutrient/vitamin intake when you are sick. So here is what I’m currently doing.

I’m trying to eat raw fruit fairly regularly. When I was out today, I made sure to stop and get a fresh juice that contained carrots, cucumber, ginger, spinach, and lemon. I can’t remember if there were oranges in it or not. But I also got some kombucha and whatever veggies/fruit I thought would help increase the extra vitamins for my body to use right now. The only huge problem is that my appetite is so small. I can only eat so much at a time, and am rarely feeling hungry right now. I think it’s super important that as long as you can stomach food, you should remind yourself to eat every so often. Just because you don’t feel hungry doesn’t mean your body wouldn’t benefit from the extra nutrients and energy that it takes to fight sickness.

One more tip that is super important for anyone who is sick is to avoid dairy. Dairy produces extra mucous in your body, and if you’re like me, you get tired of blowing your nose so much and possibly even coughing up the awfulness. So if you want to get rid of it faster, quit the dairy intake!

Week 3 Day 2

So today did not go at all like I wanted. I was so happy yesterday to defeat what I thought was the beginning of an cold or flu, only to wake up this morning feeling awful. AH! I did not escape it.

As a teacher, it is often much easier to go to work than it is to make sub plans. There is just so much work involved making sure your sub knows how to handle your class and is able to teach what you need. Needless to say, I went to work today.

I kept on track with my food at work. But I battled through small yet frequent headaches, up and down body temperatures, sneezing (I’m not allergic to anything, so this is a sick sign for me), watery eyes, sinus irritation, runny nose, etc… Can’t hide it anymore; I’m sick.

I somehow managed to finish the day. And came home to finally admit there was no way I could go to the gym tonight. Normally, I would fight through the bad feelings, but this is pretty bad. And I know the people at the gym will thank me for not going and spreading the germs. So I write to you from home, feeling not so great.

As far as diet, it’s had to change to accommodate my current situation. Which basically means soup, a warm drink with honey to soothe my throat (no caffeine, or very little), and some bread. Very basic means of nutrition.

Will I finish properly on my macros today? Definitely not. But there is no point in making yourself feel worse when your body already needs to recover. My body will get some protein, carbs and minimal fats from my broth soups and bread. It will get food that is easy on my stomach and digestion so that it can focus better on healing itself. Sometimes, you just have to get your priorities straight!