A Job That Makes Me Feel Loved

There is nothing better than knowing you are missed. And as a teacher, it is one of the things that keeps us going.

I missed Thursday due to the Immigration interview (or the attempt thereof). Following Thursday was a regular 3-day weekend. So I usually expect that by the time Monday hits, my kids will not only claim to have forgotten some of the skills they have learned (but seem to quickly remember when shown again), they will also forget that I was not present that day. I was quite surprisingly wrong.

When I came back to school on Monday, one of my students who is not always the most vocal and definitely not the most emotional walked straight in the classroom, first student in, and said, “You were very much missed on Thursday.” Wow. What a warm welcome to start my day. I love these kids. I love my job. It’s the moments like these that make my job worth all the sacrifices I have to make.

The Great 2015 Return

Hello everyone.

I’d like to personally thank everyone that has not given up on my page even though I have been M.I.A. for the past (almost) month.

I’ve finished my challenge (I’ll post about it later), and didn’t win. But by the end of the challenge, my motivation was not to win, but simply to defeat my bad relationship with food, to build strength, to learn to love who I am, and to feel good both physically and mentally. I can proudly say I succeeded in those things. So was the challenge really a waste? Absolutely not.

I then finished the school year, was depressed that I wouldn’t be with my students for 2 weeks (yeah, I know… I’m the teacher that calls my students my kids), went to New Brunswick for 2 weeks to visit my family, had an awesome time while I was there, and came back to a computer that needed to be fixed.

It was a teacher’s nightmare. The older Mac versions no longer would support our grading system, meaning I had no access to my grades, no access to report card comments (due at the end of this month), no access to what assignments my students are missing or anything. Everything was unaccessible. AHHH!

Thankfully, we have some highly educated tech teachers at our school that took my computer, wiped it clean, installed the updates, and gave it back. The problem with that was that it took 4 days. My cord was also falling apart (older computer) and so he took that to repair it as well. That took almost a week to get back.

Even now, that I have my computer back, it has twice shown me signs (in two days) that my whole hardware may be crashing. Not a good sign. However, I have everything backed up, and the principal has been warned that I may need a new one. It definitely would be nice to have a new computer, but inconvenient at report card time. Pray for me!

So long story short, I’ve been without a computer for a very long time. But I’m back! So here’s to more posts in a new year.

Talk again soon!

Week 12 Day 5

I woke up not feeling so great this morning. I’ve been stressed all night about the meeting, and how I know I’m probably not going to agree with some of the consequences determined. However, when I got to school, it was announced that the meeting will be Monday instead of today due to conflicting schedules, and so I was put at ease for a moment.

My students have been asking me for quite awhile to go to gym class with them. They know I workout and live actively, so gym class only makes sense to them. And after this week’s events, I decided today would be a good day.

It was a fun gym class. I had brought my gym bag so that I was able to change. The students were able to postpone their 12 minute run since I was there, but of course, the gym teacher also knows that I like to workout, and so he made us do burpees in a football players form. I’m not sure if there’s a name for it, but it basically was the wider-spread legs almost vibrating/running in place thing that football players do, and then when he blew the whistle, it was dropping down into push-up stance and back up. Oh boy. Guess I was getting in a workout early today! Then we played a type of basketball. It was a ton of fun. I wish I had more time to join them more often. But it is my only prep time during the day, and so I’ll make my best effort to go at least once every two months if I can. The secretary pulled me aside and told me how excited the kids were on their way to gym that their teacher was coming to gym class, so I know that it made a lot of difference to them. And if that’s what it takes to let them know I care, then that’s what it takes.

The rest of the day went alright, although I hit a huge wave of tiredness early in the afternoon. I think the stress wore me out. So I did something I never do. I told the students that if we got all of our afternoon work done quickly, I’d take them outside for an extra recess. Let’s just say, their work got done quickly! And we were able to get some fresh air. I think we all needed it. Today was an awesome day.

Since I didn’t have my meeting, I was able to go home early. My husband and I relaxed a little, talked about a few important things, and decided to have a date night. We went to a new place that we’ve never gone before: a place by the name of Teriyaki Corner. I ordered a Canadian sushi (with cream cheese, cucumber and smoked salmon) and an egg maki (I forget the official name of it). Oh it was so good!!! Yum! I’m in love with sushi again!

Unfortunately, we didn’t make it to the gym tonight. But that’s ok. I’ve been so stressed, and so not into my workouts lately that my body could use a day of true rest and hopefully I’ll be mentally back in the game tomorrow.

Week 12 Day 2

I started off the day in such a great way! I was motivated, working hard, accomplishing a ton of little things left and right. I felt amazing!

As usual, the kids got a little out of hand, but it was nothing too serious. I even took them outside for both recesses regardless of the fact that it was -20 C and -19 C respectively. It was nice and refreshing the first time, but by the second recess, I wish we had stayed inside.

At the end of school, we had an IT meeting which took awhile. I also learned I had to very quickly clean my room and basically throw my stuff into the hallway because they were using my room for another meeting I didn’t know about. With the results of being late and frazzled, I went out to my car to finally get it ready to come home. I let it warm up for quite awhile, and scraped and brushed it off so it didn’t quite look so much like an abandoned car in the arctic. Although my engine light is on, my car made it home and drove incredibly well. I love my car.

Tonight at the gym, I really wasn’t feeling my workout. I just wasn’t in the right mental state for a couple reasons, one being that I was home from work late again, and I also was still physically worn out from that crazy leg workout the day before. Not to mention tonight’s workout and every workout this week is now 4 sets instead of 3. My body just wasn’t feeling it today. But I did manage to finish the chest/triceps/abs workout including 12 minutes of HIIT afterwards.

I’m tired and worn out, but I’m about to go to sleep and hoping for the deepest sleep so my body can recover better for tomorrow’s back workout.

Week 10 Day 4

I woke up this morning so tired. I don’t know if I’m not sleeping at night or what is going on. But as far as I’m concerned, I’m sleeping but not waking up rested. Can’t say it hasn’t happened before, just wish it wouldn’t happen anymore.

Today work went well, though it was very busy. I was making the final changes to our tutoring program’s schedule. And everything seemed to be ready to go, until tutoring actually started after school. Between the tutors who did not show up, and the tutees who had not registered but their parents had simply told them to come and showed up, I was rearranging groups left and right.

To my utmost surprise, the tutors did so incredibly well. I couldn’t believe it. I was so proud of how they took whomever I gave them, some had researched things ahead of time, and did such an amazing job tutoring these other kids. It was mind-blowing! I really think the tutoring program brought out the best in the students.

One student in particular, that regularly gets in fights with other students and causes a whole series of issues almost daily, was supposed to be tutoring with a second tutor since this is part of the three week probation period. The tutor he was supposed to be with did not show up and I had put them with three grade 3 students. I was honestly a bit nervous. But out of all the tutors that had their tutoring topics ahead of time, he’s the only one that had researched educational videos to help the kids not only with math, but spelling as well. And the best part was, they loved him and were interested in what he was doing the whole time. I just was completely blown away.

I didn’t leave work until approximately 7:30 pm. By then, my husband wanted food quickly so we went out to eat. I have been mainly eating fruits and veggies as carbs throughout the day, and so when we ate this higher carb supper, tiredness swept over me quickly. And so we went home, and my husband told me to take a nap. What time did we go to the gym? 12:30 a.m.

I was tired, had to drink a coffee, but my workout went rather well. I still don’t like mountain climbers, and likely never will. But it was mainly a shoulder and triceps workout and despite the circumstances, it went well. I even managed to fit in my 12 minutes of HIIT. I was a happy camper!

We then went home, ate, and I think finally went to bed around 4:00 a.m. Let’s just say tomorrow is going to be a long day!

Week 9 Day 2

This morning was just not a good morning. I woke up unhappy, and just couldn’t seem to lift my own spirits today. My husband didn’t have to go to work until late, and so everything was rushed more than normal this morning. I missed being late by literally a hair, and I just felt such a mess this morning.

To continue matters, our worship today was filled with intense sadness. A brother to one of the teachers at a sister-school lost his wife due to some health complication that they weren’t able to save her from. To make matters more complicated, she was 6 months pregnant with their first child. They managed to save the child which of course is what his full attention is on as of now. He knows that his wife would have wanted him to do whatever necessary to keep their child alive, and so that is what he’s focussed so heavily on now. The baby is just over 2 lbs; very tiny and so very young. The problem is, he’s in the states, and as many of you know, this is not going to be an easy road financially with so many weeks to months of recovery for such a premature baby. I am going to ask that you please keep this man in your prayers. You may have no association to him, but these are people who thought little of themselves. In fact, they actually met while both volunteering for relief services after 9/11. The more I hear about this couple, the more unfair it seems. And the whole thing is that we will have no idea why God allows these things to happen to people that seem so good, the kind of people this world needs more of. But it is in my faith that God will wrap His arms around this man and his tiny son, and that He will help that son grow to a healthy state so that he can go home with his dad.

If you feel moved by this tragedy, I will leave the link to the donation site below. I’ve always been in Canada where we have not had to worry about such extreme health care costs. He needs your help. But most importantly, he needs your prayers.

Anyways, worship left me in a continued saddened state. The next stop was taking attendance and getting my students upstairs for our Remembrance Day ceremony. This assembly allowed me to take a breath, and to really contemplate things in my life, and realize again that I am so fortunate and blessed to have what I have. Even if my car needs work done, even if it’s extremely cold outside, even if my house is so trashed that I’d be embarrassed for anyone to see it, I still have things that other people do not. I need to be more grateful.

I’d love to say the rest of the day went much better, but no amount of reflection could have prepared me for the energy the kids brought today. They did so well containing it during the ceremony, but after finding out it was -25 Celsius outside, and so recess was inside, all of their energy was coming out in my room! Oh the madness! I was so glad when the day was done.

After school, I was not done work. In fact, I stayed at work until 8:00 p.m. I then came home, got ready, and went to the gym. I needed the gym tonight.

Tonight’s workout was supposed to be three circuits for back and biceps, but the gym was so packed! It ended up being supersets instead of full circuits just whenever I could find available machines or benches. I skipped cardio tonight because my mind was not in it. Instead, we came home and I continued to work on school related things until after 1:00 a.m. and even then, only went to bed because I knew I needed to. Definitely looking forward to an uplifted mood tomorrow!

If you’d like to donate to the tragedy described above, please click on the link below. I know he would very much appreciate any bit of help he can get to help his son fight for his life! Thank you in advance!


Week 8 Day 4

I woke up in such discomfort this morning, I actually considered calling in sick. But I sucked it up and went. Only when I got to work did I realize I forgot my bottle of painkillers at home. Ugh! Thankfully, there is a teacher’s reserve bottle in our medicinal/First Aid area at work.

I’ve been avoiding taking my tray off. My teeth hurt enough already with it on. And when I had talked to a previous student about how much it hurt (he has them too), he said the worst is when you take it off because it releases all the pressure. Then when you put it back on, the pressure goes back, and it’s all that extra movement that hurts the worst.

My plan for the day was to drink what I could. There was no way I was chewing anything. Soup was my best friend, but unfortunately even this had to be cool because Invisalign cannot handle hot things.

At lunch time, I did it. I took the tray off, went into the Staff washroom, and brushed my teeth. If only I could describe to you the pain. He was right. I honestly wondered how I was going to survive the rest of the day. But thankfully, I only talked when necessary and my kids treated me alright today. So somehow, I survived.

My meeting was very mini after school today, thankfully. I just wanted to go home and take a nap. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel hungry. But I guess the pain probably took that out of me.

I went to the gym tonight to catch up on yesterday’s workout. I honestly felt horrible, but did get an iced coffee to help. It was another three circuit workout focussing on shoulders, triceps and abs. I also finished up with HIIT cardio. But I discovered that when your teeth hurt, cardio makes them pulse. I know people keep telling me the pain will go eventually, and I’m trying to be as patient as possible. I will say that the desire to take it off has been a little less today, but it’s still driving me insane! Sleep cannot come soon enough!

Week 8 Day 3: Going Crazy

Today was a bit more stressful than usual. I have a big dentist appointment after school that I need to have my kids ready so that I can leave as soon as the bell goes while the other teacher will watch over my class, and yet have everything I need prepared including teeth cleaned before I see the dentist. Ah. All of this on top of trying to get as much grading done as possible since report cards are going to be an soon and upcoming deadline. Ah! Too much at once.

Somehow, I made it out the door to the dentist on time. Today was the day I was getting my Invisalign put on. But I definitely didn’t have any time to spare. In, to the washroom quick, and straight into the chair. First the polished my teeth. Then they put on these attachments to help the apparatus twist my teeth properly. Then they had to sand in between my teeth to make more room for movement. Finally, the plate got put on. Prior to leaving, the dentist made sure I knew how to take it off and put it back on as you’re not supposed to eat with it on.

Now, I had braces when I was in junior high, and I can remember the days of just laying on the couch in pain. But I don’t think I was as prepared for how much it would drive me crazy this evening. In fact it was driving me so crazy, and I was using every ounce of willpower I had not to take it off, that I ended up sleeping my evening and night away so that I wouldn’t be awake to have to deal with it. I didn’t even go to the gym. It’s messing me up so bad! I can’t even call it painful. But I can say that there was nothing more forefront on my mind than getting that tray out of my mouth. And I think the fact that I knew it was possible to take off made it all the worse. Ah! Sleeping away reality.

Week 7 Day 5

I could barely get out of bed this morning. I am past the point of physical exhaustion, and well into mental exhaustion. I think the flag football tournament last weekend really messed me up. I’ve had no down time with the meetings and work I’ve been trying to catch up on. Not to mention my husband’s time with me has decreased and my house, well, let’s just say there is no way I’m letting anyone come through my door. I’m embarrassed. Somehow, I have to find time.

Today was a pretty normal day at work. Although the kids still had lots of questions and conversations they wanted to talk about which is fine. After all, it is Thursday and we don’t have school on Fridays so their minds are prepping for the weekend.

After work, I had another long meeting. I am also on the Social Committee which we’ve renamed InReach. We’re in  charge of planning staff retreats, monthly staff encouragement activities, spiritual growths, as well as any staff parties. Oh my goodness… and I thought my plate was full already. I’m starting to get scared of the workload, I really am. But it will be through God’s strength that these things get done, not my own. I know that for a fact.

This evening, somehow, we made it to the gym. It was my second leg workout of the week completed in three circuits. Legs kill me every time; every time. So I was more than happy when it was time to come home and go to bed.

Week 7 Day 3

It was nice to wake up back in my own bed. But I was still tired from the weekend’s activities. Nevertheless, I had picked up my food from the gym last night so I at least didn’t have to cook anything. It did hit me that this was my last week to have Fresh Fit Foods supply my meals! I’ll have to look at meal ideas later…

The day went alright. We had a presenter come in and show us replicas of Roman armour and related it to the Armour of God. It was an excellent presentation done by a man named Dick Stenbakken. You should really look him up. He created all of the pieces himself, and they’re amazing.

Of course, today the kids had so many questions about so many things, and I feel as if we did very little curriculum work. But when their questions are for good reasons, I really don’t mind.

I took a nap when I came home. I was just too tired. But my husband and I did make ourselves get up and go to the gym. Tonight was a mix of three circuits focussing on my shoulders, triceps and abs. I finished the workout with 25 minutes of steady state cardio. And when I came home, I very quickly headed back to bed.