Fruit Smoothie Day – Healing Journey Day 33

I was so impressed with myself this morning! I actually got out of bed at a decent time, and besides one misstep, I was actually doing good all around with my time this morning!

Once again, I packed the remaining mangoes that I had and some frozen bananas. And as happened yesterday, I didn’t get a chance to make my first smoothie until the afternoon. But when I did finally get to make it, I savoured every minute of its flavour. I am really enjoying the combination of some very juicy, very ripe, excellent quality mangoes with some frozen bananas. Seriously, try it out!


The school day was crazy so I did not get to make another smoothie after this. Instead, I finished up work, came home, got changed, and left to do some errands. I was “recruited” by my housemate to join a female soccer team this year, so I had to go to the soccer centre to pick up a player’s card. This was easy and didn’t take long at all.

The next stop was the gym. Booster Juice is attached to my gym, and because I was very hungry, I bought a Tahiti Squeeze before my workout. This is another juice/smoothie like the Maui Juice. It consisted of some fresh-squeezed orange juice, some fresh-pressed apple juice, and blended with some strawberries. It was quite tasty.


For a workout, I completed four different ab exercises and then did about 33 minutes of cycling. It was good to be in the gym and after doing ab exercises two days in a row, my abs are starting to feel it.

To end the night, I had a mango banana smoothie again. This time, I changed the ratio: 1 fresh mango to 2 frozen bananas. Man, I’m telling you: if you haven’t tried this combination yet, do it! You’re definitely missing out!


Review of Symptoms:
-Tongue coated in a tan colour this morning.
-Energy good.
-Hungry due to not eating enough.
-Loving the smoothies.
-Acne still bad.
-Digestion is good.

Weight at the end of the day = 174.2 lbs (up 1.2 lbs from yesterday)

Total Calories = approx. 1011 (94% carbs, 3% fat, 3% protein)

Week 12 Day 5

I woke up not feeling so great this morning. I’ve been stressed all night about the meeting, and how I know I’m probably not going to agree with some of the consequences determined. However, when I got to school, it was announced that the meeting will be Monday instead of today due to conflicting schedules, and so I was put at ease for a moment.

My students have been asking me for quite awhile to go to gym class with them. They know I workout and live actively, so gym class only makes sense to them. And after this week’s events, I decided today would be a good day.

It was a fun gym class. I had brought my gym bag so that I was able to change. The students were able to postpone their 12 minute run since I was there, but of course, the gym teacher also knows that I like to workout, and so he made us do burpees in a football players form. I’m not sure if there’s a name for it, but it basically was the wider-spread legs almost vibrating/running in place thing that football players do, and then when he blew the whistle, it was dropping down into push-up stance and back up. Oh boy. Guess I was getting in a workout early today! Then we played a type of basketball. It was a ton of fun. I wish I had more time to join them more often. But it is my only prep time during the day, and so I’ll make my best effort to go at least once every two months if I can. The secretary pulled me aside and told me how excited the kids were on their way to gym that their teacher was coming to gym class, so I know that it made a lot of difference to them. And if that’s what it takes to let them know I care, then that’s what it takes.

The rest of the day went alright, although I hit a huge wave of tiredness early in the afternoon. I think the stress wore me out. So I did something I never do. I told the students that if we got all of our afternoon work done quickly, I’d take them outside for an extra recess. Let’s just say, their work got done quickly! And we were able to get some fresh air. I think we all needed it. Today was an awesome day.

Since I didn’t have my meeting, I was able to go home early. My husband and I relaxed a little, talked about a few important things, and decided to have a date night. We went to a new place that we’ve never gone before: a place by the name of Teriyaki Corner. I ordered a Canadian sushi (with cream cheese, cucumber and smoked salmon) and an egg maki (I forget the official name of it). Oh it was so good!!! Yum! I’m in love with sushi again!

Unfortunately, we didn’t make it to the gym tonight. But that’s ok. I’ve been so stressed, and so not into my workouts lately that my body could use a day of true rest and hopefully I’ll be mentally back in the game tomorrow.

Week 7 Day 1

Today was a miserable day. We had to wake all too early, my girls didn’t even want to get up. The kids were tired from playing the night before, and yet games started at 9:00 a.m. with breakfast at 7:30 a.m. The poor kids. And to make it completely make it terrible the temperature was completely freezing, and it snowed, wet snow. The kids were tired, soaked, freezing, and the wind made it the worst it could get.

Our students actually made it to semi-finals. But we assured them that if they decided to quit, they would not be letting us down. I mean the weather condition was about the worst it could get. But our kids were troopers, playing through injuries, sliding on the ground, and shivering all the while. Until it got to a point that two of our good players couldn’t run anymore, and they finally understood they would not be letting us down if they quit. So they forfeited, and came inside. Some of the kids even had skin that was turning purple. I sent them immediately to warm up in sauna that was in the locker rooms. The kids were completely done and it wasn’t worth it anymore.

After the kids finished packing up and left, I actually ended up staying at a friend’s house because our staff had meetings in the same location the next day, so it wasn’t worth driving home for the night then driving back. Of course, this was just another day I didn’t see my husband, but we both rather I be safe, especially with the snow on the road.

I had an excellent night with my friend. Of course, those handy meals were still super helpful. But I did splurge and went out for supper with my friend to a restaurant I had never been to before. I had a salad and some Greek appetizers that I split with her. It was very, very good. But I did notice how full I felt afterwards. A little too full.

My friend had not been at the gym in quite awhile, and so I volunteered to go and train her. I didn’t get much of my own workout done, unfortunately, but I was able to show her many exercises for the different body parts so that she could know of some things to do while I was gone. I had so much fun training her!

I thought I had gone to bed at a fairly decent time, until her husband came home. I’ve known them both since high school, so of course I had to say hello to him. I didn’t quite expect it to turn into a few hours of talking about football, but it did. And so it was another very late night.