Fruit w/Salad Supper Day 4- Healing Journey Day 41

I woke up feeling really unwell this morning. As a matter of fact, it was stemming from my stomach. It felt very upset, and actually left me considering whether I would even make it through the work day or not. However, it was Pyjama Day at school, so I still managed to get up and get ready. I can at least say that for a day when my stomach was upset, pyjamas were truly the best outfit.

Believe it or not, Pyjama Day was a phenomenal day in my classroom. It actually brought my students down to a level where they were much more teachable (meanwhile students in other classes were falling asleep). It was amazing. I could handle a weekly pyjama day, but that would be a stretch.

Throughout the morning, I only managed to eat one Mandarin orange. It wasn’t until lunch time that I finally got to make my peach and banana smoothie that I absolutely loved.


After school, we had a Staff Meeting. I had a choice to make. I could prolong my food schedule and indulge in some chips, or, I could take two apples with me and eat those during the meeting. For real, this was a struggle. I mentally battled it for probably 10 minutes before I finally took my apples out and ate them. Once I ate the apples, it honestly made it easier to avoid the chips. Plus, I thought of everyone who was watching me to see what I would do. I’m trying to be a role model for others.

After I finally got home, I took a quick look through my fruit and vegetables to see what was ripe; it guided my decision as to which dressing I was going to make today. My avocados were perfectly ripened, so I jumped on the chance to use them before they went bad!

For vegetables, I chopped up some Romaine lettuce, curly kale, white mushrooms, a Roma tomato, English cucumber, and kiwi berries.


The dressing recipe I used was this (inspired by Fully Raw Kristina or Rawvana I believe):

Avocado dressing:
1/2 small avocado ( I used 2 small avocados)
2 stalks of celery (I used 3-4)
1 strip green onion (I used 2)
1/2 lime juice (I used a full lime’s juice)
smalll bunch of cilantro


It was honestly so good, although I think I would do without the kiwi berries next time and just stick to a savoury salad. The dressing came out thick, very much like a guacamole. It was really, really good. No, I probably wouldn’t make a habit of eating two avocados a day, but when they are perfectly ripe, you use them!

So that pretty much sums up my day. I didn’t have time to make it to the gym by the time my meeting was over and my salad was made and eaten. But, I don’t work tomorrow so I will be on that!

Review of Symptoms:
-Felt awful this morning.
-Energy good throughout the day.
-Digestion is decent.
-Enjoying my food.
-Hair is great.
-Acne is terrible… as always…

Weight at the end of the day = (Guys, I apologize. This is 2 days in a row that I just crashed. It has been an exhausting week. Didn’t weigh myself again.)

Total Calories = approx. 1467 (71% carbs, 21% fat, 7% protein… a bit high in fat, but I’m not regretting those avocados and the calories are slowly growing!)

Day 5

Another morning where I got to wake up on my own. No alarm clocks needed. Too bad this wasn’t every day!

The first thing I did when I woke up was drank a bottle of water. I know for an absolute fact, I did not get even half as much water in as I should have yesterday. So without a thought, I chugged a bottle back.

For breakfast, I ate four mini red bananas. If you haven’t had red bananas before, you should try them! They have a hint of raspberry and are super yummy. However, be careful. They take FOREVER to ripen, but when they do, they ripen really quickly. I had a bunch of 8, and 4 are ready. The others are still very hard.

After breakfast, we got ready to go to the gym… except we didn’t go to the gym. We went to the mall instead.

On the way to the mall, we stopped at Tim Horton’s for my husband. I was so proud of myself! I did not indulge in a single doughnut or a single drink! I was so hungry (4 mini bananas were definitely not enough). I waited until we got to the mall and then bought those Korean potatoes I’ve been eyeing for a long time. They were so good – well worth the wait!

We shopping for 4 1/2 hours! But we managed to get him everything he needed which was good. At least for his first day of his new job. We’ll have to shop more tomorrow.

After coming home, I was so tired from shopping. I ended up taking a nap while my husband went to the gym without me. Then, when I woke up, I started my phone calls. Not including my husband’s mother and grandmother, I also had 4 of my own to call (mom, stepmom, two grandmothers). I’m not much of a phone person, so it’s unusual for me to call that much but it was good to talk to everyone.

While I was on the phone, I ate a big salad made from 50/50 Organic Mix, organic blueberries, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, soya nuts, organic cucumber, and my usual dressing made from avocados, a spoon of vegan cream cheese, and salsa. Yum! Yum! Yum!

We went and got groceries at 9:30 p.m.! We never go that late, but even after my husband came back from the gym, he had to call his mother and grandmother for Mother’s Day. So it took quite awhile.

While we were shopping, my husband found these organic jalapeño corn chips that he ate while we were shopping (don’t worry, we paid for it still). I tried one and they were absolutely delicious.

After we got home, right before I went to bed, I took two pieces of Silver Hills Squirrely bread, and put a little peanut butter and a little peach jam made with stevia. Takes me back to the pb&j sandwiches as a kid. Yum!

Day 3

I am paying for what I did last night. I never want to eat that much deep-fried food again.

I woke up in the middle of the night as dry as the desert. My mouth was so dry and I craved water. I did not get in near enough water yesterday, possibly not even half as much as my goal is. I feel awful.

I chugged down some water and realized as I was laying in bed trying to fall back asleep that I had pains from my neck to my lower abdomen. Greasy food… I strongly dislike you. My body is paying for my stupidity.

After I got up and made lunch for my husband, I took a 4L jug of water, and started drinking. My goal is to have the 4L finished today. My usual goal is only 3L, but I think I owe it to my body, especially after all that unhealthiness last night to give it some extra water to flush the nastiness out. Ugh… hopefully you’re sensing how awful I feel.

After drinking about 1L of water to start off my day, and waiting about a half hour, I ate my breakfast. Today, my bananas from the Organic Box were ripe and ready to be eaten. Remember, when you eat bananas, they shouldn’t just be yellow. They should have lots of dark spots on them. That is when they are the best ripeness. I attempted to eat 6 (I know it would even be awesome to eat 10) but because I’m still getting used to eating so much, I could only get in 5. So a 5 banana breakfast it is!

I had to run to meet a lady at a different mall today. It was good. Got there on time. Found her. Everything went smoothly. But I decided to take a quick run to the health food store there to get some hairspray that I needed. Of course, I walked by the food court, really wanted some Korean potatoes, but since I’m trying to do raw foods until 4 p.m. each day, I continued to walk by. Instead, I picked up some Solar Raw kale chips with my organic, cruelty-free hairspray. Oh they are delicious! You could never guess it’s not cheese on them. Almost completely organic, and the Solar Raw brand is a farm that grows all their own organic products using solar power! Love it! Look up the brand and see for yourself! The only thing was, they are so rich that I could only eat a small handful. I will be snacking on these later (or tomorrow).


As a late lunch, I put together a massive salad. I used some 50/50 Organic Green Mix, 1 organic raspberry (unfortunately one had moulded and spoiled a whole bunch of other ones), organic blueberries, three sliced organic strawberries, some organic cucumber, a yellow rainbow carrot, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds and soya nuts. For a dressing, I mashed 2 small avocados with a teaspoon of vegan cream cheese (not my favourite, so masking it with other things) and salsa. Oh so delicious, and very full!

After my husband came home, he suggested going out for frozen yogurt. It’s a hot day, our first “hot” summer day, so I said, “Let’s go!”

They had two vegan flavours today: blueberry sorbet and peach sorbet. I totally forgot how flavourful sorbet was! So sweet and fruity. Yum! Of course I put some fresh fruit toppings on it, as well as a couple candy embellishments as a treat. This is a late snack/supper. I’m still very full.

We went to the gym, and I had a good workout. I focused on different variations of squats, push-ups, and some planks. I did a variety of stretching, my chiropractor’s exercises, and 25 minutes of quick-paced walking. It all went very well.

For supper, I finished off the little bit of kale chips my husband left, ate 3 mangos, and then sat around with my husband trying not to fall asleep (sometimes I’m a night owl, sometimes I’m not). However, my husband mentioned that he wanted pizza, so we ordered pizza, non-cheese breadsticks (for me), Coke Zero, and Cinnamon Sticks. I was so proud of myself that I did not even look at the pizza (cheese, chicken and beef), and I didn’t even take one gulp of that Coke Zero! Not that Coke is not vegan, but of all the chemicals that are inside that thing. I did eat my cheese-less breadsticks with marinara sauce (normally would be so unhappy that there was no cheese on them… talk about cheese-addicted!), and I ate a couple of the cinnamon sticks (could have definitely gone without these). But overall, not bad with all the temptation around me!

Just before I went to bed, I finished my 4L of water. Definitely the most I’ve ever drank in a day, and I was so happy!