Green Smoothie Day 2 – Healing Journey Day 49

This morning, I was on the ball! I was still tired, but super excited to go back to the school-based mental health convention. I also felt ridiculously terrible. After all that cooked food I ate last night, I felt sick. I honestly was considering whether it was a good idea to go to the convention or not, but my excitement overtook the pain I was experiencing with my highly upset stomach.

I made a simple smoothie out of bananas and kelp powder to take with me in my large smoothie container. I was able to sip on this through the morning sessions.


At lunch time, I zipped over to Booster Juice again and got the Tropi-kale smoothie. This was pretty good, though I prefer the Spinach Is In It one. I also ran into the grocery store that shared the same parking lot and bought a Happy Planet Extreme Greens juice/smoothie to drink later in the afternoon. This was an excellent plan as it kept me away from the pastries they kept in the hallway, even though I was extremely cold in the afternoon.

Once again, this convention had me so excited! Seriously teachers, look up: School-Based Mental Health Convention. Find one near you or one that you can attend. I came away with more from this convention than any academic-focused session I’ve ever been to. It was too amazing for words, so just find one and go.

After I came home, I made one more smoothie with bananas and romaine lettuce. It was simple but sustaining. I am regularly hungry though and cannot wait for green smoothie days to be over.

I basically relaxed for the rest of the night and went to bed. It was time to finally catch up on some sleep.

Review of Symptoms:
-Acne is still holding its slight improvements.
-Hair is doing phenomenal.
-Energy is still good.
-Digestion is starting to recover from cooked foods relapses…

Weight at the end of the day = 169.6 lbs (down 3.6 lbs from yesterday)

Total Calories = 1748 (94% carbs, 2% fat, 4% protein)

Successes of Going Vegan (Approx. 2 Weeks Solid)

I’m so happy to report I’ve been consistent in sticking to my vegan lifestyle, and especially the RawTill4 principles. Since I’ve been solid with it, I thought I should share some of the amazing things I’ve experienced because of it.

Here are some things I’ve noticed:
1. My energy is much higher and lasts throughout the day.
2. My attitudes/emotions are so calm and patient (not that I wasn’t before, but even more so!).
3. Acne scarring honestly seems to be getting better, though improvements on the actual acne still need to happen.
4. When I eat tons of fruit, smoothies, and some extra water, I NEVER have to worry about becoming dehydrated. Remember: The way to tell is the colour of your pee! Clear is best!
5. Digestion, not a problem. I’m getting in so much fiber from the natural fruits and veggies. I grew up with bad digestion problems, so this is amazing!
6. My strength/endurance in the gym has not been affected negatively, but rather they have increased! Mind you, my consistency lately of getting to the gym has not been good, so that needs to be worked on too.
7. I’m not starving… ever! I eat as much fruit as I want, and as much vegan cooked foods (preferably more starches and veggies) in the evening. I’ve never been this satisfied before!
8. I never feel bad about what I eat. I can feel that it’s healthy. No more upset stomachs or anything. (As long as you combine food properly!)
9. My house smells like fruit. Not the going bad kind. No wasting food anymore around here!
10. I don’t have cravings. I really wondered about the cravings thing… but honestly, when you’re full of sweet fruit, you crave NOTHING. Even going to the movies, I don’t want any of the concession stuff. My husband has cookies and things in the house, and I don’t want any of it. I use to make cookie dough by the bowl just to eat it, but not a chance anymore. This is the hugest blessing… I can’t even begin to express what it’s like for food not to have that power over you!
11. I have the satisfaction of knowing I’m eating things I should be eating. I try to be as organic as possible, and the less chemicals, the less animal fat, animal stress, decomposing flesh, etc… is not going in my mouth! I’m getting first hand nutrients from the earth, and I’m not killing animals to try to get as many second-hand nutrients to satiate my body. There is a definite feel-good feeling with this!
12. Most restaurants have some sort of vegan offering or substitutions. I never have to feel left out when joining people for supper!

This lifestyle is awesome. Honestly, try it for a month and see the difference it makes for you! If you’re curious about what exactly I typically eat? Then check out my post entitled, “Now That I’ve Got It – A Typical Vegan Day“.

Week 5 Day 6: A Fantastic Day

Today I woke up on top of the world! I had quite a few things to get done, and I wasn’t sure how it was going to go, but I got up and got ready anyways. I took care of the animals, and tried to eat breakfast. I don’t know what to tell you, but it filled me so much I couldn’t finish the thing. This was breakfast:

Huevos Rancheros. So filling.

Huevos Rancheros. So filling.

So it ended up being two meals for me today. This is the first meal I’ve found to be so filling. But hey, at least that means I’m not going hungry!

After taking care of home things, I went out. I first stopped at the registry to provide them with a copy of my husband’s work permit to extend his Health care. I then went to the bank to get a new bank card. I hate the chips they put on the cards. This is my third card since it has begun. I miss the swipe cards. I also took out the cash I needed for a later appointment.

I then went to the strip mall and looked in Wal-Mart for pyjamas for pyjama day but wasn’t really impressed with any of them. I went next door to Mark’s Work Wearhouse to see what they had for pyjamas but they did not carry any women’s sleepwear at all. So I put this task aside for now.

I then went to the DollarStore to pick up a few things for my classroom. I then went to the health food store to get liquid B12 for a morning drink. And after all of these things, I still left the mall at the exact minute I knew I needed to and got to my appointments on time. It was a morning for the books!

My chiropractor appointment went well today. She didn’t even have to use the little kicker thing on me. So I count this as a success. I then went to my acupuncture appointment and my acupuncturist was so impressed she said I should come one more time in two weeks and if things are still this good, I can be released until I feel I need to come back. Yes! Improvements are important!

I then went to the car and ate my second meal that I had brought with me. This was another Simply Whey Protein bar in chocolate mint flavour. This was pretty good and it helped to keep me on track!

After I quickly ate the bar, I drove straight to my physiotherapy appointment. I went to get that popping rib muscle checked out. I had a bit of time before, so I went to that Dollarama to find a couple more things I needed. I then went to the appointment, she assessed me and unfortunately had a hard time diagnosing me due to the area it was located on my ribs. However, she gave me some exercises to do and some stretches and told me to come back at any time that I felt I needed to.

Following this, I came home and did a few things while trying to get in my nutrition for the rest of the day. My meal three was the chicken salad snack (which I’ve had before). Veggies and a scoop of the chicken salad that goes on the chicken spinach salad. Delicious and again, filling.

When my husband came home, we had a bit of dramatic evening where my brother-in-law told us some awful news pertaining to their cousin, and some great news pertaining to himself. Of course this took up way too much time, and Fridays are always time-restrained because the gym closes early. So we went out to Pizza Hut where my husband had the usual amazing things and I had a salad with chicken. I did leave enough room for half of a breadstick, and that was my treat for the night. I fought any and all urges to eat the rest. A small, but important success.

Then we raced home, got ready for the gym, and had a phenomenal workout. It consisted of two circuits again, mainly for back, legs and abs. I pretty much died doing plank-ups and exercise ball planks with circular motion. Oh my. My abs will never be the same! And my legs were in so much pain because the gym was getting close to closing and I had to fit in hack squats, leg presses, and side chops. So my rests were basically non-existent and my legs were crying in pain. You know what they say, no pain no gain!

After the gym, I had two more meals to fit in. I couldn’t do it. I just was not hungry. I’m not sure what’s going on with my body. But I did eat one last meal.

Chicken Stir Fry.

Chicken Stir Fry.

And with that, I went to bed. Hopefully my appetite comes back!

Week 5 Day 5: The Revelation

Sorry guys. I realized I had made a mistake and quickly changed it! Yesterday was not the revelation day, today was and somehow I mixed up the names! Sorry about that. It’s now fixed 🙂

So every Thursday at work, instead of a normal worship, we have “Thankful Thursdays” where we go around saying the appreciations we’ve had. It’s a great thing to do, and one of the things I reflected on was my class this year. Not that they are perfect, not that they are always easy, but that I’ve seen maturity in them, even in the way they accept their consequences. I am so proud of them and look forward to helping them the rest of this year.

Following worship, we went about the usual day but I was so happy to welcome them into my classroom this morning. And when they went to gym, I sat and reflected on something that completely dawned on me: I’ve been happy, truly happy. I don’t know why, I don’t really know anything about it other than I felt completely and totally happy. Can I just say WOW? What a feeling! To be honestly happy. It’s amazing. I know my food and workouts have been going great, I’ve been taking care of all the medical issues, there have been major improvements, my husband is working and hopefully we’ll get his FBI check soon so he can have residency soon, I’m still in debt, but I’m happy. And that says something!

The day went well. We were planning a surprise wedding shower for our principal and it went amazing! We had a million laughs, and come to find out, this was their only shower, and she had never been successfully surprised before! We did awesome!

Now of course you’re probably wondering about my food choices while at this shower. So here is what I did. I ate half of one of my meals before I went. I then allowed myself a small selection on a small plate. I normally would have tried some of everything, but I limited myself. I was hungry for seconds, but I only allowed myself a plate of veggies. I did very well! Though in hind sight, I would have been alright white a lot of those things. They didn’t even seem worth it. Way too much sugar after being without refined sugars. I will know better next time.

We also had a staff meeting afterwards which of course meant that it was a late work night. But I still made it to the gym and had an awesome workout! Tonight was a circuit of shoulders, arms, chest and abs followed by 12 minutes of HIIT.

And of course, here are my meals for the day:

Meal 1

I had to cook this one a little more at home. I like my meat well done. This is a potato mash with egg whites, steak and a tomato.

I had to cook this one a little more at home. I like my meat well done. This is a potato mash with egg whites, steak and a tomato.

Meal 2

I ate this one before I could get a picture last time. Homemade hummus with carrots, celery and rice crackers.

I ate this one before I could get a picture last time. Homemade hummus with carrots, celery and rice crackers.

Meal 3

A tuna salad wrap with apples. Absolutely yummy!

A tuna salad wrap with apples. Absolutely yummy!

Meal 4

So apparently I ate this one before a picture was taken. Sorry! It was cottage cheese with cinnamon and a very fine chop of honeydew and cantaloupe.

Meal 5

I didn’t take a picture of this one because you saw it yesterday. But since I don’t eat pork, the other option was to have the same chicken salad I had yesterday. I was so happy to eat it again. Yum!