There’s Nothing Like Having Your Own Computer

I have considered myself to be a little technologically disadvantaged lately. My husband’s computer is not working, and my computer stopped working. I could move the mouse, but even though the mousepad sounded like it was clicking, the computer would not technologically let it click on anything. How frustrating!! Thankfully, because the school purchased our computers with AppleCare, it was able to go into the shop and be fixed. However, this does take time… and so I was over a week without my computer.

Sorry peeps, there was a good reason I wasn’t writing.

You know, I’m the type of person that actually enjoys unplugging from the world for awhile. I like being without technology from time to time. My high dependence on technology for work is what usually gets me, plus the fact I manage our household bills/budgets online as well as communication to my family who live far away.

And as much as I like to unplug, just because my computer quit working didn’t mean my job stopped. I still had to teach on a stand-in computer. And when you have a computer that you cannot save anything on, that doesn’t have all the files you need, that isn’t the same as yours, it just makes things a little more difficult. Plus, I couldn’t take it home. It was only for use at work.

So let me tell you, I’m happy I have my computer back. I have everything I need back. I have all of my familiarity back.. though it did take a few minutes for it to sink in that my computer was my computer. It feels a little like “home”.

So I’m back, and I’ll be writing again! Thanks for sticking around!

The Banana Problem

So, because I’ve turned vegan and have been researching a lot, I’ve learned that of course in order for bananas to be ripe, they should have lots of spots on them. The bright yellow bananas are actually still very starchy and haven’t had time for the starch to turn into sugar yet. So I’ve been trying to let the bananas sit longer. But I noticed that I don’t like the bananas as much. I couldn’t figure out what was going on!

I was watching Freelee’s videos (as usual) and I noticed when she would peel a banana, it would stay upright like a normal banana should. My very ripe bananas were almost falling over! Yet the peels looked the same… How are the outsides the same but the insides are so different? I was very frustrated. I couldn’t eat the banana as a banana and so was making multiple smoothies.

Today, since I’m coming off the two days I spent eating cooked meals and going back on RawTill4, I knew I needed to have more than the 13 oranges I freshly juiced this morning. That wasn’t enough. So I looked at my bananas, and picked fairly spotty ones, though not as spotted/almost brown looking as I had been leaving them to ripen, and let me tell you, I ate 13, as is, no smoothies. They were like banana sugar paradise! I have found the right stage for bananas to be! Now I understand what they are actually supposed to taste like! Yahoo!

So here’s what I figured out. Different climates will cause things to ripen in different ways. My fruit is not sitting in the sun, I live in a very dry climate (whereas she lives in a tropical climate), and so they almost certainly are not going to ripen the same way. Duh!

I am seriously so happy I figured it out. It actually saves on time for ripening, and I love them! Such sweet goodness! Have you ever had struggles with bananas? Did you know about the proper ripening of them? Leave your answers in the comments below!