Quick, Healthy, Vegan Meal


Excuse the tear in the oven mitt. I’ve had these oven mitts for years and absolutely love them! Don’t replace something that still works!

So this is a post, different than anything I’ve ever done before. I don’t consider myself a cook or a chef by any means. I normally feel like I just “throw” stuff together or follow/modify recipes sometimes. Unfortunately, I’m much too busy (I know I need to fix this) and faster food just becomes efficient for my time. So here’s a healthy recipe for those in the same boat as I am.

Quick Pasta Ingredients:

2 cups (measure dry) of Eden’s Organic Vegetable Spiral Noodles
3/4 cup of Kirkland Organic Marinara Sauce
1 tsp. of Nutritional Yeast

Boil pasta according to box. Add the sauce and heat up in the same pot. Pour in a bowl and sprinkle with nutritional yeast.

Super yummy, healthy and organic!

Now, as always, I sit back and look at my food and wonder what could be better or what I could have done differently. So here are some swaps below.


1. Create your own marinara sauce if you have the time. This sauce has higher fat than I would prefer, and homemade sauces mean that you are in control of the ingredients!

2. Add some peas, corn, broccoli, etc. The vegetables will add extra nutrients!

Hope you enjoy this recipe! Organic and vegan are two of the most important words you need to find on food. Eat what your body runs optimally on!

Day 10

This morning, I woke up at 5:30 sharp. What time was my alarm set for? 7:00. I have so much energy I can’t even finish sleeping in the morning! Seems a little strange…

So the first thing I did was drink a cup of water. Time to start getting the body hydrated!

For breakfast, I had an organic mini seedless watermelon. Almost halfway through the melon, I started wondering how I was even going to finish the thing. It was a beautiful red flesh, sweet flavour, and very little white flesh melon. So delicious. Somehow, I just kept eating and ate the whole thing!

I got ready, went to my chiropractor and acupuncture appointments, and then starting thinking those food thoughts again… I wanted so bad to stop and get sushi. Oh my goodness, it took the whole drive home for me to talk myself out of going. Not that it’s not vegan (cucumber rolls, avocado rolls, etc…), but it’s definitely not rawtill4 and I really don’t need to spend the extra money.

Somehow, I did it again! I beat my mind, came home, made a sandwich with Silver Hills Squirrely bread, an avocado, some lemon juice, cucumber, this raw ranch dip, and some salsa. I then had another fifth of my fresh mango cake with some vanilla coconut yogurt on top. Not the best raw meals, but it did stop me from spending extra money and it will tide me over for now.

For supper tonight, I’ve asked my husband to go to our stir fry place where I can get different fruits and veggies that I want, served with rice and noodles. I can’t believe I’m craving rice! I used to dread eating it. I have such a craving for it today!

After my husband came home, we got ready and went to our stir fry place. Oh, it was so good! I made a mix of carrots, bean sprouts, cauliflower, chick peas, tofu, mini corn-on-the-cob, pineapple, dried cranberries, peanuts, kale, noodles, and coconut rice. I use sweet and sour sauce and coconut milk as a topping. Oh it was so delicious. I even indulged and had a green onion cake. It was just so good and so filling! I couldn’t eat it all.

After we came home and let the food digest a little, we got ready and went to the gym. I did 30 minutes of treadmill cardio, followed by some variations of lunges, walking high kicks, stretches and the chiropractor exercises. It was a good energizing workout.

When I got home, I finished that fantastic stir fry. In fact, I wished I had more. Maybe next time I’ll make my stir fry bigger! 🙂

That was basically it for the day. I’m feeling good!