Week 1 Day 6/7

Hey guys!

So I actually just got done watching Mr. Olympia! I’ve never watched it before but it is my goal to get there someday! First as a spectator, then as a competitor. The intense training begins with the challenge I’m doing now and will continue with possibly a coach after. I’m so pumped about it!

So not much to report about my challenge today. It was a rest day so I simply watched my nutrition and dropped my calories a bit.

They had a dedication service at my church over our school so that was a much needed uplifting experience this morning. And I got to spend some time with my husband today which hasn’t really happened all week so that was awesome. We went out to eat at the Canadian Brewhouse. We have never been there before tonight because neither of us drink, but we were told the food was good so we decided to check it out.

I ordered the taco salad and it was delicious! It’s basically your taco salad veggies in a tortilla bowl (don’t have to eat that) with sliced, grilled chicken breast on top and salsa and sour cream on the side. Totally healthy and you get to control the toppings! Loved it! Totally felt like a cheat meal but fit right into my macros.

So other than that, today was a pretty chill day, but I’m noticing some restlessness. I can’t wait to get back into the gym tomorrow!

A Tip to Control Your Diet at Home

One the of the biggest problems is that we love to snack. We’re emotional eaters, and we also like fast food, food that we can grab and eat with minimal to no cooking. This is a problem that most people have. Many a diet or clean eating lifestyle has been blown by this awful habit. So how do we fix it?

What I’ve learned to do is to avoid bringing any “junk” food home. Anything that would be considered a “cheat” meal or food is left outside my home. I go out to eat instead of ordering in. I have a small treat outside rather than bring a large amount in my house. If the food isn’t there, you aren’t going to eat it!

It’s a simple tip, but a good one! It has definitely helped me beat a craving or two and choose healthier options over the junk. Now that doesn’t mean that if you have good self-control, you can’t have treats in the house sometimes. But if you’re weak (like I can be sometimes), it’s better to not tempt yourself by having those treats in the house. Win the battle before it begins!

Sorry, no junk food for you to snack on in this house!

Sorry, no junk food for you to snack on in this house!

Date Night… It Has Been Awhile

Tonight I set the time aside, finally. My husband and I sometimes go out, but it’s always a spur of the moment thing and never a planned date. I’ve kind of missed that part of the pre-marriage state where we would sometimes have planned dates. Just because we’re married doesn’t mean we still can’t do that! Keep the marriage fun, keep it alive, go on those old-school dates!

Tonight we decided to do that. We both took showers and got ready this afternoon, picked out different clothes than I would wear normally. I put on his favourite pair of jeans that I own (still fit me for now… getting those fit girl jean problems), and a nice shirt, did my hair nice, make-up done right.

We headed to the mall. The best part about this whole thing was that we were not stressed, had no time restraints, just us and the night! So our first stop in the mall was to get his hair cut, something he’s been talking about for awhile. His hair got cut, he was looking all spiffy, and we began the shopping. Now the funny thing is, out of the ENTIRE mall, the only thing we (or I should say I) ended up buying was a tub of discontinued Syntha-6 protein (Caramel Latte, totally the best) and a chocolate chip cookie dough Quest bar. Ha! Can’t escape the good tasting healthy lifestyle!

After some shopping, we went to Famoso. Famoso is not on the healthy lifestyle menu, but it was the first official date night, and a cheat meal every once in awhile is ok. The more you stress about food, the worse your body does it, so we decided to just have some fun!

If you’ve never been to a Famoso before, it is a classic Italian pizzeria! That thin crust with Italian toppings cooked in a fire oven. It’s delicious and amazing. You literally can order your food and get it in 5 minutes. So my husband ordered a Quattro Formaggi pizza and I got the BBQ Chicken (get in that protein). The pizza was delicious as always, and you can get cheaper movie tickets with your pizza (we wanted to go to a movie after). Not the waiter who alone was doing an excellent job serving us, but the manager came over a few times to check on our food and to make sure it was ok and cooked well. On his last trip to our table, he told us that he would give us each a scoop of gelato on him. There wasn’t even a single mistake with our order or anything. I’m not quite sure what singled us out, but this guy was definitely going above and beyond his call of duty. And so I indulged a little more than usual and had one scoop of salted caramel gelato. It was delish!

After sincerely thanking the manager, we left and walked some more of the mall. Stopping in my favourite places: Chapters, pet stores, supplement stores. Then we went to the theatre, got tickets to see the new Captain America, and went and sat waiting for the movie for an hour and half. We definitely were there too early, but got awesome seats considering the theatre was pretty much sold out. So in the end, I could probably say it was worth it to wait so long.


The movie was very good, very well written and put together. If you like the superhero type of movies, then this movie is highly recommended for you! We both left happy and satisfied with the movie. If you do go see it, don’t leave when the credits start. There is a substantial after-movie scene that happens with a huge tip towards what I’m assuming will be the next Captain America movie. Quite a few people got up and left when the credits started and missed it, so I’m warning you now. Don’t miss it!


Now we’ve driven home on mostly empty streets. We’re home, safe and sound. It was such a nice evening, just a way to relax and enjoy ourselves before getting ready to head back into a work week. Date night was such a good idea. If you haven’t been on a date in awhile, take a look at your schedule and set aside a night. You deserve it, your husband/wife deserves it. Instead of being a burden on your time, it will actually make you happier and more efficient at life. Try it out! And if you can, take your date to the extreme. Dress up. Have flowers. Have him open the door for you. Do all of those little things that may not happen everyday. Take a time to just love spending time with each other, and watch your love continue to grow.

The Truth About Cheat Meals…

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are warm as you read this. We have been experiencing extreme cold lately. Since I’m not sure where in the world you are as you read this, extreme cold for us is -40 C (-40 F) to -52 C (-62 F). Sometimes I wonder how we survive these temperatures!

Anyways, I just wanted to write a blog to tell you a little about my experience with the famous cheat meal.

As most fitness people, and under my personal training right now, I am allowed one cheat meal a week and only on my high carb day (I’m doing carb cycling… more about that later). This week, that day happened to be last night.

Usually, my husband and I go out for our cheat meal so that we don’t have any leftovers to tempt us the next day. However, knowing that I had a low carb day the next day, and restricting the amount of food we could order, we decided to stay in. This decision may have also been influenced by the lack of wanting to venture into the cold.

We each ordered a medium pizza, some cheesy garlic sticks, and I ordered a small chocolate lava cake. I have to be honest. I do not regret that lava cake. You gotta eat something that deliciously good once in awhile! But the pizza/garlic fingers? I’m lying in total regret this morning.

I find this happens quite often when my cheat meal consists of “junk food”. After eating so clean, my body is in a total upset state that I would put junk into it. Did I gain even a single pound from last night’s feast? Not a one! But I feel miserable.

See that’s the thing about cheat meals. They are good every now and then to allow you body the extra calories so you don’t end up on a plateau. But there are so many times that I’ve indulged in healthier options for my cheat meals and I’ve felt fine the next day. Some examples are things like a quesadilla, nachos (homemade), Extreme Pita (love their stuff), East Indian Food, and so many other things that can be made to be so much healthier than greasy pizza.

I’ve also noticed that when I wake up in the morning, after washing my face before bed, I have grease sitting on my face. It literally seeps through my pores. I have to admit, it’s gross. I hate the feeling, I hate knowing it’s there, but what can I expect. I treat my body with such good food all week, and then I give it this nasty food and all my body wants to do is get rid of it. Talk about regret.

Now I’m not saying all pizza is bad. By all means, making a homemade pizza can be a great option! But I’m referring to the pizza that you order in like we did. Unfortunately you have no control in the ingredients and amount of grease is used.

So take a lesson from me. Go ahead and have a “cheat meal” once a week, but don’t make it the worst food you can find. Find something that is relatively not that bad for you and indulge. In the end, you’ll be thankful for it!

The Dangers of Cheat Meals!

After today, I will have completed my second week on my new fitness/diet challenge. I have been staying exactly on track with the diet plan, and only stumbling the last week with the exercise plan with my sprained foot. Have I still lost weight? YES! That’s the power of a good diet!

Now, on our diet plan, we are allowed one cheat meal per week. Not a cheat DAY, just ONE meal, so you have to strategically plan what one meal out of 21 during the week you’re going to splurge. For me, it was last night. I was talking to my husband on Skype around lunch time, and he was saying how he wished he could order pizza. That struck me, and of course, I knew what my cheat meal was going to be! It was raining and since I don’t have a vehicle, it also made it convenient to order in. Was it as delicious as I thought it was going to be? Not a chance!

From about an hour after I ate it, continuing even onto this morning, I feel gross. My stomach is completely not happy, and I’m paying for the fact that I put “junk” food in my body.

When I think back to even last week, my cheat meal was a vegan pasta, a small piece of chocolate hazelnut cake, salad with ranch dressing, and a bun with margarine. It compared to nothing as unhealthy as that pizza. I was not sick with my cheat meal last week, but this week, I definitely am!

It is said that we should treat food as fuel for our bodies, and to not fill ourselves with junk. Well let me just say, they’re right! Try eating clean for 2 weeks (just fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy products such as skim milk, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, and a whole grain, sugar-free bread) and then eat one of your favourite junk foods. You’ll notice a HUGE difference. 

So as nice as cheat meals sound on a diet that you may be on, be extremely careful. Most times, it does not taste the same as you would remember, and your body will tell you that you just put junk in it. Food is fuel for your body, and it knows what kind of fuel you’re putting in it. 

It Is Not A Diet! It Is A Lifestyle Change!

I have been eating healthy (most of the time) for probably somewhere between a year and a half to two years. Basically, that meant calculating the proper amount of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat) to give me the healthy calorie deficit needed in order to lose the weight I wanted while still being “full” and energized throughout the day. Of course, along with this came the elimination of unhealthy foods, and a substantial increase in the amount of healthy food intake.

Though I have not been completely ate “clean” each and every single day, I have more or less stuck to a clean diet during that time. The days I haven’t eaten clean are mainly around the holidays and for the period I used to eat one cheat meal per week. For those that don’t know, a cheat meal is a meal where you can eat whatever you want. Just remember, it’s only once a week. If you can get by without any cheat meals at all, it is so much better. But especially for those starting out with eliminating unhealthy foods that they are used to eating, sometimes that one cheat meal every week is what keeps them on track.

After awhile, of regularly exercising 5-6 times a week, and eating clean as consistently as possible, I was able to drop 40 lbs in a year. I am 5′ 9″ and I went from 169 lbs down to 130 lbs. I felt an incredible amount of difference! Was it easy? No way! Does it take a lot of work and a lot of mental effort? Oh yes! Is it worth it? There’s nothing better!

Most of my life, once I had hit 5′ 9″, I hung around 140 lbs. However, as university would have it, I hit 169 lbs in my final year. It was a mix of no sleep, constantly on the go, and therefore eating horribly. I would hardly eat anything all day, and then when I would eat, I would have a bag of Crispers, or something equally unhealthy. That is a classic combination to hitting obesity. So the day I stepped on the scale and saw the numbers 1-6-9 show up, I refused to let myself hit 170. So the exercising and changing of eating habits began.

One of the things I’ve learned along the way, is that the longer you go without eating unhealthy foods, the less you crave them. Oh I can remember times where I could hardly stop thinking about those cookies, cakes, and most of all, cheese. I have eaten so much cheese in my life, and limiting the amount of cheese I ate was definitely a change. I also learned that I actually ate very little protein each day. Protein is incredibly essential to your muscle growth, and I had barely anything to back that up. In fact, I remember my first “chest” day at the gym. I am being 100% honest when I say I couldn’t even lift the bar (45 lbs) doing a flat bench press. How embarrassing! I am happy to say I’ve progressed since then. Now the bar seems incredibly easy. But I needed that protein to help me out!

Even though I was changing the way I ate, and I was losing weight because of it, people would constantly ask how my “diet” was going. The thing is, it’s not a “diet”. If it were a diet, this would be the longest diet in the history of the world. I don’t ever plan on eating the way I did again. Yes, maybe during a holiday or a special occasion, I may indulge a little. But my daily eating habits will remain the same. 6 small meals a day, set at my amount of calories, carbs, protein and fats, while exercising 5-6 times a week.

An important fact to remember is this: you should never go hungry on a diet! If you are starving yourself, you are doing the wrong thing. You do not have to change the amount you eat, you simply have to change what you eat. Replace noodles with the equivalent of a good hearty salad filled with tonnes of veggies and even a chicken breast or a salmon filet, and you are saving yourself tonnes of empty calories, and filling your body with important foods that will deliver tonnes of the nutrients needed to your body. It’s really a winning situation that will keep you full all day long!

Never a need to be hungry! Just eat healthy!

Today as I was looking on my Facebook, a lady with the page The Smith Machines Fitbook had posted a challenge of which I am gladly accepting. She is proposing that we go 12 weeks with not a single cheat meal! Clean eating all the way! Now, in January, I had a totally sugar free challenge for myself. I’m happy to say that I successfully completed the month without eating sugar, and even influenced some of my students to do the same in the following month. In February, I went back to one cheat meal a day. In March, there were a lot of situations that came up where I’m sad to say my eating was not perfect that month. But this month, I am more than ready for this challenge. After all, who doesn’t want to get ready for “bikini” weather?

Oh bikini season is coming!

I have to admit, I’ve never worn a bikini in my life. I’ve never felt good enough about the way that I’ve looked to be able to bare my middle. So I have big hopes for this year. I know I currently have complications such as no vehicle to get to the gym, but you are never without any options. Now that is becoming more summery outside, cardio is more easy to do. You can also do push-ups and crunches (sit-ups are really hard on my tailbone). Not too far from us, is a child’s playground. It may look goofy, but some of that structure is perfect for exercising on. Whether you’re doing pull-ups or jumping onto the platform, there are many exercises that can be done on a playground.

So I strongly encourage, if you want to try something like this, look up “The Smith Machines Fitbook” on Facebook and see what she has posted about the challenge. She is an amazing lady that posts recipes and motivation on her Facebook as well. She is looking to have conversations to help the people who will be completing the challenge so that everyone will be motivated. I have used some of her recipes before and loved them! Even if you feel like you can’t do the whole 12 weeks, start it and see how far you go. You’ll be surprised by the amazing benefits you’ll feel just from eating healthier.