Fruit w/Salad Supper Day 5- Healing Journey Day 42

I have been looking forward to this morning all week. I bought tons of Navel oranges just to make a juice in the morning with my new juicer. And today, I finally had time to make it!

So I did the same thing as last time except this time I juiced 8 Navel oranges and added about a cup of organic, blueberry juice. Mmmm… it is such a good combination!


My digestion hasn’t been the greatest the past few days for some reason, and let me just say, I stand by the juicing when you’re having digestion issues. It works very well!

For the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon, I did work on the computer. I had a few stressful things to deal with and it took a lot more time than I thought. I did go to the kitchen and slice up 5 golden kiwis that I ate quickly. Eventually I took a shower and did some running around, including getting enough supplies to last me through the rest of the weekend.

Monday will begin a day of green juices all day. So I ordered some green juices from a local juice place that I will be picking up on Sunday. From Tuesday-Thursday, I will be consuming green smoothies. It’s coming! I’m pretty far down the healing spectrum.

When I got home, I was preparing to make my salad. BUT my husband wanted to Skype. So I diverged and sliced up a bunch of mushrooms and made up a quick guacamole type thing to dip it in while talking to him. In the guac, I put an avocado, a Roma tomato, a stalk of green onion, and some lemon juice. It would have been better blended, but I mashed it to save time from getting out the blender.


Well, let’s just say I was on track to getting in a large amount of calories, closer to where I should be. BUT my housemates went to sleep before I could go out to make my salad. And since they are asleep… I couldn’t use my blender, meaning I couldn’t make a dressing which also means I couldn’t have a salad. So… I started thinking hard. I restocked my pile of lettuce while shopping today, and so I wanted to be sure to get in my head of lettuce for today. It took awhile but it hit me… banana and lettuce!

I’ve seen so many people do this, and yet it didn’t come to me right away. So many people take bananas, put them in lettuce, roll the leaf up, and just eat it that way. That was how I was going to make a “salad” of sorts and get my greens in! So that’s what I did.

nanalet     nanaletsand

It was so simple, yet actually pretty good. And yes, I know… my bananas were ripening funny. When I received these bananas in my Organic Box, they were the greenest bananas I had ever seen. But, they were ready, so I used them! Tomorrow I should be back on to a “normal” salad.

Review of Symptoms:
-Hair looks good! No grease after 5 days of no washing.
-SKIN IS DRY!!!!!!!! My face is flaking. Need to do some serious moisturizing and consider using coconut oil. Need to start exfoliating as well.
-Digestion is back on track today.
-Noticed a bump on my ring finger… not sure what is up with that.
-Energy is good.
-Face still full of acne… and not normal acne either… deep things that deeper than anything I’ve ever had before… sometimes with a mix of little bumps too.
-Dehydrated. Need to drink more water!!

Weight at the end of the day = 167.2 lbs (down 1.2 lbs since 3 days ago)

Total Calories = 1886 (80% carbs, 12% fat, 8% protein… so much better!)

I Hope One Day My Students Understand

It has been such an emotional week for me this week. After an incident that occurred last week, the decision was brought down from Academic Standards Committee as to what would occur as punitive and redemptive actions in this situation. Of course, I had to write the e-mail, and then answer the questions that later ensued as to what had actually occurred as well as the details of the final decision.

So far, parents have seemed understanding and supportive. It’s the students that I worry about the most.

I hope one day my students understand
The reasons why I had to do what I did
The amount of punishment I suffered with them
The fact that I wanted to erase the event and the consequences with it
The reasons why I couldn’t
The reasons why I had to follow through even when I didn’t want to
The reasons why I can seem so harsh
Only because I want them to see their own potential
I hope one day my students understand
How much I cared and wanted them to succeed
The tears I’ve cried and the time I’ve spent
The lasting effects of memories
I hope one day my students understand
That I tried to do the best I could
A year is short in the grand scheme of life
There is no time to waste
I have to do what I can each day
Even if it means correcting mistakes
I hope one day my students understand
That it wasn’t just to “get them in trouble”
My care is genuine, much deeper than that
I hope one day they’ll see it.

To any other teachers reading this blog: Do you ever feel this way? I’m finding truth in the fact that it’s usually the more difficult students, the ones you spend so much time trying to “fix” or “correct” that grow on you the most. Since I have no children of my own, these students essentially are my children. And I think that just makes it worse when things go wrong.

I know I’ll get through this, it’s just another bump in the road. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t hard. It’s so hard not to reach out and want to take all of their pain and hardships away. It’s hard to watch them learn the difficulties of life. But you have to, or they’ll never learn the difference between what is right and wrong. And so it is my prayer each night, that no matter what happens, they’ll someday understand and see how much I care. I hope one day my students will understand…