Week 8 Day 6

I’m hungry. In fact, my body feels like it’s starving. I can’t say that I’ve been hitting my macros the past few days as I’ve been happy just to ingest any liquid anything, which has been mainly fruit, veggies, and some protein powder. I have been trying to get some BoltHouse smoothies from the grocery store to drink (I know they aren’t the cleanest), and so in that way have been getting in some extra nutrition, and I’ve also been keeping up with my multivitamins and supplements. But I still can’t chew. My teeth are too tender. I tried chewing a Breton mini cracker today, the super soft, melt in your mouth type of cracker, and I could only chew one before my teeth were very sore. Still on that liquid diet today!

Definitely got some of this because "Tis' the Season!"

Definitely got some of this because “Tis’ the Season!”

I had a chiropractor appointment this morning that went well. I planned on going to the gym to split up my workout with my husband again but instead ended up going to sleep and quickly found out that I just wasn’t getting rest. I’d wake up, and wake up, and wake up, and wake up, all the while sleeping in between but never feeling any different when I woke up. I don’t get it. I’m really not sure what’s going on.

When my husband came home from work, he was too tired to go to the gym right away. So he stayed home and took a nap while I went to the gym because I knew my workout would take a long time tonight. I came back and woke him up about half way through my workout, drank a protein shake in order to help my starving body continue, and went back to finish my workout.

It was a long workout, finishing the ab exercises from yesterday, combined with legs today (90 squats!!), and of course the cardio I had to catch up on. We also had to do dropset to burnout leg extensions. I swear my quads were about to break apart. I definitely wasn’t able to walk the greatest after!

I tried something new today: Sweet Sweat! I had been given product samples of it a long time ago, but had never tried it because I always worry about chemical reactions ruining my clothing. Thankfully, my wonderful hubby picked up a Sweet Sweat belt under which you apply the Sweet Sweat so that it doesn’t touch your clothing! Boo yah! Let me just say, the results shocked me. I never knew I could sweat that much, seriously. And yet I didn’t feel overly warm like I thought I would. It obviously worked though. So I’m going to wear it for a few weeks to see if it makes a true difference and I’ll keep you updated!

Sweet Sweat! Try it out!

Sweet Sweat! Try it out!

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