Coconut Oil and Eyes: The Follow-Up

Recently, I had an experience that really freaked me out. I had just gotten ready to leave the house and meet someone, and both of my eyes were going seriously blurry! I know I’ve had slight eye problems in the past, but this was almost like something was coating my eyes. I rubbed them way too much trying to get rid of it. It would go away, but then as soon as I looked down and back up, it would be back. It did go away eventually, but it made the thought of driving scary for awhile.

Naturally, I panicked over this. I couldn’t believe I was going to have some eye disease or condition. But then I got this brilliant idea to see if coconut oil must have had something to do with it. So I began researching, and lo and behold, I found my answer. Let me tell you guys, as scary as my experience was, coconut oil is SO good for your eyes!


So here’s the deal. I was being a little lazy, and not cleaning my mascara off at night. This led to me cleaning it with my homemade coconut oil eye makeup remover in the morning. Mixed with warm water, it is absolutely possible to get a little bit of the coconut oil in my eyes. Guys, coconut oil DOES NOT hurt or sting when it gets in your eyes. You’d probably never even know.

So what I researched is that coconut oil will coat your eyes. It is advised to use coconut oil at night (aka not be so lazy) because it will just prepare itself as one of those corner-of-your-eyes sleepy things in the morning, easily removed and your eyes won’t be blurry. This is a simple enough fix.

As I continued to research, I actually found out that coconut oil was a lot better than I thought for you! This is a summary of the most extreme testimony I found.

A poor woman had a bacteria/parasite infestation. For her body, she was put on some drugs from her doctor. She was also using drops for her eyes but they weren’t giving her good results. So she talked to someone who mentioned using coconut oil drops. She did this, and every morning, the same parasite eggs that the prescribed drugs were pushing through her skin were also in the corner of her eyes in the morning, ready to be wiped away. The coconut oil was actually cleaning her eyes when over-the-counter drops were not working. How awesome is that?

I always prefer natural products, things that have no chemicals, no additives that I don’t want on my body, and natural things that are brought from the earth. If you haven’t tried the coconut oil yet, definitely give it a try! Just remember to use it at night, and not in the morning to avoid blurry eyes!

Homemade Eye-Makeup Remover

Alright people. I’ve had a pattern my entire life to never buy the same products. After I finish a foundation of one brand, I try a foundation of another line. Life is too short to be boring, right?

Well, since I’ve turned vegan and have been studying the effects of not only food but chemicals that we ingest, it only made sense to study more into the products we put on our bodies as well.

Skin is the largest organ of the body. What we put on it, it soaks up and then puts IN our bodies. This can be scary if you consider the chemicals some of our products contain.

Recently, I finished my last eye makeup remover, and then was faced with the dilemma of tracking down a vegan option (which would probably be a larger amount of money), or learn to make my own. Guys, or ladies, let me tell you, I have found the cheapest and easiest to make eye makeup remover. You just need 2 things: Organic cotton pads and organic extra virgin coconut oil. That’s it.


So I don’t even make these ahead of time. What I’ve done is purchased a jar of coconut oil (solid at room temperature, but you could use the liquid oil as well), and purchased the organic cotton pads. I keep everything in the bathroom with a butter knife. When I’m washing my face, I then put a tiny amount of oil on a cotton pad (a little goes a LONG way), spread it out with the knife, and then use it as a regular eye makeup remover. It’s really that easy. The best part is, it’s so healthy for you, and the oil helps to moisturize your eyes.

Did you know that once you hit 20, your eye area quits making as much natural moisturizer as other parts of your body? This is how the market for eye moisturizers has boomed. But we now know the cheaper and healthier secret: coconut oil! Love it!