Be The Example!

This past weekend, I was invited to a little girl’s birthday party. This little girl is the daughter of a very good friend of mine, so I was invited to the family dinner party as an honourable “Aunty.” Of course the weather was awful and we were in the midst of almost -40 Celsius, but onward to the party I went.

Now, most of you know that I am vegan. I do not consume any animal products. The place I was going to was not vegan. And as I perused the food table, I noticed there was a vegetable tray, a fruit tray, Tostitos and salsa, crackers and cheese, cream puffs, and the main course was cheese pizza.

To fully understand the importance of this story, I want to heavily write that I was HUNGRY. It had been at least 7 hours since I had eaten, and when I had eaten, I had not eaten until I was full. I was in need of food. And what happens when you’re hungry? That food starts to look necessary. That’s right… not even just appetizing, but necessary. Your body begins to tell you that you’re starving and you must have food. It’s amazing how your hunger can play with your brain. However, right in the midst of my starvation, something amazing happened.

I was contemplating in my head eating a piece of that pizza. Not the crackers and cheese, not the cream puffs, not the dips that came with the fruits and veggies, but a piece of pizza. Why? My body knew it would be the most filling and calorie dense. It makes sense. But…

My friend saw me waiting for my turn at the table and said, “I’m sorry we didn’t make a vegan pizza so you probably won’t want to have any. But you can help yourself to the crackers, chips, fruits and veggies. Don’t be shy!”

I kid you not. Every ounce of thinking that was in my head about that cheese pizza was GONE. I was an example to those around me. I was being watched for what I do. My desire to be healthy and eat compassionately (Thanks to Lissa’s Raw Food Romance for that term) was being noticed by others even if they weren’t doing it themselves. All of a sudden, I realized how important my choices were. And you know what? I didn’t starve. Sure, I ate more veggies, fruit, crackers, chips and salsa than anyone else, but I didn’t suffer. Perhaps it wasn’t the best food combining, but it filled me enough to keep me going. I didn’t need that cheese pizza at all!

I know this is such a simple story, but I hope that it helps you also realize how important what you do is. As a Christian teacher, I’m already aware that everyone is watching me all the time: people at church are watching me, students are constantly watching me. And now, I’m reminded that even my friends and family are watching me. They’re all watching to see if you’re legitimate, to see you if you actually live what you say. And if I’m honest, there is no way we shouldn’t be living what we say. We need to stand for our beliefs and live out our morals. We need to stand for something; live for something. Our lives are literally our sermon. People learn from you what they see even more so than what they hear. Live your example. Be an example. Be the example! The motivation you have for the things you are passionate in will soar.

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