Those People That Make Me Smile

I do not know who you are, but you may recognize yourself in this blog post. And if you do, I want to personally reach out and thank you!

A couple weeks ago, as I was leaving my normal chiropractor/acupuncture appointment, I was left in a state of nowhere; nowhere to be emotionally. I neither felt happy nor upset. I was a blank slate, ready to adapt to whatever the world had to offer. And as I was in this stage, I drove down one of the few streets in the city where the branches of the trees meet each other creating a canopy over the road. The trees had already begun to change colours, and so the landscape was a beautiful yellow and orange blanket covering the sky. It was so beautiful! I noticed a few freelance photographers taking pictures of the view; moments of time frozen in the eternity of the digital world.

Wish I had gotten a picture, but the trees were almost this colour. So beautiful.

Wish I had gotten a picture, but the trees were almost this colour. So beautiful.

I continued to drive and noticed a woman at a bus stop. The weather was not the warmest, and yet she had her headphones in and was dancing and smiling to the music being played in her ears. Now here is someone that was enjoying every moment whether good or bad; doing with life what each one of us should do. And that’s where I began to smile.

I think we all could take a lesson in learning to dance in the rain.

I think we all could take a lesson in learning to dance in the rain.

We live in such a messed up world. There are so many bad things that we are bombarded with everyday. And yet these simple things are still there for us to find. These people, who really have no idea they’re influencing others, are there showing us that life can still be enjoyed, that life is still meant to be fun.

And so to you, if you are one of those people, I applaud you. Keep doing what you do because you never know whose day you make enhance just because you chose to enjoy that moment of life!

Problems with Eye Shadow Creasing or Fading?

Hello everyone!

Now this post is for the ladies! Ladies, do you have problems with eye shadow creasing or fading in colour? It looks perfect when you leave the house, yet half way through the day, when you have a chance to look in a mirror, you notice that ridiculous stuff has creased in your eye lids?

I’ve had a problem with this in the past. And trust me, it’s not pretty. It can really mess with the look of your eyes. So I was never more happy when I found my solutions!

#1: Mary Kay Eye Primer

Seriously, this stuff not only preps the eye to hold eye colour, but the it helps the eye colour to remain bold and to last all day. Super easy to put on, and super lightweight! There is no mistaking that this stuff is amazing.


#2: Mary Kay Mineral Eye Colour

This stuff is not only made of minerals, but the colours are beautiful. These colours, whether used with the eye primer or not, will give you an even spread, applies easily, and will honestly last…all…day. I have never seen shadows that will blend more easily, stay so well, and look so amazing throughout the entire day. This stuff washes off very easily as well.  For someone who did not wear much eye shadow, and when did, used eye shadows that creased easily thus resulting in frustration, this eye shadow has solved all of my problems and I am now wearing it almost daily! Super easy on your skin!


Canadian Residents: Let me know if you’re interested in either or both of these items! Ongoing sale of 20% off eye and lip colours for the month of May! It’s the perfect time to try it out!