Week 11 Day 4

God knew I’d need my car this morning. He knew my husband needed it to work last night. Because for the first time ever, my husband got called into work very early and I had to drive myself. The best part was, I was up so early so he could drop me off as per normal that I had time to eat, and take my time getting ready. I can’t lie, it was actually kind of nice!

Work went well today. It was busy, but everything seemed to be good. It was after school when things got crazy.

We had our second after-school tutoring session today and it seemed like a bigger mess to me this time than it did the first time. My head was swimming with names, grades and subjects trying to match up the tutors and tutees, and trying to make sure that everyone had someone to help them. We also had a few problems arise that we now have to address, but hopefully everything will run smoothly once those problems are dealt with.

When the students left, my room was a mess. Papers and pencils were everywhere, chairs all out of place, bins of books knocked over; it looked like a tornado had come through! I had to take a few minutes to clean it before I even decided to go home without any other school work. My mind couldn’t handle it tonight.

I got home (late) and expected to go to the gym right away. However, my husband was sleeping and did not wake up easily. In fact, we did not end up going to the gym until 2:30 in the morning! I know, we’re crazy; dedicated, but crazy.

I had a leg workout today and it didn’t quite start out the way I wanted. I had worked my squats back up to 95 lbs, even though it’s still a struggle. My form just is not right. But I’m tired of fighting my form and not being able to raise my weight.

Tonight was different because my husband came over to watch and give me constructive criticism. My form is terrible. I did more squats than normal, changing my foot placement, changing the placement of the bar on my back and shoulders, and making tons of different modifications to see what would help. It was more squats than I wanted to do, and we didn’t figure out the solution to my problem. But it was nice to work with my husband again, and more squats can never hurt… right?

The rest of the workout went well though it drained every ounce of energy I had. Between leg curls (prone and seated), leg extensions, leg press, bench jumps, calf raises (both seated and standing), plus several other exercises, you can bet I was walking funny by the end and knew the pain would be coming soon. It was a tiresome workout, but a good one.

I doubt I’ll go to sleep since we’re leaving the gym at 5, but we’ll just have to see what happens. One thing I know for sure is I’m leaving the gym STARVING and will be eating before I sit down at home. I have to feed this tired, muscle growing (I hope) body.

27th Time… Complete!

I was not looking forward to the move at all. I think of all the work involved, the amount of cleaning that will need to be done, the sorting through junk you’ve accumulated, the arrangements, the inaccessibility of daily items (dishes mainly), I felt overwhelmed before it began. Thankfully, it fell upon Easter weekend which gave us the full four days to complete it.

Because my job is so demanding and report cards are coming up much too quickly, I had only a few things packed. But nevertheless, with a late start, the moving began on Good Friday. Of course, the only U-Haul available was 27 feet long (much longer than I needed), but my husband’s cousin came to help us and felt fine driving that large of a vehicle.

Loading that U-Haul took much of the day. And of course, unloading it was much simpler than loading it. But in repayment for his help (and continued help the next day), we took him to our favourite Punjabi restaurant for lunch with an all-you-can-eat buffet. Then for supper, we took him to Famoso, both of which were a huge hit for him.

We slept at our new place that night, and woke up early to return the U-Haul and start packing more of the old place, this time loading his cousin’s truck bed. This also took a large chunk of the day, though less than the previous. For breakfast, we took him to Cora’s, and again, right before he left, we took him to Azucar Picante which was the best hit of all as his mother is from Peru, and the restaurant was created with Authentic Peruvian dishes. I can say that he ate well during this process!

My husband’s cousin said good-bye after lunch as he had to return to prepare for his university finals this week (he graduates this weekend!!). My husband and I finished picking up the majority of our old apartment, and went to our new place late in the night.

Of course, we had that old Audi of ours to move, which didn’t seem to pose a problem after we have fixed the alternator and it runs quite well again. However, we made it to our new street, and as I was following him in our Kia, I started to notice a line down the road. I assumed that he had hit a puddle that I hadn’t seen, but when I met him in the parking spot, there was smoke coming from under the hood. We’re assuming it’s the radiator. I’m pretty sure, by the time we actually sell this car, everything in it will be brand new except the body. I’ve never had a car like this in my life. Do you have a hard time with cars? Maybe it’s just me…

We had to get something to eat, so we had a quick run to McDonalds. We also did not have our internet services transferred yet, so McDonalds provided us with some free internet service for the time being.

We went to bed late, and got up super early. We had to finish cleaning before the walk-through at 1:00. It took so much work, so much detailing, so much throwing out of items. And yet, somehow, we finished on time. In fact, the landlord was 15 minutes late. But I didn’t care by this point. I was so drained, so tired. I just wanted to go to bed.

The man came, the inspection was completed with no problems, and I got to go to bed after stopping at Booster Juice for a quick but healthy snack and smoothie. Of course, later, I found out I had somehow skinned my knee in the process. How I do these things, I’ll never know.

So now begins the process of getting addresses updated, services switched over, and of course boxes unpacked. The moving part may be over, but the actual move is not over yet!