Fruit Smoothie Feasting – Healing Journey Day 26

So the day is here. It’s my final transition into consuming food full time. Although the food is blended, it’s still food. I was actually kind of nervous about this day. I haven’t been eating food consistently in almost a month, and to know that this is the beginning of eating all the time again, it’s a little nerve-wrecking. But I’m sure I will adjust.

This morning, I started with a 6 banana smoothie, blended with approximately 200 mL of organic blueberry juice. It wasn’t the sweetest, I must admit. It was not totally my favourite, but I drank it none the less. I was very tempted to put some coconut sugar in the smoothie as well, but I refrained.

Work was pretty much the same. It had some highs; it had some lows. Some reasons to celebrate, and some reasons to take a deep breath. I never did get to eat another smoothie for the rest of the work day. Needless to say, I was hungry throughout the day since I didn’t get another chance to blend a smoothie up.

I ended up staying at school working on things until 5:30. By working on things, I mean returning work-related phone calls, figuring out hot lunch payments that were under a misunderstanding, and explaining things to several parents as well as trying to tie everything up on a late deadline at school. Oh man… what a rush!

Before I left the school, I made myself another smoothie. I was so hungry since I hadn’t eaten anything since that first smoothie. This time, I put about 400 mL of the organic blueberry juice in with 7 bananas. Believe it or not, it was actually sweeter than before. I thoroughly enjoyed this smoothie and even stopped on the way home to take a pretty fall picture of it for you all to enjoy!


I sat at home, talking with my housemates until I finished this smoothie. Then I headed out to run a few errands, ending up at the gym to do 30 minutes of cycling. I went higher in intensity again, and absolutely loved it.

I came home, and made a smoothie with two mangoes and almost a whole pear. I have some fruit to use up before I fly out for Thanksgiving, so I probably won’t be having banana smoothies tomorrow; bananas are easy to freeze. I will probably be consuming watermelon smoothies and mango smoothies. Hopefully it will all be good. I am so tired that I am closing here for the night. I’m looking forward to some sleep. Good night ya’ll!

Review of Symptoms:
-Acne still not good.
-Energy pretty good.
-Tongue not even half as badly coated today.
-Digestion is fantastic.
-Hair is greasy. (I will write about this soon!)

Weight at the end of the day = 174.6 lbs (down 2 lbs from yesterday)

Total Calories = 2103 (94% carbs, 3% fat, 3% protein)

Advice to Understand

You know, sometimes, you’re just going to get disappointed by people. Sometimes, you are just going to feel let down. Sometimes, you’re just going to feel like people use you and you get no appreciation for anything. And sometimes, it really starts to weigh on your shoulders despite your greatest attempts to not let it.

I’ve always hated this feeling. The arguments that can come from it. The misunderstandings that blow up out of proportion. The undeniable feeling of horribleness that ensues. Although this feeling is hard to prevent or even eliminate, I came across a saying that has totally changed my view of my feelings, if not helped to change my feelings a little. The saying (paraphrased… can’t remember where I got it from) is as follows:

Sometimes we get so disappointed with others because we have expected them to do for us what we would have done for them.

Think about that for a minute. Why do we really get disappointed in others? Why do we care so much if people don’t appreciate us? It’s simply because we have put ourselves in their shoes, and we know what we would have done. We take it personally, we make it personal. Why couldn’t you ever thank me when I thank you all the time, even for the smallest things? Why couldn’t you just do this one thing that I needed when I would have easily done it for you?

It’s our own expectations that others are failing to achieve. We’ve set our expectations on them, and yet we get disappointed at them when really, it’s on us. We had the expectations, they didn’t. And if you really think about it… is it fair?

The best thing I’ve found to do is to have minimal expectations of people. In fact, I have usually been able to keep my minimal expectations of everyone except my students. Being a teacher is a whole different situation. If you don’t have high expectations of them, they often won’t have high expectations of themselves. They need a standard to live up to, to strive towards. But in general, in marriage, in family, in friends, the disappointment can be avoided if everything is considered an “extra”. Can you always avoid disappointment? Absolutely not. It’s just one of those things you have to learn to deal with in life. But you can better understand it. Above all, understand, that your expectations of others are really the expectations of yourself in someone else’s position. And that can set you up for that ultimate let-down. Lower your expectations. Realize the other person is not you. And see if it makes a difference in your life.