Being a “Quality” Teacher

I saw a picture the other day that set me back in my chair. The picture looked like this:


Take a good look at those qualifications. It made me sit back and really think whether I’m doing these things with my students.

Sometimes, I find, that teachers (including myself) get onto auto-pilot. And sometimes, we get so frustrated with our students that we don’t take our own deep breath and think about meaningful consequences rather than immediate punishments. Are we actually reaching them at their level, or are we just wasting our breath?

Anyways, take a good look again at this picture, and try and remember to be that memorable teacher, the teacher who was always approachable when a student had a problem, a teacher who was passionate about his/her career, and a teacher who was kind and compassionate towards all students, even the ones who may take a double dose of your time.

Be the teacher you would want to have. ❤

Week 1 Day 5

What a day! Just another insane day to add to list of burdens to carry on my shoulders. Ugh.

Throughout all the stress, and changing my day plans, etc… I managed to stay proper with my nutrition. Not necessarily the times I normally would have, but no stress-eating food choices for me! My water intake was also slower today, but I’m still getting it all in regardless.

I also had a chiropractor and acupuncture appointment today. Of course your body undergoes a lot of bad changes with stress, and this week had a high dose. But she was also concerned about my embarrassing but damaging fall at Wal-Mart the weekend before. So thankfully, my acupuncturist also targeted my stress points. Funny enough, when I was done, my wrist no longer hurt, but the pain had gone into my hand which is what I’m guess the needles have done. I am kind of glad the pain has left my wrist, but the aching pain in my hand is still not great.

I want to just take a moment and fill you in on a couple goals I had for this challenge. Aside from excelling in the workouts and staying on track with diet, I also wanted to increase my water to 3L (12 cups) a day. I know I don’t get enough water, so by purposely adding it to my challenge, I have been able to do this successfully each day. As a side note, try going from little daily water to that much water, and be prepared to run to the washroom 10+ times a day. I honestly was wondering if our secretary thought I must be pregnant… Promise it was just the increase in water!

My second challenge I added on was sleep. Now this week has SUCKED for getting in sleep. But next week is always a new week, and that is another that I plan to work on.

So that’s basically it for today. The workout was awesome and again in a circuit style. I finished up with 12 minutes of HIIT on the stairs. I was a sweaty mess!

I’ve just about finished up my nutrition and I’m ready to surrender to my bed. My body needs the rest and the break from everything, so on that note, have a good night everyone!