Being a “Quality” Teacher

I saw a picture the other day that set me back in my chair. The picture looked like this:


Take a good look at those qualifications. It made me sit back and really think whether I’m doing these things with my students.

Sometimes, I find, that teachers (including myself) get onto auto-pilot. And sometimes, we get so frustrated with our students that we don’t take our own deep breath and think about meaningful consequences rather than immediate punishments. Are we actually reaching them at their level, or are we just wasting our breath?

Anyways, take a good look again at this picture, and try and remember to be that memorable teacher, the teacher who was always approachable when a student had a problem, a teacher who was passionate about his/her career, and a teacher who was kind and compassionate towards all students, even the ones who may take a double dose of your time.

Be the teacher you would want to have. ❤