Week 11 Day 7

What a cold, cold day: -41 C with a low of -43. My husband and I both decided we weren’t going anywhere today, and were instead going to stay home and try to stay warm. The only times we went outside all day were to walk the dogs. And the poor things could barely stand the temperature to even use the washroom. It’s just too cold.

The doors in my house are actually somehow letting some snow in. I knew they didn’t fit the doorways quite right, but hey. The place is old. I understand. Are there things the landlady could do? Probably. But I think we’re going to go get some plastic and maybe those things that block under the door. It’s not freezing in the house, but stand by the doors or windows and you’ll get cold. Pleasures of being in a old and cold place.

A lot of household chores and napping got done. I was actually happy because I was way behind on laundry. So it was nice to have a chance to get caught up again!

We both decided that we had to go to the gym this evening, regardless how cold it was. So we eventually got ready and went on our way. I had a killer back workout, felt solid the whole time, pushing all my limits, and killing my abs and biceps. I even had time for a 12 minutes HIIT cardio session! I can’t remember the last time I was excited about cardio. Absolutely loved it!

We had a quiet night at home, watching a movie together and continuing to upkeep on laundry. It was a more quiet day, but a lovely one.

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