Day 11 – Weight Check-In

I haven’t mentioned anything about weight so far because I wanted to see what would happen. After all, I’m used to counting calories, believing in a “Calories-in, calories-out” deficit system which I have not been doing at all. I’ve simply been trying to eat raw until 4, and everything vegan. I eat until I’m full, and that’s about it.

Well, I’m happy to announce that I’m officially 11 pounds under my heaviest (a couple months ago), I don’t have 5 pound variations from day-to-day, and I feel so much better! How exciting is it that I don’t have to feel like I’m starving, and yet I’m losing weight! I have more energy (compared to calorie restricting), and I just all around feel better. It’s amazing. I really don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner.

Upon waking, I had a long drink of water. It’s time to get the body hydrated.

For breakfast, I had a deliciously juicy organic cantaloupe. It was SO good! I also had an organic honeydew that was the juiciest, sweetest honeydew melon I have ever had. Thank you Organic Box!

For lunch yesterday, I had another fresh beet, carrot and apple juice with a veggie wrap. My fail was that I ate a doughnut right before, and regretted eating it while I ate it. I also ate a little too close to my workout and thus felt too full while exercising, but stills was able to punch out a good workout. I did lunges, toe-touch jacks (a new favourite), side planks, push-ups and overhead squats. It was an excellent circuit and built up a good sweat. And where would I be without doing my chiropractor’s exercises. She has bumped me up to another level which are essentially harder versions of the ones I have been doing, so I’m working on conquering those.

After I finished my workout, I laid down to take a nap, after drinking some water of course. I slept for quite awhile. After sundown, my husband and I talked for a very long time, too long in fact. We got ourselves to the point of starving. It’s a known fact when you feel like you’re starving, you make bad choices. And that’s exactly what we did. We ordered in.

I didn’t do as well as last time. In fact, I did awful. I had veggie pizza (with cheese), I had jalapeño poppers and brownies. I felt so unbelievably greasy and yucky. I can’t believe I did this! Ugh.. Need to never do this again!

Post 3-Day Refresh Mistake

So, I did the most ultimate rookie mistake. And I’m going to share it with you so that you don’t do the same thing I did.

The day after the 3-Day Refresh, I’m STARVING and EXCITED for food. But there are no groceries in the house because I didn’t want to have any temptations here. So when my husband calls to say that he’s done work and it’s time for me to pick him up, I’m quickly on my way and noticing restaurants on my way over. 

My husband had a big headache, was hungry, feeling sick, and due to the weather, had been sweating at work all day, and quickly together we make the decision to go out to eat in an air conditioned restaurant. But where do we go? Pizza Hut.


Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind pizza every once in awhile. But after feeling so great, knowing that my body was functioning so well, this was the wrong route to go. And for all that missed food time on the Refresh, I completely indulged! Boneless chicken wings, cheese garlic breadsticks, pizza and cinnaparts. Now obviously, we did not finish the whole meal. We barely touched the cinnaparts and I could only eat a couple pieces of pizza, but the breadsticks and wings were gone. 

Can I say disaster? I felt AWFUL. I could tell this was not healthy for my body. I could tell my body was not happy. I could tell I did not make a smart, healthy decision. Talk about feeling yucky.



Now, the extra carbs did help me with my leg workout later, I can absolutely say that. But were there better places to get my carbs? Absolutely. I did not need to feel as miserable as I did. And the worst part? I probably would eat the wings again, but I’m good without pizza or breadsticks or cinnaparts for a very long time. 

So my advice for Post-3-Day Refresh: Don’t eat junk! Eat healthy, whole foods. Trust me, your body will completely thank you for it!