Gym Rest Time: A Problem and My Solution

When I workout by myself, I take very little rest time. I usually race myself to see how fast I can do my next set. But when I workout with my husband, he likes me to take longer breaks so I can have better recovery to put stronger effort in my next set. Both have benefits, but I have a hard time waiting around during those longer rests. So here is what I do.

I take my phone.

No, I’m not the person who is “not using the machine and just sitting on her phone”. I literally would be banging out my sets until I simply couldn’t lift anymore if I didn’t have my phone to distract me. It’s the only source of “sitting time” that I have.

I know, it’s a bad problem. I will admit, I’ve been getting better at just sitting and realizing the appreciation of silence and being still during recovery, but on days when I just want to get my workout done, my cell phone is my reminder to slow down.

What about you? Do you take longer rests or are you a quick recovery like me? Do you have any problems taking time to rest? I’d love to hear your comments below!