Week 1 Day 3

According to today’s schedule, it was supposed to be a rest day. Our coach has given us the ok to do cardio or something like yoga on a rest day if we are restless. I’m used to working out 6 days a week, so I definitely went ahead and did some cardio. Because I knew that I wouldn’t be tired out from anything else, I decided to push myself with something I dislike: the stairclimber.

I managed to complete a hard 12 minutes of HIIT. I may not have liked it during the moment, but I felt so good about it after I was done. And as my husband finished working out, I was able to spend an ample amount of time stretching and working on my flexibility, something that is very important to me.

Today I had less stress than yesterday, and my meals were more timely. The only time I sensed too long of a stretch between eating was after work. I have a ton of grading to do (life of a teacher…) and so I decided to stay a little longer to get some done. I didn’t bring any extra meals with me and so I was tempted to eat those popsicles in my freezer in my room. But I managed to avoid it and waited until I got home.

The ironic part of this is that when I got home I made my fish (haddock), rice and slice of cheese. I also added a little mustard on this. My husband came home shortly after and was in a miserable state, feeling awful. He was very hungry, and unfortunately we were running out of his groceries (he has his own macros/plan) so fast food was the way we went. We ended up at Pizza Hut. And on our table was: cheese breadsticks, boneless wings, pizza, and cinnaparts. Oh that smell.

I wanted that food. It looked good. It smelled good. But in my head, I knew that wasn’t what I wanted. That food would not make me feel good. That food would not help me reach my goals. That food would definitely not help me in this competition, and so I sat, watching my husband eat that food. And guess what! I did it. I didn’t have a single bite, no matter how tempted I was!

The worst part is, the rest of that meal is sitting in our fridge. How incredibly easy and habitual is it to go to the fridge, pop open the tasty leftovers, and heat them up. Too easy. So the battle is not over yet, but I’ve already determined that I will not let food control me. I will not indulge. I have a plan. I have a goal. And that is where my focus is going to be.

I am currently finishing my bowl of frozen mango, frozen blueberries, and greek yogurt and then I shall be off to bed. Have a great night everyone.

Week 1 Day 1

So today it began. I wasn’t prepped the way I wanted to be, but you can’t freeze time.

It started this morning with being tired. Being tired is significant in this case because I didn’t get up when I wanted to which meant that my food didn’t get cooked like I wanted it to. Thankfully, half the meals I planned did not require cooking, so I grabbed those ingredients and threw them in a bag to take to work.

There is something to be said for eating on plan. The food choices are better, the health level increases dramatically, and you just feel better. I have to admit: I’ve been eating so bad lately. Eating out a lot, and eating a lot of junk. I can’t tell you what a blessing it was to eat healthy food today. My body just felt great.

So right now, I’m on 1850 calories with up to an extra 300 calories around my workouts. If planned with junk food, this takes no time to fill. But planned with healthy food, it’s so just right. I haven’t felt hungry all day!

The workout was designed with a 5 minute cardio warm-up, a circuit of 5 whole body exercises, and I finished with 25 minutes on the elliptical.

It’s late, and I’m tired, but I feel good. I’m just drinking some water, BCAAs, and eating a bowl of rice/haddock/eggs. Quite the combo I must say, but those are the items I hadn’t managed to cook earlier so I’m eating them now.

I’m going to be so tired, but I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. I’m ready to win this challenge!