Week 5 Day 4

There is really not a whole lot to report to you today. I took the rest day that I needed. I had a great day at work, and to tell you the truth, I really can’t even tell you why it was good. There was nothing bad about today at all.

Tonight, my husband realized that we barely have any groceries. I haven’t even thought of groceries since I’ve had my food ready to go. But it was already fairly late in the evening by the time we both got home, talked about our days, and he had gotten ready to eat supper. So we decided groceries could be gotten tomorrow, and for tonight he’d get some food at Wendy’s.

Since my method seemed to work last time, I assessed my calories that I had left and researched the menu before we went. I had just enough calories for a grilled chicken wrap. And it turned out to be just enough to keep me satisfied while my husband had a burger, fries, and frosty. Oh that frosty looked good. There’s that sweet tooth coming out in me. But I held strong and was so much happier that I did. I didn’t need it.

After we got home, my husband started getting ready for the gym. I wanted to go but knew I had to stay home. I owed it to those sore legs to let them rest. So when he left, I busied myself with dishes, laundry, and finally taking a hot bath with bamboo oil. If you’ve never tried bamboo oil, you should. The stuff is amazing for sore muscles. I would say either comparable or even better than epsom salts. Unfortunately I don’t know where you would find it (maybe health food stores?) because I found it in a shop in my favourite place in the world: St. Andrew’s by the Sea. But seriously check it out!

So here is what I ate!

Meal 1

Granola/Yogurt/Berry parfait. Thought it was a little small, but honestly filled me and was so good!

Granola/Yogurt/Berry parfait. Thought it was a little small, but honestly filled me and was so good!

Meal 2

So filling. Grapes, cheese, rice crackers, and apples.

So filling. Grapes, cheese, rice crackers, and apples.

Meal 3

Ancho Chicken Bowl. Rice, shredded chicken, blacks beans and a cilantro/corn mixture. This one packs some heat!

Ancho Chicken Bowl. Rice, shredded chicken, blacks beans and a cilantro/corn mixture. This one packs some heat!

Meal 4

The most delicious egg white salad I've ever had! With tomatoes, celery and rice crackers. Yum!

The most delicious egg white salad I’ve ever had! With tomatoes, celery and rice crackers. Yum!

Meal 5

The most amazing chicken salad spinach salad. No extra dressing required. Even has dried cranberries!

The most amazing chicken salad spinach salad. No extra dressing required. Even has dried cranberries!