Successes of Going Vegan (Approx. 2 Weeks Solid)

I’m so happy to report I’ve been consistent in sticking to my vegan lifestyle, and especially the RawTill4 principles. Since I’ve been solid with it, I thought I should share some of the amazing things I’ve experienced because of it.

Here are some things I’ve noticed:
1. My energy is much higher and lasts throughout the day.
2. My attitudes/emotions are so calm and patient (not that I wasn’t before, but even more so!).
3. Acne scarring honestly seems to be getting better, though improvements on the actual acne still need to happen.
4. When I eat tons of fruit, smoothies, and some extra water, I NEVER have to worry about becoming dehydrated. Remember: The way to tell is the colour of your pee! Clear is best!
5. Digestion, not a problem. I’m getting in so much fiber from the natural fruits and veggies. I grew up with bad digestion problems, so this is amazing!
6. My strength/endurance in the gym has not been affected negatively, but rather they have increased! Mind you, my consistency lately of getting to the gym has not been good, so that needs to be worked on too.
7. I’m not starving… ever! I eat as much fruit as I want, and as much vegan cooked foods (preferably more starches and veggies) in the evening. I’ve never been this satisfied before!
8. I never feel bad about what I eat. I can feel that it’s healthy. No more upset stomachs or anything. (As long as you combine food properly!)
9. My house smells like fruit. Not the going bad kind. No wasting food anymore around here!
10. I don’t have cravings. I really wondered about the cravings thing… but honestly, when you’re full of sweet fruit, you crave NOTHING. Even going to the movies, I don’t want any of the concession stuff. My husband has cookies and things in the house, and I don’t want any of it. I use to make cookie dough by the bowl just to eat it, but not a chance anymore. This is the hugest blessing… I can’t even begin to express what it’s like for food not to have that power over you!
11. I have the satisfaction of knowing I’m eating things I should be eating. I try to be as organic as possible, and the less chemicals, the less animal fat, animal stress, decomposing flesh, etc… is not going in my mouth! I’m getting first hand nutrients from the earth, and I’m not killing animals to try to get as many second-hand nutrients to satiate my body. There is a definite feel-good feeling with this!
12. Most restaurants have some sort of vegan offering or substitutions. I never have to feel left out when joining people for supper!

This lifestyle is awesome. Honestly, try it for a month and see the difference it makes for you! If you’re curious about what exactly I typically eat? Then check out my post entitled, “Now That I’ve Got It – A Typical Vegan Day“.

3-Day Refresh: Day 1 Reflection

Day 1 is complete! And I’m definitely waiting to see how today can be different, but here is what I’ve discovered from day 1:

#1: I was HUNGRY! For at least half or more of the day. But this leads to #2…

#2: Appreciation for food! Who knew veggies could taste so good…

#3: I love Shakeology! I love having something that I know is jam-packed with nutrients, but doesn’t taste bad! I think I might get hooked…



#4: I don’t like Vanilla Fresh and I unfortunately have to drink it twice a day. There are some guilt-free flavourings you’re allowed to use, so I may venture into creating a tasty mixture.

Maybe I need to make it fancy like this...

Maybe I need to make it fancy like this…

#5: The Fiber Sweep everyone seems to hate really isn’t that bad! It’s got a super refreshing lemon flavour, and mixed with the other ingredients reminds me of a lemon granola bar. I find it just fine.

Lemony fresh!

Lemony fresh!

#6: I feel good. I’ve never had a stomach problem, came home early this morning and did a ton of housework before sitting down, and overall just feel healthy.

#7: I am drinking so much water! It’s not even really something I think about because the Refresh relies so heavily on drinking water. I feel good about this!

#8: My workout last night went well! Even though I’m consuming much less calories than normal, I feel no different in the gym than I did before. Absolutely no energy loss.

So there’s my day 1. I’m currently drinking my new loved Shakeology and loving every sip of it. I actually wish I could switch the Vanilla Fresh and drink Shakeology three times a day. That would be perfect!