Week 13 Day 2: Extended

So today was the day of the official meeting. I didn’t feel like getting up and coming to work, but of course it’s what I need to do.

The meeting went better than I thought, but at the same time, I was told they’ll let me know the chosen consequences later. So I’m still not 100% settled that I’ll agree with what is decided, but I guess that’s part of the reason there are groups to talk about things, debate them, and decide together.

After the meeting, my husband and I decided that I should stay at school to get some grading done. It is my goal to have all grading done before Christmas break, and I got a ton of it done tonight!

My husband has cut my carbs severely, raised my fats slightly, and really raised my proteins. I’m back to counting macros! So I was very hungry as I didn’t find out about my plan until after already being at work. We decided we would go to Monglie Grill where I was able to create a stirfry with lots of protein (chicken, turkey and salmon) with veggies and avoided the main part of the carbs. Was it that good? No. I don’t enjoy eating things this way. My husband does. But I needed to have lots of protein, and I was simply unprepared today.

With the minimal amounts of food that still hit my system, I felt incredibly drowsy on the way home. In fact, I could barely keep my eyes open. We also had to stop and get groceries, and by the time that was done, my husband suggested a nap and I jumped on it. Unfortunately, our nap turned into a very long nap, and I ended up sleeping the night away.

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