Working Out at Home Vs. the Gym

There are so many programs out there for people to workout at home. These workouts are usually efficient and tend to require minimal equipment. They are great for people on a low budget that can’t afford gym fees!

Little resources, time efficient, workout sufficient.

Little resources, time efficient, workout sufficient.

Now, the gym, we all know has most, if not all of the equipment you’d need for workouts. You don’t have to buy anything, but you do need to pay a gym fee. You also run the risk of going to the gym at peak hours where it may be crowded, a problem you definitely do not run into at home.

I could easily live at a gym <3

I could easily live at a gym ❤

I’ve tried both, I honestly have. But I can definitely tell you I prefer one over the other. Can you guess which one?

Incase you really aren’t sure, it’s definitely working out at the gym. I just seem to lose so much motivation at home. I can think of so many things that need to be done, and I really don’t like trying to exercise and yet watch the TV at the same time to figure out if I’m doing the exercises properly.

At the gym, I have tonnes of people (or a few people if I’m lucky) that are all there for the same reason as I am: to workout! It’s a metal playground, a place where the only thing I can do is get fit! I love every minute of it. I could workout for hours if I had the time. Yet at home? I find it hard enough to make it through 30-45 minutes.

I’m a gym girl. Which are you?

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