Week 5 Day 2

What an awesome day today was! I woke up so happy and excited to go get my first load of Fresh Fit Foods. Today’s delivery was the 10 meals that will cover today and tomorrow. It’s so exciting to go pick up a bag with your name on it! I’m so excited!

Before I talk about the meals, I just want to update you on the workouts. Once again, today was still circuit training, but today was focused on back and legs. I felt so much stronger today which made me so happy. I also am starting to see the division line at the top of my abs. That makes me super happy! But a problem arose when I was doing supermans. I have this one rib muscle on my right side that pops out between my ribs sometimes. It hasn’t been aggravated in a long time, but today seemed to be a terrible day. I ended up getting my husband to help tie a flat-edged resistance band around my ribs to hold them together. I was able to finish the exercises requiring my abs this way. Definitely need to go make an appointment about this… I then finished my workout with 12 minutes of HIIT on the ArcTrainer. Definitely a solid workout!

So back to the meals… I decided to take pictures of the meals so you guys can share in my excitement. However, one didn’t make the camera… apparently I was too hungry to think of the picture until after it was gone. You’ll quickly see which one that is.

*Side note: My phone was dead, so I tried to position my laptop to take these pictures. Sorry for the bad quality. I’ll get better pics tomorrow!

Meal #1

Quinoa and Oatmeal with Cranberry Relish

Quinoa and Oatmeal with Cranberry Relish

Meal 2

Oatmeal Protein Muffin = Delicious!!

Oatmeal Protein Muffin = Delicious!!

Meal 3
(Oops.. must have eaten this one too fast…)
Ranch Land Chili (beans, lean beef, rice, etc… with yams)

Meal 4

Apples, Celery and Almond Butter

Apples, Celery and Almond Butter

Meal 5

Grilled Basa and Vegetables

Grilled Basa and Vegetables

These meals were so tasty, you could tell the products are completely wholesome and homemade, and they’re so convenient to grab out of the fridge and heat up. I’m so glad I’ve started this and look forward to the next 20 days! Off to bed for the first time in months ON TIME. Today has been a phenomenal day!

Changing Your Diet Doesn’t Have To Be Hard

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen people fail with diets. In fact the very word “diet” has so many negative associations. I am 100% using the term a lifestyle change because to me, a diet is temporary thus causing temporary results. I want something more permanent, something that will change my life.

Lately, I’ve been giving advice to a cousin of mine. She has paid for every fitness/diet program that has been available in her city. Every single one of them has either left her feeling horrible, or never gave consistent results. It just seemed so hard! And who can blame her?

Most diets require you to switch your entire daily life in an instant. If you’re an avid junk food eater, try having no junk food for a week, or even a couple of days. It’s almost like quitting smoking cold turkey. For most people, it’s hard!

But it doesn’t have to be that way. What I’ve been telling my cousin to do is to switch out things in her diet slowly. So for example, one week she tried switching regular fries for baked sweet potato fries, coconut oil instead of a canola oil, Ezekiel bread instead of regular breads, and other simple switches like this. The other thing she has been doing is trying to try a new food every week. She had never tried things like avocado before. So one week, she bought a couple to try, and found out she loved it! There went all of those fatty condiments out the window.

It’s not hard, and it doesn’t have to taste bad or even bland. One comment my cousin couldn’t believe is that the food tasted so good. And what did I do? I gave her support, I gave her ideas, and I gave her suggestions about wholesome, healthy food.

I will be going after my nutrition and fitness certificates this summer. I love being involved in the fitness world and seeing the positive effects on everyone. My cousin has lost 18 lbs for the month I have been helping her, and that includes no extensive exercise, simply walking and at-home yoga or pilates if she has the chance. The main result has been diet. She’s seen improvements in her own energy, she feels better, so many good things.

If you would like to make changes in your life, and need someone to support you, let me know. I’ve been heavily involved and have tried many different styles of workouts, many different diet plans, and I would love to help you. Most often, all we need is support, and when it comes to making lifestyle changes to be healthy, you definitely have mine!

Just remember, only about 10% of success happens in the gym; 90% is the battle in the kitchen. You can do it!

Extra Tip

If you’ve never tried this before, do it! You’ll be surprised how that candy craving goes away, and how delicious your new “candy” is!
