Fruit w/Salad Supper Day 7 – Healing Journey Day 44

Well, today has been an interesting day. It started off with some wonderful glasses of fresh-pressed orange juice mixed with blueberry juice. I honestly could drink variations of fresh orange juice every single day. I could NEVER grow sick of it.

I did the dishes after I finished drinking my juice, and started getting ready. Our first soccer game was at 5:45 pm and I had stuff to get done before then. Since tomorrow is a fully green juice day, I had to go get the green juices I ordered. This involved two stops: One at Splash Juicery and one at Glow Juicery. I picked up my 6 juices and hopefully will have enough for tomorrow. If not, I will be arriving back at Splash.

Following the juices, I had to stop at the grocery store to pick up a few things in preparation of the three green smoothie days I will have following my green juice day.

I finally came home and had just enough time to make some food and get ready for the soccer game. This is what I made, as simple as it was:


Vegetables are really so pretty! Anyways, my dip tonight contained one avocado, one stalk of celery, one Roma tomato, two stalks of green onion, the juice of half a lemon, and three florets of cauliflower. I later added some fresh dill to it to boost the flavour, but I probably could have used some extra lemon as well.

I was not able to finish all of this before the soccer game, so I finished it after. There was a mix-up, so I was unable to play the game anyways. But following the game, I did have a Fuji apple to eat on the way home.

Now, I believe I have mentioned Spud on this blog before, but I am bringing them up again because they are such an awesome company. In anticipation of the smoothie days coming up, I ordered a case of bananas from Spud. Spud is a local organic delivery service. You go on their website, select what you would like to buy, pay online, and voila: It shows up on your doorstep on delivery day. It’s wonderful. But not only is this company good with their selection and service, they also do extra things for their customers, such as writing hand-written thank you notes, or throwing in a free gift with your order. With my last order, they threw in a bag of sweet potatoes. Now, I won’t be eating sweet potatoes for quite a long time, so I took my sweet potatoes upstairs to my housemates and offered them to them. I then seized the opportunity to share where they came from and what an awesome company Spud is. So if you want to check out their services, click on

So that pretty much sums up my night. I’m actually looking forward to my green juice day tomorrow and I’m interested to see how my tastebuds have changed in regards to the less sweet flavours of so many greens.

Review of Symptoms:
-Energy is good, though slightly tired today. Haven’t been going to sleep before midnight, so that may have something to do with it.
-Acne is good and not good at the same time.
-Hair is still good on day 7.
-Need to drink more water.
-Skin needs exfoliated badly.

Weight at the end of the day = 168 lbs (up 0.8 lbs from yesterday)

Total Calories = 1333 (73% carbs, 17% fat, 10% protein… a little low in calories, a little high in fat)

At-Home Pet Vaccines, I Love Them!

So it all started a few months ago, when we realized that we’d have to start giving the puppies their vaccinations. They need vaccines at 4 weeks old, 8 weeks old, and 12 weeks old. Some people give them more, but this is all that is needed.

We started pricing vets for these vaccinations, and realized it was going to cost us easily over $200 per visit we made, making it probably around $700-$800 by the time we were done, not even including the rabies shots they would need at 12 weeks. Oh boy! Definitely living on a single income does not provide for that kind of spending in such a short time. So my husband began researching.

While we were in the city, he was able to find a vet pharmacy store close to us that would give us the puppy vaccinations for less than $10 each, including the syringes. So my husband hopped right over, got the necessary vaccines and equipment, learned from the vet how to give the medicine, and saved us a ton of money those first two months! I will also mention how proud I was of my husband as there is NO WAY I could have given them the needles.

Now that I’m in the states, however, it has been quite difficult to find a place that sells vaccines. I only came up with places online. I was going to go with PetMeds as most people know this one (commercials on tv), but they would only sell the vaccines in bulk, and I only needed 3.

Finally, I came across Doctors Foster and Smith. They sold the vaccines in singles, sold all the equipment and had amazing sales on other items that I bought such as dewormer, tick and flea stuff, and so much more. The prices are so cheap, and they give you direct instructions on everything you need to do on-line. Not only do they sell for dogs, but almost any animal that could be a pet.

When I placed the vaccines (and I ordered Bordatella “Kennel Cough” for all of them), it put in red a message saying that it was recommended to do a 1 or 2-day flying with UPS so that the vaccines would still be good by the time they got here. The problem isn’t the amount of time it takes, the problem is that they need to be kept cold. Of course I went with the 1-day overnight flight as I want to give my babies the best, and of course, UPS didn’t bring it to the house but took it to the mailboxes. When I found out they had been sitting there for 2 hours in the middle-of-the-day Colorado heat, I started freaking out.

Thankfully, this company is amazing. They had all of the vaccines wrapped in bags with ice packs surrounding them. For those tiny little vials of vaccines, I now have 10 ice packs that they had sent with them. They were still cold when I got there!

I love this company, and I am so impressed with the products they carry, their timeliness, and the care they take with their products. I definitely recommend using them for all of your pets needs (food, toys, necessities, etc…) and definitely to save a TON of money from any vaccinations your pet may need. I know I will be using them whenever I can!
