Week 11 Day 2

I woke up so sore today after yesterday’s double training session. My chest and my legs hurt so bad!! But to me, that means a successful workout and an opportunity for muscle growth, so I’ll take the pain any day!

School went well today. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, except for my class started their Planets presentations. They have been working on these presentations for a little over 2 weeks and for the 10 students that were ready to present today, I was blown away. The details in their presentations were phenomenal. The pictures they researched, the information, the animations within the presentations, some even had sounds, it was just phenomenal. I was so impressed with my students and looking forward to the next 10 presentations tomorrow.

After school, I waited around a little bit, grading homework, waiting for my husband to come and pick me up. It wasn’t too long of a wait, but he had to take the battery back out of my car so that we could exchange it while out to get groceries this evening.

My husband dreads grocery shopping, but we got our food, exchanged our battery and made it back home to eat and prepare to go to the gym. However, when the extra carbs I ate hit me, I desperately needed a nap. My body was still very much worn out from Sunday.

Unfortunately, we never got up from our nap. And at first, I was incredibly upset about this. But the more I thought about it, it was probably best to just fuel my body for the day with good foods to help the muscles heal before going back to destroy some more.