Angel at the CarWash

Something happened this weekend that can only be explained with God’s intervention. Read on to see for yourself.

My husband and I took his truck to the carwash. We had a free coupon, so we ended up at a carwash where you pay for tokens and then manually wash the vehicle yourself in one of the bays inside the building. Of course, we luckily didn’t have to pay for the tokens since we had a free coupon for some.

Washing the truck went fine, and it looked much better afterwards.

As my husband was backing out of his bay, his truck stopped and simultaneously started revving very high. He tried to hit the brakes (as it was still in reverse), then tried shifting it to neutral and then park but the truck did not stop revving high. He then quickly shut off his truck.

Upon a small inspection, sitting in the middle of the building, somehow the gas pedal had gotten stuck on the mat, and so it was thankfully an easy fix.

But let me ask you a question: If the truck was continuously in reverse, why did the truck stop instead of hitting the red truck directly behind us, possibly crushing the man washing it?

It’s things like these that remind me God is still here. His angels are here. There is no reason that truck should have stopped. Theoretically we should have continued going backwards and doing the awful damage mentioned before. I am still getting a fast heartbeat just thinking about it. But God is the God of everything, and I will never cease to be thankful for what He did, has done, and will do.