Sometimes Your World Gets Shaken

I’m sure many of you have seen on the news about the Moncton, NB man that was dressed in camo with military rifles. He’s killed 3 officers and wounded 2 others. This whole epidemic started early yesterday evening and has continued through the night and on through today. A manhunt like the East coast has not seen in a very long time (if ever).

Normally, I understand this happens in the news. I understand that I currently live in a city where crime is a regular thing. But I grew up in New Brunswick. I grew up in the tiny province where we went around without a care. Yes, there were little bad things, but nothing to this extent. So for me, this is huge.

What else makes it huge for me is that my family is still in NB. So naturally, I sat for quite awhile trying to think of anyone that I knew that might live in Moncton. Thankfully, I’m pretty sure all my family live elsewhere, but I do have a friend who is outside the lockdown area, and her husband and daughter are within it. Now that is a stress I cannot imagine.

But out of this whole situation, I’ve come to realize a few things.

#1: He’s not after everyday civilians. He’s after cops. He has a problem with the government, the gun law, the corrupt police. And unfortunately it’s being taken out on all police, without distinction. It seems to me tht cops have a certain place in his mind and all are branded as the evil ones, rather than the few who have shown corruption. This is a sad fact to face 😦

#2: This is what anger can do to you. He’s obviously been angry about these issues for quite awhile. The amount of angry posts that were posted before he went about were numerous and strong. He held in his anger for too long, and exploded in this way. This will not resolve ANYTHING.e#3: This whole situation has brought out the worst in people. From people telling him to kill other people, from people saying that he’s doing the right thing and making him out to be a hero, and from people giving death wishes to the people who support him, almost everyone has shown a dark side. I honestly couldn’t believe the things I was seeing and felt sickened by the whole thing.

#4: Human judgement is more than corrupt. He believes he is doing justice by killing these officers and making a statement. But is it not wrong to murder no matter who you are? Would you not want to attack the people that killed your family regardless of what they’ve done? Is it right to assume that every cop is corrupt when perhaps you’ve just killed some of the only ones who are just?

The world cannot and should not run like this. Can you imagine, if every time someone gets mad, they went around shooting everyone? The world would have no people left. Anger causes such horrible judgement, and for what gain? The gun law won’t be lessened. In fact, as many are predicting, it will be tightened. His cause has not been accomplished, other than publicity and a dead end to life. I wish the world would cease these incidents, but the sad fact of reality is that this is all part of the end times of which God speaks of in Revelation. But the promise I hold ever so tightly is that Jesus will return; He will come and take us home with Him in Heaven. A place where there will be no more tears, no pain and no suffering. A place where incidents like this will cease to exist. A place where love is the way in which life is constantly lived. A selflessness of service to each other instead of a selfishness of wanting our own ways, especially enough to kill others. I pray for this world and for the people in it. I pray for the people in Moncton that are still locked in their homes. And I pray for the RCMP that are trying to find him, for their rest, their endurance, and their skill that they will find him and end this soon.

Until then, my heart and prayers go out to those who are in Moncton. Stay safe and know that prayers are being sent for your safety and especially for the families of the fallen soldiers. This war needs to end soon.