You Have To Ask Yourself This!

Hello everyone,

I saw this question last night, and it hit me, bang on! If this question had been posed to me, I would have only had one answer, and still do. Here is the question:


Honestly, if you care about your body at all, and the only change is not getting rid of something but simply replacing it with something better, how could you say no? Normal coffee is dehydrating, acidic, causes a caffeine crash, etc… And yet OG has infused coffee with ganoderma and it completely erases all of these negative things! And not only does it erase them, but it actually ADDS health benefits such as increased energy, better immunity, HYDRATES, lowers blood pressure, etc… The list of health benefits goes on and on. And with OG, you can get paid to drink coffee. No joke. It’s the easiest thing I’ve ever done and got paid to do.

So I want you to ask yourself this morning, why would I continue down a path that is not making me any better when there is an opportunity set before me where I don’t have to get rid of anything, I don’t have to change any habits, but I simply change the product in which I drink? Why damage my body when I can benefit it? Why do I sit and drink what the majority of the world drinks when I could be drinking something that only 1% of coffee drinkers worldwide have been drinking and feeling the most amazing of their lives?

The thing is, OG is a newer company, but the results have been astounding. I could tell you stories of people I’ve personally talked to that have been able to remove medications (blood pressure pills, morphine for pain) just because of drinking OG daily. I could tell you stories of the man who was able to get rid of his oxygen tank because of drinking OG products. I could tell you of the energetic people they have become because of OG. I could tell you so many things and give you a million reasons why OG coffee, tea, and other gourmet products are the way to go. And the best part is, coffee has no limits! OG is in 33 countries!!

So ask yourself, what is really stopping me from being in the healthiest state of my life? What is stopping me from trying to get rid of daily medications or pains like the people stated before? Why am I suffering when I could be happier? And why am I not trying this product today?

Message me and I will have your free samples sent out by the end of the week. This is not something you’re going to want to miss. Take the chance, make the change, and see the way your life becomes better!

Detox Without Changing Your Diet!

All the time we are seeing “Detox” ads. Ads for juicing detoxes, ads for whole food detoxes, and ads for bottles of pills or liquids that you take with strict diets that allow your body to detox.

Let me first tell you that a detox is a great idea! A lot of the food we eat is full of chemicals and preservatives and who knows what else! A lot of things that should never enter our bodies is entering quietly and unnoticed. A detox will help your body get rid of these things.

Another reason a detox is an excellent idea is the very fact of body efficiency. I will pre-warn you that this next comment grossed me out but changed my life forever. I once read in an article that some of our bodies are so inefficient at getting rid of the “extras” in our bodies that we can daily carry around 10 lbs of “sludge” in our intestines! I won’t go into any more details, but how awful is that! Not to mention most people want to lose 10 lbs, but also to know that poisonous “sludge” in staying in there! YUCK!

The difficult part about the common “detox” program is the fact of the limitations of food. Now by all means, I will encourage you until the day I die to eat healthy. There is nothing like eating healthy for your body. But I will never encourage a small amount of food entering your body. I cringe when I see people starving themselves to lose weight (or whatever the reason may be). The best part is, you don’t have to.

There is a new “coffee/tea/hot chocolate/supplement” that will help your body detox without EVER changing a single food in your diet. Again, it is best, no matter what, to eat healthier. But even if you don’t, these new drinks/supplements will still help your body daily detox itself! How much easier can it really get? You still get to drink your coffee or your tea, your kids can still drink their hot chocolate, and yet instead of drinking ones that have negative effects on your body, all of those negative effects are GONE and you have added health benefits including a daily detox for your body! It’s amazing and completely blows my mind!


I’ve always enjoyed a mocha. A mocha is a half coffee, half hot chocolate. My problem with most coffee shops that offer mochas is the extreme richness and overflowing sugars that are in them. I now drink a good hot mocha twice a day from the comfort of wherever I may be at the time, and I can tell you the amazing difference and change I have seen in the detox of my body alone. I’m amazed.

If you’d like to try the product, message me. I’d love to tell you more about it and even send you some free samples. I have always disliked sales people who are pushy and don’t seem to care, and I sincerely hope you don’t feel as if I’m being that way. I never support products I don’t believe in and when it comes to our health, that’s the most important. You only get one life to live, so why not make it the best life you can. Treat your body the best you can and you’ll see the difference your body will do for you!
