Week 7 Day 7

Today was an interesting day. As you can probably guess, the first part of this day was focussed on sleeping. Man, I can’t remember the last time I was this exhausted! But anyways.

I got up and did a little bit of cleaning and a little bit of laundry. Just enough to keep us going. I’m pretty sure I’d need to have 3 days to clean this house at the point it’s gotten. It’s so overwhelming. I hate it. I’m really struggling with this.

Later in the day, towards evening, my husband and I decided we needed to get out of the house, so we decided to go to a movie. The only thing was, there were no movies we both wanted to see. So we did something we’ve NEVER done before. We both went to see our own movie that played close to the same time.

The problem is, I cannot handle violent and brutal movies. I just can’t. And my husband obviously tends to go more towards that action-type movie. Whereas he doesn’t like “little-kid” movies and I do. So this day, there were no half-way agreeable movies, and this was the best we could do.

The movie I saw was Alexander and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. I can remember reading this book when I was younger, and so to me, this would be a classic! The movie was actually well done and I quite enjoyed it. It even made me laugh! It’s a great family choice!

My movie finished a little before my husband’s, so I had to wait for a few minutes. But it was nice to be able to sit down and discuss the movies we saw with each other. I don’t know how often I’d want to see separate movies, but it wasn’t such a bad experience.

Later that evening, we decided to go to our old gym, the one we absolutely loved. This was good because I was able to finish yesterday’s workout. The only problem is that I never should have done half a chest workout one day to finish a chest workout the next day. My chest was hurting SO BAD. I could barely do the rest of the workout.

Note to self: If doing a certain muscle group, finish that muscle group that day.

We also took a trip down memory lane by going to a restaurant that we use to go to all the time. It turned into a bit of a date night after all! ❤