My House is Shaking…

Yesterday morning, as I was sitting in bed, I felt my bed shake! At first, I thought it was all in my head. But then it happened again. Then I started wondering if there was a critter hiding in my mattress (seriously.. I don’t live in the wilderness…). Then it happened again and again. I wen through thoughts of someone hitting our house, the neighbours doing something big enough to shake the rest the building (this would take a lot!), a reaction of an earthquake (which we’ve never had that I know of), and many other things.

This building is 50+ years old. So a huge concern was that maybe the place is going to collapse, but it all made sense when I heard a few large smashes.

Across from us is a school. On the other side of the school is of course the teacher’s parking lot. They have all of the construction equipment over there to dig it up and redo it or do some underground work or something. Everytime they dig up the ground or make some large movement, it causes a shaking reaction that reaches our building.

It is kind of scary knowing how old our building is, but at the same time, such a relief that it’s not all in my head! Whew!

My Squat Solution

As many of you know, I struggle with squats using a barbell. I have tried so many different ways regarding my stance, regarding working on my flexibility (forever a work in progress), and so many other things, but it is still something I continue to struggle with. Now this is not saying my squats haven’t improved, but it’s not irregular for me to feel like I’m doing good and then the next time, feel like I’m struggling terribly. So I saw something new and decided to try it.

I went over to the smith machine, and went to squat. I couldn’t believe how easy and form-fixing it was! I don’t have a concern in the world about my squats while I’m on the smith machine. I even upped the weight by 50 pounds in one session, and feel like I could do more. It’s seriously the best experiment I’ve ever done. Try it for yourself!