Week 9 Day 4

I am so tired. I only got a couple hours of sleep last night and I’m sad to report I’m still not done grading! Ugh. It never ends. My husband had to wake me up and basically had to force me to get up. I’m so thankful for him. I’m not sure I would have made it to work if he hadn’t.

Work was good but a little crazy today. I’m not sure what has happened to the students this week, but they are way more hyper than normal. It’s been a little insane.

After work, I did more grading. I also had to run to the post office to get errands done, and then eventually made it to the gym. Thankfully, today I did an ab exercise and 25 minutes cardio and was done to continue more grading. It seems like the grading won’t end…

I wore my Sweet Sweat belt again. I really love this thing. It does seem to be a little bulky, but I feel better with it on and feel better after I’ve worn it. Since coming home from the gym, I’m fighting sleep and trying to get grading done. I am definitely looking forward to getting sleep. I am so tired…