Challenge Your Beliefs

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to work on my relationship with Christ. I want Him to be my first thought in every situation. I want Him to consume every detail of my life. I want to spend more time with Him. I want there to be no doubt that He is the priority of my life.


I have begun reading a book called, “The AntiChrist Agenda: Ten Commandments Twice Removed” by Danny Shelton and Shelley J. Quinn. On page 17, Shelley is quoted saying that God impressed upon her to “Forget what you think you know and come sit at My feet – I will teach you.”


One of the best things I have learned and encourage everyone (young and old) to do is to not take peoples’ teachings at face value. We live in a very privileged country where we have access to Bibles. Read it for yourself! Take a pastor’s idea and research it for yourself. You have access to historical accounts to cross-reference. You have the ability to get Bible reference books that help you connect verses about the same topics within the Bible and even provide extra historical perspective. We have so much available to us. And yet, even with all of this available, I encourage you to also pray before you begin your studies. Pray to have God’s eyes open yours. Pray for Him to place upon you the understanding that you need. Pray for Him to help you dig through your beliefs to find out what is really true. God will help you when you ask, so don’t be afraid. Sure, it takes time. But knowing the truth is worth the time it takes.


Challenge your beliefs. Put your soul at rest. Really get to know your God. And join me in making Him a priority this year. 

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