Week 7 Day 5

I could barely get out of bed this morning. I am past the point of physical exhaustion, and well into mental exhaustion. I think the flag football tournament last weekend really messed me up. I’ve had no down time with the meetings and work I’ve been trying to catch up on. Not to mention my husband’s time with me has decreased and my house, well, let’s just say there is no way I’m letting anyone come through my door. I’m embarrassed. Somehow, I have to find time.

Today was a pretty normal day at work. Although the kids still had lots of questions and conversations they wanted to talk about which is fine. After all, it is Thursday and we don’t have school on Fridays so their minds are prepping for the weekend.

After work, I had another long meeting. I am also on the Social Committee which we’ve renamed InReach. We’re in  charge of planning staff retreats, monthly staff encouragement activities, spiritual growths, as well as any staff parties. Oh my goodness… and I thought my plate was full already. I’m starting to get scared of the workload, I really am. But it will be through God’s strength that these things get done, not my own. I know that for a fact.

This evening, somehow, we made it to the gym. It was my second leg workout of the week completed in three circuits. Legs kill me every time; every time. So I was more than happy when it was time to come home and go to bed.

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