An Immediate Difference

I can be a very skeptical person. People cannot easily “sell” me on something unless they can prove their product works. Of course, that can mean that sometimes I might miss out on some good products either because they malfunctioned at the moment or I just have never given something a second glance. But throughout the years, there are some I’ve never regretted.

I have dedicated my coffee drinking over to my OG products. It had been well over a month since I have had any other coffee. Even though I had already noticed some differences while drinking it, I decided to do an official test of my own.

Last night, I was tired. Actually, it was only 3:00 in the afternoon. I was in a napping stage on the coach, ready to fall asleep when it was time to go to the gym. I wasn’t working out (it was a day off), but I still go sit in the common food court area while my husband works out and work on whatever I have to do. Because I was so tired, I didn’t think to bring my OG products, and instead bought a coffee from the coffee shop that was there (a chain of which I will leave unnamed). Nothing fancy, no sugar in it, and yet I immediately noticed a difference, and not a good one.

You see, although coffee can give you energy, it has always given me a edge of not feeling good, something that is not quite right. The worst part is, I never even knew it! I didn’t realize how horrible normal coffee made me feel until I had my first one after months yesterday. What a difference!

OG products, with the ganoderma they contain, erase these negative effects, and I’m standing here (well sitting) to tell you that it’s true. I have never felt that way drinking OG coffee, and yet my one other coffee in over a month makes me feel bad. It’s not a coincidence, it’s hard evidence.

I’m all about health, and if you are too, I encourage you to try OG products. I see the importance of sharing something when I’ve found works for so many people. If you would like to see a difference in your health and life, let me know! OG is in so many countries, and coffee is an international product. I would love to send you some samples so you can become healthy while not having to give up your coffee.

As the OG phrase says: It’s easy. It’s simple. It’s coffee.

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