This Will Make You Think!

I have a habit (whether good or bad) of checking my Newsfeed on my Facebook quite frequently. I mostly skim through things, but every once in awhile, something grabs my attention. Today it was a quote:

Faith means believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse.

Wow. What a new definition of faith.

I stopped and started thinking about all the things I’m going through right now, the things that I may question “WHY” to, the things that don’t make sense to me. I truly believe that humanity is widely scared of the future because the future to us is the unknown. A lot of us get settled in the comfortable and are scared of changing for fear of the unknown. Or I’ve met people who are scared of being settled for also their fear of the unknown. We don’t take risks because we fear would could happen. The unknown outright scares us.

To add to that, the events we add the two questions to: “IF….” and “Why…?”. How many times have I asked myself the “if” question, let alone the “why” question. It is not unusual for a really big decision to come my way, and it actually take a month for my nerves to calm when I can see the benefits of a change. One example of this was moving. We have had problems at our current apartment, and quite frankly have outgrown it. Yet I was more comfortable staying at a place for almost 2 years that wasn’t right because I knew how to handle it. It was a comfortable place for me. And yet an opportunity came for a better place. A place that was bigger, that hopefully has no or at least less problems when we do go view it before moving in, and I freaked out. The thought of finding time to pack, finding time to clean my apartment, the finances involved with moving, the budget I have in my head if we move, whether I’ll actually like the neighbourhood, a million “IF” questions.

Or consider the “why” question. During this ONE month, I am tackling designing and researching and gathering and the process of going live with a new website for my school. As the new communications rep for the school, that also included creating, updating, and maintaining a school Facebook, a school Twitter, as well as my own classes Edmodo. Not only that, but I am still heavily studying and doing assignments for my two college courses while also full-time teaching. Not only that, my mother is coming to visit this week, which of course would be the weekend before my provincial evaluation which can either secure my career or end it. Not only that, the amount of prep work that goes into a provincial evaluation is insane. Not only that, I do try to have a home life with my husband and our dogs. Not only that, we haven’t had a functioning washing machine in our apartment for nearly 8 weeks of 2014 (currently it’s not working). Not only that, I have to try and find the time to pack up my apartment and clean if we can move before the end of the month. Not only that, but I refuse to give up my 6 day a week visits to the gym because sometimes I feel that’s the only thing keeping me sane. Not only that, but I try to upkeep with chores, dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc… as I believe a wife should. Not only that, but I’ve seemed to become a sort of school counsellors for many students that have questions about God and life. Not only that… and the list could go on. And sometimes, when the load catches up to me, I sit back and ask the dreaded question, “Why? Why do I have to be so busy? Why am I the one so many people depend on? Why can’t I ever have a nice vacation like other people do? Why?”

I know my questions may seem trivial. I mean, people everyday question why family members have to get sick. Why someone close had to die. Why you’ve just lost your job, your house, your health, your mobility. And yet these are all good questions, questions that I believe we may never get the answer to until the day comes when we meet God face-to-face.

But God promises, whether in this life on Earth, or when God returns, we will know the answers, and it will ALL make sense. I don’t see God as just a man sitting on His throne watching the world be destroyed. I do believe that God allows things to happen for reasons we may not know. But I do know that God knows the future, and God knows us. There is a reason for your question, there is a security in knowing that God already has the answers for your “IF” questions, your “WHY” questions. We just need to have faith that someday, in hindsight, it will all make sense to us.

Put your life in God’s hands, and know that those hands are stronger than anything Satan or this world can throw at you. God loves you and someday, you’ll understand.

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